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lol!!!! I really don't need guys staring at me :spy:))
So at Friday! Wait me, ok?? :laugh:
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its gonna be COOL!!!
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Илистый Прыгун?

Илистый Прыгун?
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hmmm... clubbin, sick...
Заяц, пасип за поздравдения. Сюшай, ты не в курсе как можно записаться в список встречающих в аэропроту, наших сильно хочу увидеть, Данилу, Рефата, Дилю, Настю...
как? оч хочу...
млин, в воскресение выпукной, я так себя свободно чувствую, супер.
Мин, млин так спокойно, на совесть ничего не давит, а то родители бы заподрзрили меняв том, что я в США нифига не делал в школе во всяком случае, хотяв последние пол года классы были у меня примитивнейшие, пол года без математики, думал на ЕНт завалюсь по матем, ан нетс, набрал на 5...
терь свобода...
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Privet vsem FLEX and non FLEX!
Reshil zaglyanut' i posmotret', chto narod dumaet o programke, i ob alumni.
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    В доску чужой

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ok,see you there then. Gogolya ugol Kunayeva. On friday, let's say 12:30. entrance is 500.
Oh, and!!! NO SHORT SKIRTS!!!! Dress like US high school girt, tipa t-shirt, tipa jeans and sneakers... uless you want the guys there to stare at you.... :smoke:

If you put on mini skirts, not only they will stare at you, they might even think you're local gold-diggin' hoes. But hey, getting hooked up by some indian guy sounds like a great cultural adventure, doesnt it? Anyway, have fun:)
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To '04 Alumni!
Guys, you were the most active year throughout the history of AA.
I really enjoyed working with you. There are so many of you,
that it is not fair to mention by names. You know that, right? :smoke:
Anyways, as it was said long time ago, you are "B/U" now!
The '05 alumni are almost here. Don't get smashed by them!
Stay as active and united as you are now! '04 rules... :-)
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    В доску чужой

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KUKU vsem!
Da, ACCELS skoree vsego sdohnet, nu tak im i nado--the bosses here treat nice, good, dedicated workers like shit, just cuz they are locals--I hate this mentality (not all the American Staff is like that, but Julie and Michael are--that is really shitty and annoying!! I really miss Debbie Mansfield--she was a great boss, cool co-worker, great friend and just a fun person to spend time with)

I know what you are talking about. Pick any international organization/company in Kazakhstan and you will find some kind of disctimination against local staff. It's so sad that many locals consider themselves inferior and don't do anything to stop being discriminated. In Tengiz some locals earn a few times less than foreigners doing exactly the same job (well, i didnt work there myself, but a friend of mine did). Can you imagine something like that happening in the US or Europe? Our laws are primitive and our people are used to being screwed, so they are eager to bend over for little money just to have the opportunity to feed their families. This is so sick!
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Kotik, Yo da Man(?)
I agree with you in this case. Unfortunately, it happens almost everywhere...
Despite being treated this way financially, there is also a psychological abuse!
Of course, this was said in general. But you know that exceptions are rare...
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I know what you are talking about. Pick any international organization/company in Kazakhstan and you will find some kind of disctimination against local staff. It's so sad that many locals consider themselves inferior and don't do anything to stop being discriminated. In Tengiz some locals earn a few times less than foreigners doing exactly the same job (well, i didnt work there myself, but a friend of mine did). Can you imagine something like that happening in the US or Europe? Our laws are primitive and our people are used to being screwed, so they are eager to bend over for little money just to have the opportunity to feed their families. This is so sick!

Damn, yeah, you are so right, man!!
I wish I could see what would happen in Europe or in the US if foreigners would get more $$$ then local stuff.... gee! Oni by tam izsudilis' by vse na net! :smoke:

And, hey, u r right about Tekila Sunrise--very dirty club! and, yes, too many gold-diggin' hoes there--that's annoying, VERY ANNOYING! And I totally hate the old fat foreigners who come there..... :D but the music is good. And I like that my friends come there too. It's a total social/hang out place, especially in the summer. The DJ-s there are my friends too, I've known them since almost childhood, so that's why I go there. it safe! Noone will hurt me there. or if someone will try to--they'll be damaged by my "security" :-)
Why, Kotik, you go there too? do u do clubbing at all, or u r too serious and grown up for that? ;) (just kidding!)
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hmmm... clubbin, sick...
Заяц, пасип за поздравдения. Сюшай, ты не в курсе как можно записаться в список встречающих в аэропроту, наших сильно хочу увидеть, Данилу, Рефата, Дилю, Настю...
как? оч хочу...

C'mon, pochemu "sick"-- it's fun! :) well, I agree, not everyone likes it...
A v Aeroport, you are welcome to come with us if you want so much! Just give me a call closer to the 24th, like Wednesday or Thursday next week, I'll tell u where we will meet up ;) I want to see Danil, Refat, Dilya and Nastya too. My favorite Almaty FLEXers!! :smoke: you all are actually me favorites this year.
Aslan~Naiman is into '04, well, my vote goes to FLEX '05!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Just keep in mind that it will be a total dur-dom at the airport--56 people arriving, 25 Tajiks out of them... that will be worth than our flight to the States.... damn, remember that crazy Indian woman in Frankfurt -- Mary (Nightmary as I call her), metr s kepkoi, a voplei kak ot meduzy gorgony... :-)

Anyways, there will be no J-Duck (our super-american-bitch-director) at the airport. We'll rule!! ;)
Call the office on Wednesday :-)

Сообщение отредактировал Zayats: 15.06.2005, 11:55:59

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  • Свой человек
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Kirka, get the flyers to da club 4 this weekend, girl! You are a professional at this!  :smoke: let me know if you'll need my help, I'm ready! Kak pioner: "Vsegda Gotov!"

