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Liverpool FC [часть 1]You'll Never Walk Alone

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Хорошая новость, Спорт-1 (Украина) показывает в прямой трансляции Уиган - Ливерпуль

Суббота, 29 сентября
17:00 Футбол. Англия Премьер-лига. Уиган - Ливерпуль LIVE
(время киевское +3часа)
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    Paranoid Android

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меня в городе не будет, так что прошу СМС-трансляцию организовать. ;-)
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На сайте Селтика говорится что атмосфера на Селтик Парке была признана 2 лучшей в Европе, согласно исследования независимой конторы. На первом месте идет Ливерпуль.

Celtic Park has been ranked as having the second-best atmosphere of any European football ground - behind Liverpool's Anfield and, bizarrely, just one place ahead of Portmouth's Fratton Park (the glorified excrement-hole with a cow bell).

Property consultants Drivers Jonas Sport conducted a survey of football fans (who had seen either their club or country play in Europe), who were also asked a number of other questions, including some about security, food and transport - with some only about some based on the continent and some about all grounds that have seen continental football.

Geoff Aucock, Partner at Drivers Jonas and head of the company's sports division, said: "Atmosphere is the most important criteria for fans when assessing the quality of the stadium but the view of the pitch, quality of seating, ease of access and the standard of the facilities provided are also important.

"It's about getting that mix right as well as providing top quality football that clubs have to consider when building or developing their stadia and this survey shows we're more successful at that than clubs in Europe as far as British football fans are concerned."

Newcastle United
AC Milan/Internazionale
Manchester United
Borussia Dortmund
Totthenham Hotspur
Real Madrid
Cardiff City
West Ham United
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Хорошая новость, Спорт-1 (Украина) показывает в прямой трансляции Уиган - Ливерпуль
Суббота, 29 сентября
17:00 Футбол. Англия Премьер-лига. Уиган - Ливерпуль LIVE
(время киевское +3часа)

Согласно этой ссылке будут показыать "Челси - Фулем. LIVE".
Scouser, у тебя может более точная программа? Скинь линк пжлст.
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    Arsenal till I die.. and there after

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Хорошая новость, Спорт-1 (Украина) показывает в прямой трансляции Уиган - Ливерпуль
Суббота, 29 сентября
17:00 Футбол. Англия Премьер-лига. Уиган - Ливерпуль LIVE
(время киевское +3часа)

Согласно этой ссылке будут показыать "Челси - Фулем. LIVE".
Scouser, у тебя может более точная программа? Скинь линк пжлст.

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а с кем играет МЮ?......млять, у Ливерпуля игра в запасе и туров прошло только 7, так что все еще впереди .....
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все верно aidarchik, это первоисточник.

Кстати у нас есть где-нибудь в городе футбольный бар, где транслируют этот канал, дома-то есть, охота вместе поболеть.
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    Paranoid Android

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Касабланка ;-)
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Liverpool wonderkid Marvin Pourie took his goal tally to 4 goals with a double strike for Liverpool U18's in their 4-2 victory over Middlesborough earlier this week.

16 year old Pourie arrived at Anfield from Borussia Dortmund and is settling well in Merseyside with 4 goals in 4 appearances for the U18's. Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has high hopes that the German youngster will be able to force his way into the Liverpool first team squad within a few years.
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Уиган, не такой уж и сложный соперник, нада по любому выйгывать хоть 0-1
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Кстати у нас есть где-нибудь в городе футбольный бар, где транслируют этот канал, дома-то есть, охота вместе поболеть.

везде где есть АЛМА ТВ
в "Сан Сиро" кста есть Спорт1 :D
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во сколько начало по алматинскому?
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    Больше позитива:)

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а с кем играет МЮ?......млять, у Ливерпуля игра в запасе и туров прошло только 7, так что все еще впереди .....

Да, я тоже всегда так думаю :D Завтра вечером уже буду в Лондоне, надо будет в Ливерпуль вылазку сделать, думаю должно получиться :cool:


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Напиши мне в личку свой мобильный там, встретимся может в Лондоне или в Ливерпуле
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Fernando Torres is very happy with life at Liverpool. In an interview with Spanish news agency ?EFE? the ?Niсo? analysed his first three months at the Anfield club.

- Is football in England really that quick?

It is very fast paced, and you don?t get so much time to stop and take your breath as you do back in Spain. Not only is the football quick, but it also more physical, and it is that part of the game that I am probably taking longest to get used to. Your marker is always close-by and you have to be very strong to get those extra few metres ahead. With each game I play I am more surprised with the amount of physical contact there is and how the referees let the game go on, but it is better for the game because there are less fouls and stops and starts.

