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GMAT 700все кто сдавал или будет сдавать сие чудесный тест

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Группы будут формироваться по 4 человека приблизительно одного уровня знаний.

Там предварительное тестирование будет чтоли? Как определяют? Всем привет

И где это, находятся курсы? Спасибо


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тел 259 76 20 (22)

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    Больше позитива:)

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Позвонить не могу сейчас, сорри

В Билиме значит? Напротив Зангара? :D


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Что насчет встречи сегодня в Блэк-энд-Браун в 19:00? Есть желающие?
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    Больше позитива:)

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Планировал, да опять форс - мажор. Понимаю, что надо, но обстоятельства не позволяют :D

У друга сыну 1 годик исполнился, наверное, теперь статистом часто буду, друзей много)) радость))


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Что насчет встречи сегодня в Блэк-энд-Браун в 19:00? Есть желающие?

ОК, на этой неделе встреча отменяется!!!
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некст тайм может и я подгребу. keep me informed pls
а пока скажите где прочитать про комбинаторику и вероятность
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подскажите плиз, над чем из вышеуказанного надо работать в первую очередь, а что может подождать или даже сойти с рук.

Да желательно все почитать, это не так много, как может показаться. Хороший способ - прорешать задачи из OG11 и рассмотреть все решения. На экзамене по quatitative не будет ничего нового, все то же, что и в OG. За неделю легко можно справиться.

а пока скажите где прочитать про комбинаторику и вероятность

Освежить можно почитав основы в gmatprep, если все несколько хуже, то посмотреть можно в Принстон Ревью, а может и в Барронсе все есть (я не знаю, не имел последний).
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подскажите плиз, над чем из вышеуказанного надо работать в первую очередь, а что может подождать или даже сойти с рук.

Да желательно все почитать, это не так много, как может показаться. Хороший способ - прорешать задачи из OG11 и рассмотреть все решения. На экзамене по quatitative не будет ничего нового, все то же, что и в OG. За неделю легко можно справиться.

спасибо за наводку! а где или у кого можно взять это самый Official Guide 11 на недельку?
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а где или у кого можно взять это самый Official Guide 11 на недельку?

Не знаю, свой экземпляр я Zheld отдал, а у ней у самой скоро экзамен. Может кто и поделится здесь, кому не нужен особо, а может в библиотеке где есть, не знаю
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15. If n is a positive integer, the sum of the integers from 1 to n, inclusive, equals n(n-1)/2. Which of the following equals the sum of the integers from 1 to 2n, inclusive?
(A) n(n + 1)
(B) n(2n + 1)/2
(С) n(2n + 1)
(D) 2n(n + 1)
(E) 2n(2n + 1)

:D Камрады, вам ничего подозрительным в условии задачи не показалось?
Я опечатался сорри, сумма конечно равна не n(n-1)/2, a n(n+1)/2
Теперь решайте по новой, ещё раз сорри, но и вы то же молодцы... как и я... :D
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в компенсацию

1. As a salesperson, Phyllis can choose one of two methods of annual payment: either an annual salary of $35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of $10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
(A) $100,000
(B) $120,000
(С) $125,000
(D) $130,000
(E) $132,000

2. A restaurant buys fruits in cans containing 3 1/2 cups of fruit each. If the restaurant uses 21 cup of the fruit in each serving of its fruit compote, what is the least number of cans needed to prepare 60 servings of the compote?
(A) 7
(B) 8
(С) 9
(D) 10
(E) 12

3. If x > 3,000, then the value of x/(2x+1) is closest to
(A) 1/6
(B) 1/3
(С) 10/21
(D) 1/2
(E) 3/2

4. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes to retailers for a fixed price per pair. In 1986 the number of pairs of the shoes that the company sold to retailers decreased by 20 percent, while the price per pair increased by 20 percent. If the company’s revenue from the sale of the shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million, what was the approximate revenue from the sale of the shoes in 1985?
(A) $2.4 million
(B) $2.9 million
(С) $3.0 million
(D) $3.1 million
(E) $3.6 million

5. Does Joe weigh more than Tim?
(1) Tim’s weight is 80 percent of Joe’s weight.
(2) Joe’s weight is 125 percent of Tim’s weight.

