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English club

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Сообщений в теме: 1509

Мон Амур

Мон Амур
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ой....проглядела....тогда нас будет двое))))
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ждем всех с позитивом и с огромным желанием развиваться.

хорошее начало пол дела откачало

Сообщение отредактировал 4596444: 15.05.2012, 15:55:54

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нас будет около 8-ми человек, если не запутался. придет еще одна девушка, моя хорошая знакомая.
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Мон Амур

Мон Амур
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а вы сами хорошо знаете англ?
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Сорри, вчера не смогла. На работе задержалась. Когда будет след.встреча?
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yesterday we had our 2nd meeting of english learners.

It was very productive and interesting. Wide range of interests and hobbies among people helped to avoid boring talks.
sure, It's a pity somebody couldn't come. I hope it won't happen again and we're looking forward to meet more interesting people at our next meeting.

Tommorow at 7 pm we are coming to 28 park. everybody is welcome.

Dina, Ermek are you coming?
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yesterday we had our 2nd meeting of english learners.

It was very productive and interesting. Wide range of interests and hobbies among people helped to avoid boring talks.
sure, It's a pity somebody couldn't come. I hope it won't happen again and we're looking forward to meet more interesting people at our next meeting.

Tommorow at 7 pm we are coming to 28 park. everybody is welcome.

Dina, Ermek are you coming?

hey hey! i will try, hope Yermek will come too
  • -1

Asa bianco

Asa bianco
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Hi guys! what are plannning to do? will that be discussions only? if so -what kind of ones? thanks!
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we can make plan by ourselves. it's very flexible club, it's up to us.
yesterday were only conversations and introductions of each other. It took about 2 hours.

any special suggestions of spending time with english learners?
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Asa bianco

Asa bianco
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well, I think it depends on average level of the "group"
for example if everyone can talk easily and express his thoughts probably we could chose a topic for discussion (hobby,sprot, news,relations )) or whatever )
or what about if you (sorry dont know your name 459.... ) ask a question or give the phrase here and everybody would come up with his thoughts on that
my aim for example is to improve business english and enrich my vocabulary
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Asa bianco

Asa bianco
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It took about 2 hours.

2 hours being/sitting in the park and talking?
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well, I think it depends on average level of the "group"
for example if everyone can talk easily and express his thoughts probably we could chose a topic for discussion (hobby,sprot, news,relations )) or whatever )
or what about if you (sorry dont know your name 459.... ) ask a question or give the phrase here and everybody would come up with his thoughts on that
my aim for example is to improve business english and enrich my vocabulary

I have the same objects as you, and some of participants are from financial sector.
it might be useful to ask opinion of every person. Please, join us tomorrow to arrange all matters.

and we were there for 2 hours, and time passed too fast, because of interesting conversations.
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Asa bianco

Asa bianco
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great! will join tomorrow
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Robin good

Robin good
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Д.день не подскажите курсы для ребенка 7 лет не дорогие!
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сегодня, 17 мая в 19,00 в парке 28 панфиловцев встречаемся для развития знаний англ.языка

будет 7-8 человек, все дружелюбные и интересные личности.

мои контакты 8 707 101 66 64
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Мортиша Аддамс

Мортиша Аддамс
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Aren't U guys going to get a native speaker or is it going ok without them?

Сообщение отредактировал Мортиша Аддамс: 17.05.2012, 14:08:39

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Мортиша Аддамс, Is it crucial for you? I had bad experience of "native speakers hunters", who were dissappointed with their absence and spoilt our meeting.
To find natives (or somebody call them "expats") is not the objectof our english club . we're looking for good persons who want to improve speaking. Of source we prefer to have some fluent speaking poeple at our meetings.

actually, most of english learners have great lexicon and they just need to practise.

Сообщение отредактировал 4596444: 17.05.2012, 14:11:36

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Ну где все?))
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    Землю-крестьянам, фабрики-рабочим, деньги-банковским служащим

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