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SC answers:

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8. A certain culture of bacteria quadruples every hour. If a container with these bacteria was half full at 10:00 a.m., at what time was it one-eighth full?
(A) 9:00 a.m.
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Мой путь:
Σ1..n = n(n+1)/2
Подставляем в формулу 2n вместо n
Σ1..2n = 2n(2n+1)/2 = n(2n+1)

а действует ли этот путь для 3n?
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Мой путь:
Σ1..n = n(n+1)/2
Подставляем в формулу 2n вместо n
Σ1..2n = 2n(2n+1)/2 = n(2n+1)

а действует ли этот путь для 3n?

конечно :( ведь 2n, 3n, (13n+12342376456243) - это всего лишь целые числа...

подождем бастыка (crosswall-ага) и опубликуем ответы

Вечером, пока только первый SC решил - C мне понравился
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Итак SCs:
1. С
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. E
10. A

Спасибо, Snare, SC - мой weak point, надо чаще тренироваться.Сейчас постараюсь расписать почему так думаю.
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1. Researchers at Cornell University have demonstrated that homing pigeons can sense changes in the earth’s magnetic field, see light waves that people cannot see, detect low-frequency sounds from miles away, sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors.
(A) sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors - второй can не нужен
(B) can sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors - второй и третий can не нужен
(С) sense changes in air pressure, and identify familiar odors - ОК
(D) air pressure changes can be sensed, and familiar odors identified - passive voice создает mess, усложняет консттрукцию и ломает ||
(E) air pressure changes are sensed, and familiar odors identified - тоже что и в D

2. In ancient times, Nubia was the principal corridor where there were cultural influences transmitted between Black Africa and the Mediterranean basin.
(A) where there were cultural influences transmitted - awkward
(B) through which cultural influences were transmitted - passive ненужный
(С) where there was a transmission of cultural influences - awkward
(D) for the transmitting of cultural influences - ОК
(E) which was transmitting cultural influences - конструкция "which was" не нужна

3. It is a special feature of cell aggregation in the developing nervous system that in most regions of the brain the cells not only adhere to one another and also adopt some preferential orientation.
(A) to one another and also adopt - идиома "not only but also" нарушена
(B) one to the other, and also they adopt - тоже
(С) one to the other, but also adopting - не || adhere & adopting
(D) to one another but also adopt - OK
(E) to each other, also adopting - "full mess"

4. Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three decades were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California.
(A) basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California - не || verbs
(B) basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Florida and California - не || verbs
(С) basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from Florida and California - не || verbs
(D) a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Florida and California - OK
(E) a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and California as its base - "as its base" - awkward

5. Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.
(A) Like Byron - Джек не был похож на Байрона или подобен Байрону. Его смерть было похожа на смерть Байрона
(B) Like Byron’s death - Джек не был похож на смерть Байрона
(С) Just as Byron died - ОК
(D) Similar to Byron - тоже как в А
(E) As did Byron - не correct verbs (correct - as was Byron)

6. One of every two new businesses fail within two years.
(A) fail - единственное лицо - one
(B) fails - OK
(С) should fail - changed meaning
(D) may have failed - wrong verb construction
(E) has failed - perfect не в тему, ситуация постоянная и требует simple

7. Even today, a century after Pasteur developed the first vaccine, rabies almost always kills its victims unless inoculated in the earliest stages of the disease. (заставило подумать, не уверен в ответе :( т.к. констукция unless используется мною очень примитивно)
(A) its victims unless inoculated - кто inoculated жертвы или болезнь
(B) its victims unless they are inoculated - лучше всех похож на правду IMHO
(С) its victims unless inoculation is done - inoculation от чего???
(D) the victims unless there is an inoculation - тоже как в С
(E) the victims unless inoculated - чьи жертвы?