6. If xy = – 6, what is the value of xy(x + y)?
(1) x – y = 5
(2) x*y^2 = 18

7. A rabbit on a controlled diet is fed daily 300 grams of a mixture of two foods, food X and food Y. Food X
contains 10 percent protein, and food Y contains 15 percent protein. If the rabbit’s diet provides exactly 38 grams of protein daily, how many grams of food X are in the mixture?
(A) 100
(B) 140
(С) 150
(D) 160
(E) 200

8. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs.
(A) and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs
(B) and have slipped since then, the reason being because many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs
(С) and slipped since then, many companies being unable to pass on higher costs
(D) but, many companies unable to pass on higher costs, they have slipped since then
(E) yet are slipping since then, because many companies were unable to pass on higher costs

9. Seismologists studying the earthquake that struck northern California in October 1989 are still investigating some of its mysteries: the unexpected power of the seismic waves, the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor.
(A) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor
(B) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and strange electromagnetic signals were detected hours before the temblor
(С) the upward thrust threw one man straight into the air, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(D) one man was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(E) one man who was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and strange electromagnetic signals that were detected hours before the temblor

10. Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating.
(A) due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating
(B) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much
(С) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters
(D) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much
(E) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much

Сообщение отредактировал crosswall: 22.01.2009, 20:47:26

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очередной пробный GMATPrep™ тест показал 620. маловато будет. посмотрел ошибки - примерно 1/3 допустил по невнимательности, остальное - по чистосердечному незнанию :cry:. скоро запостю некоторые вопросы. p.s.GMATPrep™ почемуто не дает разбор ошибок, по крайней мере у меня так :eek:
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в компенсацию

1.(С) $125,000

2. A restaurant buys fruits in cans containing 3 1/2 cups of fruit each. If the restaurant uses 21 cup of the fruit in each serving of its fruit compote, what is the least number of cans needed to prepare 60 servings of the compote?
(A) 7
(B) 8
(С) 9
(D) 10
(E) 12

тут какая-то ошибка в условии: либо cans contain на порядок больше cups of fruit, либо servings needed на порядок меньше. а по идее принцип такой: cups per serving * servings needed / cups per can до ближайшего целого, верно?

3. (D) 1/2

4. (D) $3.1 million
используем принцип сторон прямоугольника: 0,8*1,2 = 0,96х=$3mln => x=$3mln/0,96 = около $3.1mln, но считать долго блин :eek:

5. (D) either of 1 or 2 is obviously sufficent and equal, странная задачка..

6. (D) either of 1 or 2 is sufficent, в обоих случаях получается только x=2 и y=-3

7. (B) 140
решаем систему уравнений Х+Y=300 & 0,1X+0,15Y=38

8. (A) no changes needed. other choices are stupid :cry:

9. (A) no changes needed. parallel nouns

10. (D) parallel verbs/tenses

crosswall спасибо за задания, скоро выложу свои

Сообщение отредактировал Snare: 22.01.2009, 23:21:40

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тут какая-то ошибка в условии: либо cans contain на порядок больше cups of fruit, либо servings needed на порядок меньше. а по идее принцип такой: cups per serving * servings needed / cups per can до ближайшего целого, верно?

Да есть такое, сорри. С дробями надо аккуратнее. Исправил в задаче №2 условие.

1. As a salesperson, Phyllis can choose one of two methods of annual payment: either an annual salary of $35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of $10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
(A) $100,000
(B) $120,000
(С) $125,000
(D) $130,000
(E) $132,000

2. A restaurant buys fruits in cans containing 3 1/2 cups of fruit each. If the restaurant uses 1/2 cup of the fruit in each serving of its fruit compote, what is the least number of cans needed to prepare 60 servings of the compote?
(A) 7
(B) 8
(С) 9
(D) 10
(E) 12

3. If x > 3,000, then the value of x/(2x+1) is closest to
(A) 1/6
(B) 1/3
(С) 10/21
(D) 1/2
(E) 3/2

4. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes to retailers for a fixed price per pair. In 1986 the number of pairs of the shoes that the company sold to retailers decreased by 20 percent, while the price per pair increased by 20 percent. If the company’s revenue from the sale of the shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million, what was the approximate revenue from the sale of the shoes in 1985?
(A) $2.4 million
(B) $2.9 million
(С) $3.0 million
(D) $3.1 million
(E) $3.6 million

5. Does Joe weigh more than Tim?
(1) Tim’s weight is 80 percent of Joe’s weight.
(2) Joe’s weight is 125 percent of Tim’s weight.

