.... Видимо там и подцепил заразу..
Вам задавали вопрос-готовы ли вы предъявить доказательства того, что мухи вылетают из вас? ..Нет в США такой болезни- есть упрямые ьичности, которые искренне верят, что существует заговор врачей, которые не хотят верить в эту болезнь..На эту тему было много передач- и на канале ТЛС,и на Дискавери и резюме одинаково - лечится надо вам у психиатров...
Так есть и упрямые личности, которые искренне не верят (Синдром Фомы). Для вас я не поленился и нашел информацию на англоязычных форумах насчет мошек, пипл пишет тоже самое, не вижу смысла повторяться. Все в точности что и у меня.
Вот некоторые выдержки с форумов:
- It makes treating Morgellons more difficult when there's several stages that each stage responds to something different? It might be beneficial to try and give the larvae a more definite life cycle time frame and build a protocol around it? I know in the summer or warmer months it can go through its cycles very quickly and in the cooler months, it slows way down.
- i haven't seen any flies or gnats come out of me, but i have seen gnat/gnats just resting or walking on my arm about 5 times in the last month or so. this has happened both at home and while visiting family in arizona. my first day at my mom's place i could hear her in the kitchen shooing away a fly saying she hasn't seen a fly around her place in years.
last night i felt something crawling between my big, and next to big, toe. i jumped thinking it was a spider, but when i separated my toes, a fly flew out!
- they appeared first to me when my fridge filled up with them in florida where i started getting the first stages of this.
the reason is that, last summer my father, living 500 km far from here, came to help me move my house. he spent only half an hour in that house and left the next day telling me he hadnt seen anything wrong with me(as i was complaining about the infestation) but as his bus trip was starting i noticed the one sitting next to him started itching and touching his cheek and nose constatnly.(that is what i have been experiencing since the beginning of this. people sitting next to me in the subway complained about something invisible biting them.)i asked dad after the journey if there was something wrong and he admitted the one on the next seat was continuosly itching and looking at his body parts to see what was bothering him.with close contact of naked body parts, people and me feel the discomfort at the same time.
i was told this is delusional but the discomfort in people around me tells the opposite. one interpretaiton was that transfer of electrons from me to others, which obviously defines why me and the other one feels the discomfort at the same time is logical. but still i cant find any explanation why my dad had no problem when leaving this city, but become aware of it just after his bus trip. as a 4th year med student, i am trying to find a logical explanation to solve it. if only you could see the pediatric patient itching her thigh, her ear with both hands and start crying when i got closer and felt those movements on my skin.
in addition to itching and movements on my skin, i had folliculitis-like rash around my body hair. actually, some were vesicles and after using permethrin, they slowly reccessed, but didn't disappear completely. i even monitored myself with the magnifying glass but coulnt see anything.