8. In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choices, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architect, and builder of a growing church.
(A) In a period of time when women typically have - perfect неверно использован, тут нужно past simple
(B) During a time in which typically women have - тоже
(С) Typically, during a time when women - change meaning
(D) At a time when women typically - OK
(E) Typically in a time in which women - change meaning

9. As the price of gasoline rises, which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive, the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.
(A) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive - which чей? Газолина что-ли? awkward
(B) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive - тоже
(С) which makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute - тоже
(D) making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain - awkward IMHO
(E) making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute - OK

10. Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the weather. (проверка на использование идиомы so ... as to)
(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable - OK
(B) so gradual they can be indistinguishable - not idiomatic
(С) so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished - awkward
(D) gradual enough not to be distinguishable - not idiomatic
(E) gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them - awkward
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5. Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.
(A) Like Byron - Джек не был похож на Байрона или подобен Байрону. Его смерть было похожа на смерть Байрона
(B) Like Byron’s death - Джек не был похож на смерть Байрона
(С) Just as Byron died - ОК
(D) Similar to Byron - тоже как в А
(E) As did Byron - не correct verbs (correct - as was Byron)

Не дает мне покоя данный SC. Like VS. as. Сомнения у меня. Не нравится мне С. Не параллельный он какой-то. Я думаю, может в А. Джек похож на Байрона... сомнения блин...
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Ответов нету - так неинтересно. Snare наверно в загуле.
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ответы на PS
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A

Ответов нету - так неинтересно. Snare наверно в загуле.

Имеем терпение, Kasatka. Snare имеет право на личную и служебную жись :(
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10. What is the total number of integers between 100 and 200 that are divisible by 3?
(A) 33
(B) 32
© 31
(D) 30
(E) 29

Как это можно БЫСТРО высчитать? Надо сидеть считать (102,105...), или сумма всех цифр должно быть делимо на 3 или есть какой-то другой метод?
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10. What is the total number of integers between 100 and 200 that are divisible by 3?
(A) 33
(B) 32
© 31
(D) 30
(E) 29

Как это можно БЫСТРО высчитать? Надо сидеть считать (102,105...), или сумма всех цифр должно быть делимо на 3 или есть какой-то другой метод?

ОК, быстрый метод.
Как известно число делится на 3 когда сумма цифр числа делится на 3. К примеру 102 делится, т.к. 1+0+2=3, а 3 делится 3 само собой. Ближайшая к 200 (снизу) цифра 198, т.к. 1+9+8=18, далее 1+8=9, а 9 делится на 3 (=3 если что ;)).
Имеем ряд 102, 105... 198. А сколько их там в ряду :( ?
:D запишем ряд таким образом 99 + n*3, где n - целое положительное, т.е от 1 до ..."?"
Пусть 99+x*3=198
Решаем в лоб получаем 33. Таким образом n меняется от 1 до 33. Ответ - 33 :super:
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Для Kasatka, чтобы не скучала (из RC1000).

Opponents of compulsory national service claim that such a program is not in keeping with the liberal principles upon which Western democracies are founded. This reasoning is reminiscent of the argument that a tax on one’s income is undemocratic because it violates one’s right to property. Such conceptions of the liberal state fail to take into account the intricate character of the social agreement that undergirds our liberties. It is only in the context of a community that the notion of individual rights has any application; individual rights are meant to define the limits of people’s actions with respect to other people. Implicit in such a context is the concept of shared sacrifice. Were no taxes paid, there could be no law enforcement, and the enforcement of law is of benefit to everyone in society. Thus, each of us must bear a share of the burden to ensure that the community is protected.
The responsibility to defend one’s nation against outside aggression is surely no less than the responsibility to help pay for law enforcement within the nation. Therefore, the state is certainly within its rights to compel citizens to perform national service when it is needed for the benefit of society.
It might be objected that the cases of taxation and national service are not analogous: While taxation must be coerced, the military is quite able to find recruits without resorting to conscription. Furthermore, proponents of national service do not limit its scope to only those duties absolutely necessary to the defense of the nation. Therefore, it may be contended, compulsory national service oversteps the acceptable boundaries of governmental interference in the lives of its citizens.
By responding thus, the opponent of national service has already allowed that it is a right of government to demand service when it is needed. But what is the true scope of the term “need”? If it is granted, say, that present tax policies are legitimate intrusions on the right to property, then it must also be granted that need involves more than just what is necessary for a sound national defense. Even the most conservative of politicians admits that tax money is rightly spent on programs that, while not necessary for the survival of the state, are nevertheless of great benefit to society. Can the opponent of national service truly claim that activities of the military such as quelling civil disorders, rebuilding dams and bridges, or assisting the victims of natural disasters—all extraneous to the defense of society against outside aggression—do not provide a similar benefit to the nation? Upon reflection, opponents of national service must concede that such a broadened conception of what is necessary is in keeping with the ideas of shared sacrifice and community benefit that are essential to the functioning of a liberal democratic state.