- What is it like to play against a centre back like John Terry? Do you understand him when he shouts at you?

You always learn to understand the things that happen out on the pitch first. During the first three or four days of training you don?t really understand anything, not even the types of training exercises that have to be done. You soon pick it up though, but when Terry, or anybody else for that matter, talks to me quickly, they can say anything they want because I will not be able understand them (laughs out loud).

- I have seen that you are trying really hard to learn English?

Yes. It is important to learn the language, although there are a lot of Spanish speakers. It is also important to be able to communicate with all your team-mates. For example, Rafa Benнtez speaks to us all in English. When it comes to ones personal life, it is necessary to be able to speak English so that you can go and get things down without requiring the help of others.

How is life in the dressing room?

There is a good atmosphere in the dressing room here and I get on really well with everyone. Even though the players have won nearly all there is to win, they are still hungry for more. At the beginning, you spend more time with the Spanish contingent, but it is a very open dressing room with no defined groups, unlike what you might find in Spain.

- On BBC?s 'Match of the Day', presented by Gary Lineker, it was said that Liverpool would win the league if you score 20 goals.

That would be great, and Rafa Benнtez is a perfectionist and when it comes to that aspect of the game, he makes us work hard. In the end it is important that the strikers create chances and get into goalscoring positions. This team plays a lot of attacking football and the strikers always get a chance to score. Hopefully what was said comes true!

- Benitez must have a special formula to get a team into two Champions League finals?

Yes, because things don?t happen by chance. Rafa is very methodical, knows exactly what he wants and knows how to build a team based on how he wants to the game to be played. This formula has led Rafa Benitez to create history at both Valencia and Liverpool. He looks for players who adapt to his system, and his way of doing things. There are players who accept the squad rotation and that is the secret; that the players believe in the manager, and the manager makes the players feel important.

- How does a player cope with the squad rotation system? For example, the minutes pass by and you ask yourself, I am not going to play today?

You have to accept it. His side?s results have proved him right and you have to remember that you are part of a team, and that it is best for everyone.

- Have you heard any Fernando Torres chants yet at Anfield?

The other day I heard the first chants and I felt happy, proud and surprised. I am surprised at how quickly everyone has taken to me, and the really warm welcome I received. It is hard to take it all in. This is such a large city, and there have been so many important players, and it is great that have taken to me from day one. Every game you play at Anfield is a special experience.

- What do you do in Liverpool that you didn?t do in Madrid? and what do you miss from back home?

As of yet, nothing. I am enjoying every day here with my team and my team-mates. In the city I am enjoying being able to go to almost anywhere without any problems.

- Any curious stories of life in England and how things are different from Spain?

Nearly everything is different; the money, they use miles instead of kilometres, and they drive on the other side of the road. At the start I was a bit tense when it came to driving, like for example when it came to a crossing in the road, I would look the wrong way first, but you adapt to the change. It was funny though when I went back to Spain with the national team and had to drive on the other side of the road again, you could say it was a really strange experience (laughs out loud).

- Back to football in England, is it safe to say that it is seen almost as a religion?

No, that is a slight exaggeration, though I have been surprised at the passion shown by the fans and how they treat the team. I have never seen anything like it. It is normal to see a young boy or pensioner cheer the team on, or wear the shirt proudly in the street. It is really impressive, and football here is what it should be, pure entertainment. People go to the stadium to enjoy themselves, and win or lose, they are always behind their team.

- Fernando, you have been in England for almost three months, are you happy with your decision?

Yes, very much so? and with each passing day, even more so.
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Ну что за невезуха такая? В Костанае негде посмотреть матч красных :) :)
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Benitez beats Real to 'new Messi'

Liverpool have signed a 16-year-old Argentinian prospect from Real Madrid - who is being dubbed the 'new Leonel Messi'.
Rafael Benitez has swooped to capture the schoolboy star from the Spanish giants, taking advantage of the same loophole in junior contracts that enabled Arsenal to snap up Cesc Fabregas from Barcelona.
Gerardo Bruna will arrive at Anfield on a three -year deal, carrying a big reputation after dazzling performances in midfield for the Real youth set-up.
Spanish newspaper AS reports the deal today as a major blow for the Madrid club who had likened his talent to that of Messi.
Bruna is half Spanish and has an EU passport which means he won't need a work permit to play in England.

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