6. If xy = – 6, what is the value of xy(x + y)?
(1) x – y = 5
(2) x*y^2 = 18

7. A rabbit on a controlled diet is fed daily 300 grams of a mixture of two foods, food X and food Y. Food X
contains 10 percent protein, and food Y contains 15 percent protein. If the rabbit’s diet provides exactly 38 grams of protein daily, how many grams of food X are in the mixture?
(A) 100
(B) 140
(С) 150
(D) 160
(E) 200

8. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs.
(A) and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs
(B) and have slipped since then, the reason being because many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs
(С) and slipped since then, many companies being unable to pass on higher costs
(D) but, many companies unable to pass on higher costs, they have slipped since then
(E) yet are slipping since then, because many companies were unable to pass on higher costs

9. Seismologists studying the earthquake that struck northern California in October 1989 are still investigating some of its mysteries: the unexpected power of the seismic waves, the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor.
(A) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor
(B) the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and strange electromagnetic signals were detected hours before the temblor
(С) the upward thrust threw one man straight into the air, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(D) one man was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and hours before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals were detected
(E) one man who was thrown straight into the air by the upward thrust, and strange electromagnetic signals that were detected hours before the temblor

10. Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating.
(A) due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating
(B) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much
(С) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters
(D) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much
(E) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much
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6. (D) either of 1 or 2 is sufficent, в обоих случаях получается только x=2 и y=-3

а как насчет 3 и -2? :eek:
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6. (D) either of 1 or 2 is sufficent, в обоих случаях получается только x=2 и y=-3

а как насчет 3 и -2? :eek:

лажу дал, да? ну лан, тогда ( B ) - 2 only

Сообщение отредактировал Snare: 23.01.2009, 10:11:13

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15. If n is a positive integer, the sum of the integers from 1 to n, inclusive, equals n(n-1)/2. Which of the following equals the sum of the integers from 1 to 2n, inclusive?
(A) n(n + 1)
(B) n(2n + 1)/2
(С) n(2n + 1)
(D) 2n(n + 1)
(E) 2n(2n + 1)

:cry: Камрады, вам ничего подозрительным в условии задачи не показалось?
Я опечатался сорри, сумма конечно равна не n(n-1)/2, a n(n+1)/2
Теперь решайте по новой, ещё раз сорри, но и вы то же молодцы... как и я... :eek:

я же писала выше, что решила, но такого ответа нету - а меня проигнорировали :)

...спасибо за наводку! а где или у кого можно взять это самый Official Guide 11 на недельку?

менде бар, только в электронном варианте, 11МВ весит, или есть на englishtips.org- можно оттуда скачать.
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1. As a salesperson, Phyllis can choose one of two methods of annual payment: either an annual salary of $35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of $10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
(A) $100,000
(B) $120,000
(С) $125,000
(D) $130,000
(E) $132,000

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15. If n is a positive integer, the sum of the integers from 1 to n, inclusive, equals n(n-1)/2. Which of the following equals the sum of the integers from 1 to 2n, inclusive?
я же писала выше, что решила, но такого ответа нету - а меня проигнорировали :eek:

нет мы все видели. только объясника как решается этот ребус, пошагово?

...спасибо за наводку! а где или у кого можно взять это самый Official Guide 11 на недельку?

менде бар, только в электронном варианте, 11МВ весит, или есть на englishtips.org- можно оттуда скачать.

ай рахмет айналайын, мне Zheld выслала вроде, но чтото так и не пришло. слушай, классный ресурс этот englishtips.org, всем рекомендую
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