1. Which one of the following most accurately describes the author’s attitude toward the relationship between citizenship and individual rights in a democracy?
(A) confidence that individual rights are citizens’ most important guarantees of personal freedom
(B) satisfaction at how individual rights have protected citizens from unwarranted government intrusion
(С) alarm that so many citizens use individual rights as an excuse to take advantage of one another
(D) concern that individual rights represent citizens’ only defense against government interference
(E) dissatisfaction at how some citizens cite individual rights as a way of avoiding certain obligations to their government

2. The author indicates all politicians agree about the
(A) legitimacy of funding certain programs that serve the national good
(B) use of the military to prevent domestic disorders
(С) similarity of conscription and compulsory taxation
(D) importance of broadening the definition of necessity
(E) compatibility of compulsion with democratic principles

3. Which one of the following most accurately characterizes what the author means by the term “social agreement” (line 8)?
(A) an agreement among members of a community that the scope of their individual liberties is limited somewhat by their obligations to one another
(B) an agreement among members of a community that they will not act in ways that infringe upon each other’s pursuit of individual liberty
(С) an agreement among members of a community that they will petition the government for redress when government actions limit their rights
(D) an agreement between citizens and their government detailing which government actions do or do not infringe upon citizen’s personal freedoms
(E) an agreement between citizens and their government stating that the government has right to suspend individual liberties whenever it sees fit

4. According to the author, national service and taxation are analogous in the sense that both
(A) do not require that citizens be compelled to help bring them about
(B) are at odds with the notion of individual rights in a democracy
(С) require different degrees of sacrifice from different citizens
(D) allow the government to overstep its boundaries and interfere in the lives of citizens
(E) serve ends beyond those related to the basic survival of the state

5. Based on the information in the passage, which one of the following would most likely be found objectionable by those who oppose compulsory national service?
(A) the use of tax revenues to prevent the theft of national secrets by foreign agents
(B) the use of tax revenues to fund relief efforts for victims of natural disasters in other nations
(С) the use of tax revenues to support the upkeep of the nation’s standing army
(D) the use of tax revenues to fund programs for the maintenance of domestic dams and bridges
(E) the use of tax revenues to aid citizens who are victims of natural disasters


P.S. Касательно моих Q-вопросов пару страниц назад, то в итоге вы все решили верно, очь хорошо!!!

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СПАСИБО! Понятно.
Надо побольше таких задачек порешать.
Ну пойду работать над эссе, если больше ничего нету здесь.
Да и поищу задачки, непонятные мне - завтра вывешу.

