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    Свинья в апельсинах

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out of what place is seismic going? i guess people just write their thoughts...

May be, the place he (she)'s determined for me? I thought it was free discussion and I could, as anybody else, reiterate, interprete, misunderstand, invent - whatever happens when people duscuss such an elusive notion as "dream".
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Nemo, the story says the following: she wanted to escape this family terror by her father and brother, she was a heavy-working girl of just 17...but nothing she did with excellence was good for her father...he told her, her mother, her sisters, that animals are much better, because they bring benefit, whereas women NOT!!

Besides, the young man that made her pregnant promissed to marry her, he loved her etc. But when he knew he refused to do so! She left alone...she knew this was a sin because she's a muslim, but Koran does not teach to be cruel, does not teach to behave as like man of all kind better than woman

I have already read this book too. Beside I have the similar books. But the action takes in Saudi Arabia.
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    Бывалый Крушенец

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Great people have Great dreams (and Great people are not necessarily rich)

People make money.
Money does not make the man.
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If you want to understand why seismic go out of place just read last 2 pages. I hope you will understand.

About law of identity:
If you talk about subject A you mustn't mix another subject B.
We talked about what dream is, now we are talking about possibility of dream. We haven't disclosed one theme and jump to another. And it's never-ending talk without results.
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If you want to understand why seismic go out of place just read last 2 pages. I hope you will understand.

About law of identity:
If you talk about subject A you mustn't mix another subject B.
We talked about what dream is, now we are talking about possibility of dream. We haven't disclosed one theme and jump to another. And it's never-ending talk without results.

then i guess you misunderstand something also - the last topic offered by Sinaya was "what is the car of your dream". while starting with your answer to her we discuss "what dreams are about"... pretty strange for me... i guess i am out of place again :)

Сообщение отредактировал Nastaska: 22.10.2008, 09:01:37

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but it depends also on wallet of every person -about dreams..
someone who is poor and he dreams about getting good car -who knows may be it is his main dream..
but as usual people are considered to have many dreams in their lifes :)

I didn't talk about wallets, i talked about right definition of "dream". And i think dreams don't depend from wallets. Do you think that fly on the moon depended from money? It's just dream, you just as most of people talk not what you think about ;)
Maybe you meant that realization of dream depends from money?

of course almoust all (big) dreams depend on the size of wallet,,example: my dream was to go to Paris..(to see it and die :D ) - I did not have sponsors..-that is why I had tokeep money for the tickets and hotel to stay in France....
but if you have simple dream such as to try to collect all the stars in the sky...it is easy :)
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    Свинья в апельсинах

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of course almoust all (big) dreams depend on the size of wallet,,example: my dream was to go to Paris..(to see it and die :D ) - I did not have sponsors..-that is why I had tokeep money for the tickets and hotel to stay in France....
but if you have simple dream such as to try to collect all the stars in the sky...it is easy :)

At least, you can die in Paris for free (just kidding) . But some dreams are cheap enough :) . Once I had heard my colleague from Russia said: "I read books in English as easily as I do in Russian - it doesn't matter which language the book ik is written in." That moment I swore that I would be able to say the same some day later. This dream has come true and it didn't cost me much ;) .
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that is good, for not everything in the world is measured in money :)
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2 Mr. Pumpkin. If u gonna talk as a professor or just a man who learned all the dictionary, with englishmen or american, they would laugh at u. because nobody talk like u talk in here, simple and short but not падонкоффский язык.

If you are still here, I will answer you that talking refined language is not something exeptional. you don't have to use much of informal words to sound well. Just listen to Barrack Obama etc. in their TV appearances.
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Once I had heard my colleague from Russia said: "I read books in English as easily as I do in Russian - it doesn't matter which language the book ik is written in." That moment I swore that I would be able to say the same some day later. This dream has come true and it didn't cost me much :laugh: .