Am I professional at that??!!!! Изображение
наговариваете вы, Zayats, всё на меня! Я хорошая! Изображение
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2 Zayats бедный ребенок Изображение shady really shady place!!! может не надо???
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    В доску чужой

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Why, Kotik, you go there too? do u do clubbing at all, or  u r too serious and grown up for that? :-) (just kidding!)

Been there a couple of times:), but I dont do a lot of clubbing these days, maybe because i'm getting old. :smoke: You know, all this lound music and tobacco smoke cause headaches.
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Илистый Прыгун?

Илистый Прыгун?
  • Постоялец
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hmmm... clubbin, sick...
Заяц, пасип за поздравдения. Сюшай, ты не в курсе как можно записаться в список встречающих в аэропроту, наших сильно хочу увидеть, Данилу, Рефата, Дилю, Настю...
как? оч хочу...

C'mon, pochemu "sick"-- it's fun! :) well, I agree, not everyone likes it...
A v Aeroport, you are welcome to come with us if you want so much! Just give me a call closer to the 24th, like Wednesday or Thursday next week, I'll tell u where we will meet up ;) I want to see Danil, Refat, Dilya and Nastya too. My favorite Almaty FLEXers!! :smoke: you all are actually me favorites this year.
Aslan~Naiman is into '04, well, my vote goes to FLEX '05!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Just keep in mind that it will be a total dur-dom at the airport--56 people arriving, 25 Tajiks out of them... that will be worth than our flight to the States.... damn, remember that crazy Indian woman in Frankfurt -- Mary (Nightmary as I call her), metr s kepkoi, a voplei kak ot meduzy gorgony... :-)

Anyways, there will be no J-Duck (our super-american-bitch-director) at the airport. We'll rule!! ;)
Call the office on Wednesday :-)

угу, крута...
а насчет клаббинга то и говорю, что крута... использую сеё слово: "sick", оттуда привычка... мож тож скора пайдем клабить,ЕНТ сдали, 18 стукнуло и так далее... свобода... да!
Хех, в опсчем поедем встречать... весело, классно будет народ увидеть...
в опсчем, я бракну в офис, ок.?
заранее пасип...
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Kirka, get the flyers to da club 4 this weekend, girl! You are a professional at this!  :smoke: let me know if you'll need my help, I'm ready! Kak pioner: "Vsegda Gotov!"

Am I professional at that??!!!! Изображение
наговариваете вы, Zayats, всё на меня! Я хорошая! Изображение

Not that I'm saying that you are bad, cuz you are able to get free flyers to Da Freak...
And about "Я хорошая!" -- is that some sort of auto trening? you say it so often, I start to think that you doubt it yourself, and that's why you repeat it ;)

2 Prygun: Yeah, airport will be fun U'll get to see "Zlaya Lena" once again in your life :-) -- I betyou missed it since your PDO/ departure/ flight/ arrival :D
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Not that I'm saying that you are bad, cuz you are able to get free flyers to Da Freak...

free flyers :-)
Children of the Sun :smoke:
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  • В доску свой
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Але флексы!!! Не забывайте наш сайт!

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free flyers :lol:
Children of the Sun  :-(

Just admit that it totally SUCKED!!!!! THe whole Children of the Sun thing. I mean, of course there was a little positive side--but it's not abt that now--tusaotstoynaya byla!! :spy: just like I told you!!! :-/
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Илистый Прыгун?

Илистый Прыгун?
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Mean, мда-с, http://flexactiivtes.forever.kz/ я уж лучше застрелюсь, чем попробую залесть на этот сайт с моим дайал апом.... ужас, вы себе представляете после американского хай спида к нашему дайл апу.
как жизь, мин? гуляем...

Заяц, в опсчем позвоню на этой или след. неделе, ок? как добраться?

млин, чёт тоска такая прихватила сильная, весь народ в классе, почти все, достали. не заню... как-то не так и ехать на выпускной и все дела, вот только весь день сиди и спи... так и хочецца... мда-с.

а когда ре-ентри? и что это такое воопсче?
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  • В доску свой
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Илистый, сайт и впрям грузится тяжело.... а ты попробуй сразу на форум а не на сайт, я же дала линк на форум :-(
Все нормально, хочу поехать в Бишкек, да вот сижу..и ничего не делаю...как стыдно.

Ты не тоскуй, выходи на солнце, заходи в Акселс, и вообще не сиди дома, там такая тоска....

я тоже вот почему сижу в акселке, потому что дома так скучно....все разъехались кто куда. Я тоже на след неделе домой уеду! прямо не верится!!!!
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