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As for you second question, I think it was me who said I can easily read and understand literature in English. I worked hard to get this feeling (or this skill) but now it is not difficult at all. This how I feel - I am a reading person. I cannot skate or do maths, or sing but it does not mean other people cannot do it. So, if reading in foreign language is a real challenge for somebody it does not mean it is challenging for me. We all are so different :laugh: .

1. I would correct you. " This is how i feel". You missed the verb: it means that your grammar understanding is not clear (your mistake is very very typical). So you can't feel the language really well.
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the key issue is learn how to speak and spell and pronounce word like american, that is a problem for most of the folks.

i'm not seismic, but it is funny that you say "like american" - there are thousands of americans and they all speak differently! accents differ from state to state, from person to person. thus, i don't understand how can you learn to pronounce word "like american"...

that's right! and as I remember not only americans speak eng ... don't forget about british ppl , and they pronounce evth in quit diff. way then americans .
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Добрый вечер, посоветуйте English club, желательно по субботам, хотя не критично, раньше ходил в КАУ, сейчас закрыли, буду очень признателен...
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Вечерь добрый!
Раньше в КАУ инглиш клаб вел Джонатан Пикслер. Сейчас он работает в КИМЭПе и продолжает вести клаб по понедельникам вечером там (точно не знаю).
Так как наше обсуждение заходит в тупик или принимает вид "зеленой луковицы" (сам придумал),предлагаю пообсуждать англоидные блоги-интересные темки, проанализировать трудные англоидоносные выражения и посмеяться их иностранной глупости ( а мы то "самые умные" в мире,так нас учили в "совке" и до сих пор учат в современной Руссии- в последнее время особенно активно,пытаясь наверстать и покрыть унижение 90-тых).
Также нужно закрывать глаза на выпендреж по поводу знания языка,ибо это неотвратимо. Следовательно, нужно относится к подобному как к первородному греху.
Кстати,коснемся христиан ( протестантов). Есть среди них такие группы,называемые харизматами. Это несколько сумасшедшие последователи Христа.

Wonkette posted this interesting photo of people worshipping the golden calf Wall Street bull in order to save the stock market. Here's what PZ Myers had to say about it:
Did you know that some Christian dingbat has dubbed today the “Day of Prayer for the World’s Economies?” Well here they are, at the Wall Street bull statue thing, praying to Jesus for money. The dingbat has explained, “We are going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the ‘Lion’s Market,’ or God’s control over the economic systems.”
Exodus 32:
8They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

9And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:

10Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.

Заимствовано мной из www.boingboing.net/

Сообщение отредактировал mrpumpkin: 01.11.2008, 21:34:19

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I would like to quote some comments about this article

in related news, the government has issued a brand new form of currency: golden bullshit, and the future smells brighter already !

This is so typical of the media (particularly Boing Boing as of late) to see an opportunity to ridicule people who think differently than they do based on ignorant assumptions. Who says they're worshipping the bull? They're praying to Jesus and they chose the bull as a meeting place. They're praying for the economy, and the bull represents the economy. So if they were worshipping the bull, they'd have to be praying *to* the economy, not for it.

And here I thought having an omnipresent God meant Christians wouldn't need places or churches to worship... This is why the whole idea of 'Organized Religion' is seen as corrupt. You really DONT need to provide pittance every weekend for that super-OMG-megachurch, you could... just a thought... simply pray.

Im not Christian or religious myself, but if they were truly to Jesus why would they even need to meet at the bull statue? The act of congregating around it, touching it, praying to it - if not direct worship, that's pretty much worshipping the ideal that the statue represents.

Please Jesus! Let us keep driving our giant SUVs and for God's sake don't let Obama let our wealth get 'spread around' to those less fortunate than ourselves! Pffft.

We in the "West" used to laugh at people in India, S.E. Asia etc for lunatic, childish, crazy religious displays like this. Now America is joining in. I hope that this kind of shit never happens in Europe.

Pryng t th Bll fr cnmc prsprty s n wrs thn thnkng tht vtng fr bm wll d s gd.

The whole idea of praying to fix the economy is ridiculous. Of course they don't think they're praying to the bull, it just really looks bad in a humorous way.

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through Pink Glasses

through Pink Glasses
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Hello everyone! I just found this forum while looking for a place where I can have some good discussions in English )) Hopefully, this is the right one ))
But I do not like very much discussing politics and religious concerns..
So, is there anyone who would like to talk on other subjects?
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Добрый вечер, посоветуйте English club, желательно по субботам, хотя не критично, раньше ходил в КАУ, сейчас закрыли, буду очень признателен...

тема актуальна...
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_o m e r t a_

_o m e r t a_
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Hello everyone! I just found this forum while looking for a place where I can have some good discussions in English )) Hopefully, this is the right one ))
But I do not like very much discussing politics and religious concerns..
So, is there anyone who would like to talk on other subjects?

Now my english is not well (very bad), but i need improve it. We could discuss music, or movie or something else...
But i have a big problem with oral speech, and i need find place take a turn for the better my pronunciation and orally understanding речи
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Now my english is not well (very bad), but i need improve it. We could discuss music, or movie or something else...
But i have a big problem with oral speech, and i need find place take a turn for the better my pronunciation and orally understanding речи

If you wish to get your eng impoved only communication with native speakers can really be effective. And most of all ppl have a problem with oral speech , and can't speak well even understand everything ...
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through Pink Glasses

through Pink Glasses
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Hello everyone! I just found this forum while looking for a place where I can have some good discussions in English )) Hopefully, this is the right one ))
But I do not like very much discussing politics and religious concerns..
So, is there anyone who would like to talk on other subjects?