Very brave remark. I think it is impossible. You will never improve your second language skill to the level of your MOTHER tongue. :(
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    Свинья в апельсинах

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Once I had heard my colleague from Russia said: "I read books in English as easily as I do in Russian - it doesn't matter which language the book ik is written in." That moment I swore that I would be able to say the same some day later. This dream has come true and it didn't cost me much :laugh: .

Very brave remark. I think it is impossible. You will never improve your second language skill to the level of your MOTHER tongue. :(

I know what I'm talking about. Reading is not like speaking or writing. I can evenly enjoy the style, language and vocabulary of both English (American, Indian, etc.) and Russian authors.
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2 Mr. Pumpkin. If u gonna talk as a professor or just a man who learned all the dictionary, with englishmen or american, they would laugh at u. because nobody talk like u talk in here, simple and short but not падонкоффский язык.

If you are still here, I will answer you that talking refined language is not something exeptional. you don't have to use much of informal words to sound well. Just listen to Barrack Obama etc. in their TV appearances.

nice example :)
that is why he looks like stupid man using such unformal language (President should not speak like this) :)
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    Свинья в апельсинах

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Does Barrack Obama use a lot of slang?!!! I've probably missed something. I saw all the debates and didn't noyice anything unacceptable - can you drop me a link, please?
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but it depends also on wallet of every person -about dreams..
someone who is poor and he dreams about getting good car -who knows may be it is his main dream..
but as usual people are considered to have many dreams in their lifes :)

I have another opinion, I think our dreams do not depend on our wallet. But - our purposes (or aims) depend on it. I have a car, it is rather good one, but I still want smth better ;)... Smth bigger, faster, more comfortable and etc., and I also want it to be "changable in colours" (I mean it should have the option to change the colour :laugh: ). And it would be nice if it can fly... and to be a submarine :lol: .

10 years ago I also could only dream about "speaking, reading, understanding", now I can. It's perfect that almost all our dreams depends on us. And if it's a real dream - it will become true.

P.S. I'm dreamig of a good sallary and good job :) (forget about my first sentenses :eek: ) . All offered positions have the same salary level as it was 2 years ago...
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    Свинья в апельсинах

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P.S. I'm dreamig of a good sallary and good job :rolleyes: (forget about my first sentenses :-) ) . All offered positions have the same salary level as it was 2 years ago...

Just be parient, this is not a good time for high salaries - global financial crisis, etc. I am sure you will find a job of your dreams!
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P.S. I'm dreamig of a good sallary and good job :rolleyes: (forget about my first sentenses :-) ) . All offered positions have the same salary level as it was 2 years ago...

Just be parient, this is not a good time for high salaries - global financial crisis, etc. I am sure you will find a job of your dreams!

+1 you have good English, it's a big plus in comparison to others our days... what is your occupation by the way?
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If repercussions of the global credit crunch happen to be of interest, you are welcome to join our discussions this coming saturday - http://vse.kz/index....c...t&p=6783471
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what is your occupation by the way?

Sales, marketing, distribution (experience in telecommunications).

By the way, does anybody know the translation agencies? Just thinking about english-russian translations while I'm sitting at home, but I'm afraid that even professional tranlators with diploma can have some problems becouse of crisis.

Сообщение отредактировал Sinaya: 24.10.2008, 07:24:42

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    Истина, как она есть

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Hi people!
All the same, why we don’t meet somewhere few times a month?
Once I was a member of some sort English speakers club. It was great!
Then the majority of clubmen have left in different countries and club has
dead. With some I correspond till now.
Or the reason of passivity that the majority here are from Astana? :)
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Michael Madsen

Michael Madsen


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2 Seismic. U either saw it or watched it? ))) Saw it, like u were actually at the debates itself in the front rows?
Of course politicians doesn't speak by the slang just usual combinations, and i never have spoken slang in here, i was just simplifying it, with no offence to whom whatever it would seems to be.
Seismic u can watch all the tv shows and read the whole congress library but u will not speak and write as a ordinary american, i'm judging it by the previous posts of yours darling.
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