после обеда сегодня уже заказ оформил...
А заказ же всё равно в ожидании, может добавить можно?
You can amend or add to your order at any time via email or by phone, or by placing a new order. This is however subject to your original order not yet having been dispatched.
Should you wish to add parts, then you should activate a new, standard order in the online shop and note in the order comments field that we should add the articles from this order to the current order - please quote the current order number in this case too. Please note that if you pay by credit card or via Paypal we will initially charge you the shipping costs. We will however credit the difference amount to you as soon as your order has been delivered to you.
If you intend to exchange or cancel articles, we would ask you to give us a call on 0049 (0) 241-5157580 (Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.).