Now my english is not well (very bad), but i need improve it. We could discuss music, or movie or something else...
But i have a big problem with oral speech, and i need find place take a turn for the better my pronunciation and orally understanding речи

Sure, we can discuss it. I think, firstly you should learn more grammar, as you have grammar mistakes. And after that you can improve your speech

So, what will we start from? what about travelling?
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_o m e r t a_

_o m e r t a_
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Sure, we can discuss it. I think, firstly you should learn more grammar, as you have grammar mistakes. And after that you can improve your speech

So, what will we start from? what about travelling?

I have already been working on my grammar, but it is complicated for me.
Traveling it's ok.
Recently i was on vacation. I had a trip to Thailand. It's very-very nice place. I went there with my friend. We were on Samui island about two weeks. It is cheap place, we all the time was amazed with prices. We had been afraid that it would be raining, before that. But fortunately weather was just fine, and I even burned down. (сгорела?)
Thai english is terrible.I used only "NO", "HOw much?", "expensive " (couse everybody bargain on price there)

I can continue my story but not now, couse my brain is tired.. :)
What about you?
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_o m e r t a_

_o m e r t a_
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Now my english is not well (very bad), but i need improve it. We could discuss music, or movie or something else...
But i have a big problem with oral speech, and i need find place take a turn for the better my pronunciation and orally understanding речи

If you wish to get your eng impoved only communication with native speakers can really be effective. And most of all ppl have a problem with oral speech , and can't speak well even understand everything ...

I know. but i haven' t opportunity for regular speaking with native speakers (i can't found english club)...
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you can find english clubs at KIMEP. For example, on mondays (evening) with Jonathan Pixler.
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you can find english clubs at KIMEP. For example, on mondays (evening) with Jonathan Pixler.

можно уточнить точное время и аудиторию?
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Hi everybody, I am the new on this forum. Actually, I have the same mistakes with gramma as all of us. But I am not native speaker and it doesn't shake me. Facilitators evaluate me as in mid of advance level, but sometimes I lose articles, make wrong prepositions and mix my pronounsation with German or Russian.

The most impotant thing is that how you can use your vocabulary and how confident you are in the speech. The more vocabulary and phases you have the lightly speech you are.
Go forward and shame !

P.S. If somebody corrects my mistake here I will be very grateful.
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Omerta, u made a complex of mistakes in your posts... Check it :cry:

I haven't spoken with native speakers for about a year, and i think that I'm forgetting English =(
Maybe here I can improve it or just stop the process of forgetting :weep:
Damn, I actually don't have enough time to go to special clubs, where people speak English with native speakers... I had a friend from Ireland, but he left KZ =(
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Hi everybody, I am the ( не нужен) new on this forum. Actually, I have the same mistakes with gramma as all of us. But I am not (а) native speaker and it doesn't shake me (молодец). Facilitators evaluate me as in mid of advance level, but sometimes I l(о)ose articles ( я тоже), make wrong prepositions ( я тоже иногда) and mix my pronouns(i)ation with German or Russian (стоит поработать над этим).

The most impotant thing is that how you can use your vocabulary and how confident you are in the speech. The more vocabulary and phases you have the lightly speech you are (переделать это неуклюжее предложение).
Go forward and shame (добавить смысл)!

P.S. If somebody corrects my mistake here I will be very grateful.

Your way of writing is fine but you need to be more accurate.
Время и аудиторию клаба в КИМЕПе я уточню позже на следующей неделе.
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Omerta, u made a complex of mistakes in your posts... Check it :-/

I haven't spoken with native speakers for about a year, and i think that I'm forgetting English =(
Maybe here I can improve it or just stop the process of forgetting :eek:
Damn, I actually don't have enough time to go to special clubs, where people speak English with native speakers... I had a friend from Ireland, but he left KZ =(

Same here half year without practise, losing my english skillls, i need good English clubs, also interested in KEMAP courses or clubs whatever.

Where can i check info about those clubs in KEMAP ?
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Gee, it's good I didn't start a new topic 'bout English :eek: Really, I love this language. But it's been a whole year ever since I quit my job (maternity leave) and now I'm longin' for chatting in English!
I have big doubts about effectiveness of English courses :D
And I loathe it when Russian sentences are literally translated into English with no due respect to English-specific way of forming sentences. For example:

Seismic, in your status is written Almaty

The word order... :-/
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Hi everybody, I am the ( не нужен) new on this forum. Actually, I have the same mistakes with gramma as all of us. But I am not (а) native speaker and it doesn't shake me (молодец). Facilitators evaluate me as in mid of advance level, but sometimes I l(о)ose articles ( я тоже), make wrong prepositions ( я тоже иногда) and mix my pronouns(i)ation with German or Russian (стоит поработать над этим).

The most impotant thing is that how you can use your vocabulary and how confident you are in the speech. The more vocabulary and phases you have the lightly speech you are (переделать это неуклюжее предложение).
Go forward and shame (добавить смысл)!

P.S. If somebody corrects my mistake here I will be very grateful.

Your way of writing is fine but you need to be more accurate.
Время и аудиторию клаба в КИМЕПе я уточню позже на следующей неделе.

Go forward and won't feel ashamed. :smoke:
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