> 1. Community College: Bergen offers affordable tuition, dedicated faculty,
> and outstanding services for students
> 2. Undergraduate: Investing in Your Education - Financial Aid at Bryant
> University, Rhode Island
> 3. Undergraduate: Students at Concordia College are inspired to change -
> and be changed by - the world
> ***********************************************************************************************
> 1. Bergen Community College offers affordable tuition, dedicated faculty,
> and outstanding services for students
> Bergen Community College is located in suburban Paramus, New Jersey; a
> short bus ride from New York City! BCC is proud to have over 675
> international
> students representing 61 countries from around the globe!
> -- Bergen Community College is a two year institution offering Associates
> degrees in areas ranging from Health Professions, to General Engineering
> Technology to Business to World Languages and Cultures. English
> instruction is also available.
> -- The tuition at BCC is very affordable; about $3500 USD per semester (15
> credits) (about $7,000 per year + the cost of off campus housing).
> -- Bergen Community College programs prepare students for transfer to
> four-year colleges and universities, or for immediate entry into a career.
> -- The College offers many advantages that may not be found elsewhere;
> small classes, affordable tuition, dedicated faculty, outstanding services
> for
> students, flexible class times and a diverse population.
> More information can be found at
> ***********************************************************************************************
> 2. Undergraduate: Investing in Your Education - Financial Aid at Bryant
> University, Rhode Island
> At Bryant, international students are embraced by a community of students,
> faculty, and staff who are here to help you achieve success - as you
> define
> it. Bryant offers a comprehensive education that integrates business and
> the liberal arts to give you a strong academic foundation
> (
> Bryant University is committed to providing the highest quality education
> at a reasonable cost. The Office of Financial Aid offers a number of
> programs
> to help students finance their education. Options include scholarships,
> grants, loans, and part-time employment.
> Academic Scholarships
> There are a number of academic scholarships that are awarded to Bryant
> students each year. Scholarships are awarded based on high school
> transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, class rank, and extracurricular involvement
> and do not require repayment. It is not necessary to apply for financial
> aid to
> be considered for academic scholarships at Bryant. All new students are
> considered as part of the admission application process. The scholarships
> are renewable for up to four years, provided full-time enrollment is
> maintained and previously determined grade point averages continue to be
> achieved.
> Scholarships range from $8,000 - $25,000 per year.
> For more information, please contact:
> John Eriksen, Associate Director of International Admission
> jeriksen@bryant.edu
> ***********************************************************************************************
> 3. Undergraduate: Students at Concordia College are inspired to change -
> and be changed by - the world
> Concordia is a vibrant learning community of more than 2,800 students,
> where student engagement goes well beyond the classroom. Here, students
> frequently
> join faculty in side-by-side research. Our students benefit from an
> academically challenging, yet welcoming and supportive learning
> environment.
> Financial assistance
> Concordia College prizes the contributions international students make to
> enhance education at Concordia, and we are pleased to provide partial
> financial assistance to help make it more possible to enroll.
> We offer International Student Scholarships based on academic ability and
> family need that can go as high as $14,000 per year for students joining
> in
> 2009. In addition, Concordia offers performance scholarships to students
> based solely on talent in Music, Theatre Performance and Production,
> Visual
> Arts, and Speech and Debate
> www.concordiacollege.edu/Offices/Finaid/Types/Scholarships/concordia1.php
> More information and steps to apply:
> www.concordiacollege.edu/Admissions/internationalstudents1.php
:: Академия ОБСЕ в Бишкеке объявляет о наборе на программу <Магистр
:Политических Наук (Центральная Азия)>. Программа предназначена для
:имеющих полное высшее образование. Данная программа предоставляет студентам
:возможность получить обширные знания в области политических наук и
:отношений, развить навыки аналитического и критического мышления, а также
:возможность обучаться у ведущих академиков, экспертов и представителей
:организаций, работающих как в Центральной Азии, так и за ее пределами.
:обучения основана на системе кредит-часов и нацелена на привлечение
:интернационального состава студенчества. Учебная программа начинается 1-го
:2009 г.
:: Требования к кандидатам:
:: u Успешное завершение учебы в высшем учебном заведении с
:академической степени по программе обучения (бакалавр, MA, MSc, диплом);
:: u Свободное владение русским и английским языками;
:: u Кандидаты должны быть не старше 32 лет на 1 сентября 2009 г;
:: u Кандидаты должны иметь гражданство Кыргызстана, Узбекистана,
:Таджикистана, Казахстана, и Туркменистана..
:: u Граждане других государств-партнеров или участников ОБСЕ
:также могут
: быть приняты для обучения по программе, но количество мест для данной
:студентов ограничено.
:: Финансирование:
:: Академия ОБСЕ в Бишкеке оплачивает транспортные расходы в пределах
:Центральной Азии до/от Бишкека, и медицинскую страховку. Академия
:ежемесячную стипендию в размере 150 Евро и денежное пособие для
:обеспечения жилья.
:На основе заявления студента предоставляется детское пособие и пособие
:для одиноких
:: Последний срок подачи заявок- 15 апреля 2009 г.
:: Подробная информация о порядке подачи заявлений имеется на сайте
:Академии ОБСЕ:
:: www.osce-academy.net
:: За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь в Академию ОБСЕ в Бишкеке
:по телефону:
:: +996 (312) 54-32-00 или по электронному адресу:
:Nurlan Tussupov
:+9 (996) 550 80 70 45
:MA programme in Political Science
:OSCE Academy in Bishkek