А нет, кажется я пока еще здесь...
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Решаем в лоб получаем 33. Таким образом n меняется от 1 до 33. Ответ - 33 :(

Хочу заметить, что взято от 1, а не от нуля намеренно, т.к. если от 0, то ряд n = {0;1...32}
в таком случае можно в запарке прийти к выводу, что ответ 32, а это не так, т.к. забыли учесть 0, а это грубая ошибка. Если есть сомнения, то можно на бумаге или в уме решить более простую задачу, к примеру от 0 до 10 на тех же условиях для проверки метода.
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Ну и в догонку RC#2

James Porter (1905-1970) was the first scholar to identify the African influence on visual art in the Americans, and much of what is known about the cultural legacy that African-American artists inherited from their African forebears has come to us by way of his work. Porter, a painter and art historian, began by studying African-American crafts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This research revealed that many of the household items created by African-American men and women—walking sticks, jugs, and textiles—displayed characteristics that linked them iconographically to artifacts of West Africa. Porter then went on to establish clearly the range of the cultural territory inherited by later African-American artists.
An example of this aspect of Porter’s research occurs in his essay “Robert S. Duncanson, Midwestern Romantic-Realist.” The work of Duncanson, a nineteenth-century painter of the Hudson River school, like that of his predecessor in the movement, Joshua Johnston, was commonly thought to have been created by a Euro-American artist. Porter proved definitively that both Duncanson and Johnston were of African ancestry. Porter published this finding and thousands of others in a comprehensive volume tracing the history of African-American art. At the time of its first printing in 1943, only two other books devoted exclusively to the accomplishments of African-American artists existed. Both of these books were written by Alain LeRoy Locke, a professor at the university where Porter also taught. While these earlier studies by Locke are interesting for being the first to survey the field, neither addressed the critical issue of African precursors; Porter’s book addressed this issue, painstakingly integrating the history of African-American art into the larger history of art in the Americas without separating it from those qualities that gave it its unique ties to African artisanship. Porter may have been especially attuned to these ties because of his conscious effort to maintain them in his own paintings, many of which combine the style of the genre portrait with evidence of an extensive knowledge of the cultural history of various African peoples.
In his later years, Porter wrote additional chapters for later editions of his book, constantly revising and correcting his findings, some of which had been based of necessity on fragmentary evidence. Among his later achievements were his definitive reckoning of the birth year of the painter Patrick Reason, long a point of scholarly uncertainty, and his identification of an unmarked grave in San Francisco as that of the sculptor Edmonia Lewis. At his death, Porter left extensive notes for unfinished project aimed at exploring the influence of African art on the art of the Western world generally, a body of research whose riches scholars still have not exhausted.

6. Which one of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?
(A) Because the connections between African-American art and other art in the Americas had been established by earlier scholars, Porter’s work focused on showing African-American art’s connections to African artisanship.
(B) In addition to showing the connections between African-American art and African artisanship, Porter’s most important achievement was illustrating the links between African-American art and other art in Americas.
(С) Despite the fact that his last book remains unfinished, Porter’s work was the first to devote its attention exclusively to the accomplishments of African-American artists.
(D) Although showing the connections between African-American art and African artisanship, Porter’s work concentrated primarily on placing African-American art in the context of Western art in general.
(E) While not the first body of scholarship to treat the subject of African-American art, Porter’s work was the first to show the connections between African-American art and African artisanship.

7. The discussion of Locke’s books is intended primarily to
(A) argue that Porte’s book depended upon Locke’s pioneering scholarship
(B) highlight an important way in which Porter’s work differed from previous work in his field
(С) suggest an explanation for why Porter’s book was little known outside academic circles
(D) support the claim that Porter was not the first to notice African influences in African-American art
(E) argue that Locke’s example was a major influence o Porter’s decision to publish his findings

8. The passage states which one of the following about the 1943 edition of Porter’s book on African-American art?
(A) It received little scholarly attention at first.
(B) It was revised and improved upon in later editions.
(С) It took issue with several of Locke’s conclusions.
(D) It is considered the definitive version of Porter’s work.
(E) It explored the influence of African art on western art in general.

9. Given the information in the passage, Porter’s identification of the ancestry of Duncanson and Johnston provides conclusive evidence for which one of the following statements?
(A) Some of the characteristics defining the Hudson River school are iconographically linked to Weston African artisanship.
(B) Some of the works of Duncanson and Johnston are not in the style of the Hudson River school.
(С) Some of the work of Euro-American painters displays similarities to African-American crafts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
(D) Some of the works of the Hudson River school were done by African-American painters.
(E) Some of the works of Duncanson and Johnston were influenced by West African artifacts.

10. Which one of the following can most reasonably be inferred from the passage about the study that Porter left unfinished at his death?
(A) If completed, it would have contradicted some of the conclusions contained in his earlier book.
(B) If completed, it would have amended some of the conclusions contained in his earlier book.
(С) If completed, it would have brought up to date the comprehensive history of African-American art begun in his earlier book.
(D) If completed, it would have expanded upon the project of his earlier book by broadening the scope of inquiry found in the earlier book.
(E) If completed, it would have supported some of the theories put forth by Porter’s contemporaries since the publication of his earlier book.

11. Which of the following hypothetical observations is most closely analogous to the discoveries Porter made about African-American crafts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
(A) Contemporary Haitian social customs have a unique character dependent on but different from both their African and French origins.
(B) Popular music in the United States, some of which is based on African musical traditions, often influences music being composed on the African continent.
(С) Many novels written in Canada by Chinese immigrants exhibit narrative themes very similar to those found in Chinese folktales.
(D) Extensive Indian immigration to England has made traditional Indian foods nearly as popular there as the traditional English foods that had been popular there before Indian immigration.
(E) Some Mexican muralists of the early twentieth century consciously imitated the art of native peoples as a response to the Spanish influences that had predominated in Mexican art.

12. The passage most strongly supports which one of the following inferences about Porter’s own paintings?
(A) They often contained figures or images derived from the work of African artisans.
(B) They fueled his interest in pursuing a career in art history.
(С) They were used in Porter’s book to show the extent of African influence on African-American art.
(D) They were a deliberate attempt to prove his theories about art history.
(E) They were done after all of his academic work had been completed.

13. Based on the passage, which one of the following, if true, would have been most relevant to the project Porter was working on at the time of his death?
(A) African-American crafts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have certain resemblances to European folk crafts of earlier periods.
(B) The paintings of some twentieth-century European artists prefigured certain stylistic developments in North African graphic art.
(С) The designs of many of the quilts made by African-American women in the nineteenth century reflect designs of European trade goods.
(D) After the movement of large numbers of African-Americans to cities, the African influences in the work of many African-American painters increased.
(E) Several portraits by certain twentieth-century European painters were modeled after examples of Central African ceremonial masks.
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Я сделаю следующее, я напечатаю ответы к RCs белым шрифтом. Что бы их увидеть, надо будет выделить текст мышкой.

Предупреждаю, что это стоит делать только после того как вы подумали и ответили на вопросы. :(

Не цитируйте этот пост, чтобы не выдавать ответы сразу и лишать людей удовольствия ошибится :D

1 E
2 A
3 A
4 E
5 B
6 E
7 B
8 B
9 D
10 D
11 C
12 A
13 E

ЗЫ. Попытка №3

Сообщение отредактировал crosswall: 23.01.2009, 22:14:41

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Opponents of compulsory national service...

Не удивлюсь, если ни один из моих ответов неверен, но все же:


Всего лишь один правильный...

Сообщение отредактировал Kasatka: 23.01.2009, 22:16:47

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Kasatka, это RC из LSAT, для юристов т.е. Сложные достаточно, так что не растраивайся :(

проверяй ответы в тексте, не полагайся на память, тексты сложные...
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6A 7B 8B 9C 10D 11E 12C

ну и тексты, первый особенно, мне кажется на real GMAT полегче были

Сообщение отредактировал Kasatka: 23.01.2009, 22:35:25

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Канечна легче, на то и практика :(
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