Грантына образование, конференции, т.д.
Отправлено 30.10.2008, 10:51:48
объявляет конкурс на участие в Зальцбургских медицинских семинарах 2009 года
Тематика семинаров, даты и конечные сроки подачи заявок на сайте http://eac.bilim.kz
Требования к участникам:
• Знание английского языка (рабочий язык семинаров - английский)
• Работа в сфере здравоохранения
• Возраст 30-45 лет
• Возможность поделиться профессиональной информацией и личным опытом
• Наличие публикаций
Анкета должна быть заполнена в режиме он-лайн на странице: http://platform.aaf-online.org/
За подробной информацией о программе обращайтесь в Консультационные Центры по Образованию за рубежом «Бiлiм-Центральная Азия»:
г. Алматы
Tel: (727) 2597622, 2597620;
E-mail: lgorbunova@bilim.kz
г. Караганда
Tel./fax: 7 (7212) 420851, 420761
E-mail: soros_kar_rc@nursat.kz
г. Шымкент
Tel./Fax: 7 (7252) 211981
E-mail: aturdaliyev@mail.ru
а также на сайте: http://eac.bilim.kz
Отправлено 03.11.2008, 16:31:19
Ты талантливый программист, разработчик или тестер? Тогда эта стажировка для тебя. Софтверная компания Opera принимает заявки на прохождение летней стажировки длительностью 8 недель, которая стартует в мае и закончится в сентябре 2009 года. Местонахождения: Осло, Норвегия / Линкёпинг, Швеция / Вроцлав, Польша / Готенбург, Швеция.
Стажировка будет оплачена, и стажеры будут наибольшим образом вовлечены в работу команды с самого начала. Это твой шанс принять участие в будущем развитии Интернета!
" Свободное владение разговорным и письменным английским языком;
" Креативность и способность вкладывать в развитие и тестинг;
" Вовлеченность в 3-5-летнюю университетскую программу или окончание таковой к 2009 году.
Для участия в стажировке необходимо предоставить свое резюме и письмо-обоснование, а также указать предпочтительные даты для стажировки. Заявки принимаются до 1 апреля 2009 года.
Форма заявки находится здесь.
Отправлено 05.11.2008, 10:57:45
хотелось бы, чтобы вы не забывали ставить авторствоДля программистов и веб-девелоперов:
Ты талантливый программист, разработчик или тестер? Тогда эта стажировка для тебя.
Форма заявки находится здесь.
о новый грантах можно прочитать здесь
Сообщение отредактировал mursya: 05.11.2008, 10:58:12
Отправлено 10.11.2008, 00:19:43
там же -
http://akeac.com/for....php?topic=19.0 - информация о возможностях получения финансовой помощи в американских университетах
Отправлено 23.11.2008, 19:25:14
3 masters are available in this Italian business school
MBA in international business, international master in tourism and leisure and insurance and risk management
MBA full-time
The School and company sponsors fund scholarships, awarded as a full or partial exemption from MBA tuition fee.
Scholarships are awarded based on merit and on specific requirements indicated by the School or company sponsors. For specific requirements, download specific scholarship information.
Evaluation criteria
Among evaluation criteria preference is given to:
* Significant professional experience
* Language proficiency in Foreign languages
* Demonstrated managerial skills
To be considered for scholarships, candidates must:
* Complete and send the on-line application or the PDF application form to the MBA in International Business
* Meet the requirements stated in the scholarship description
* Send all relevant documentation indicated in the competition for scholarship
Admission to the MBA program is independent from the scholarship process.
When outcomes for MBA admissions are announced, candidates will be informed if they receive a scholarship and the amount.
EU Citizens: 20 August, 2009
Non EU: 31 July, 2009
MASTER in Insurance
Evaluation criteria
* Significant professional experience
* Foreign languages
* Demonstrated managerial skills
To be considered for scholarships, candidates must:
* Complete and send the application on-line to the Master in Insurance & Risk Management
* Meet all requirements stated in the scholarship description
* Send all relevant documentation indicated in the competition for scholarships
Admission to the Master in Insurance & Risk management is independent from the scholarship process.
When outcomes for MIRM admissions are announced, candidates will be informed if they receive a scholarship and the amount.
The number of scholarships may increase; periodic changes are listed on the website in this section.
deadline for applications: 17th November (non-EU); 28th November (EU Citizens)
Placement rate (average): 96%
Job sectors: insurance; consulting; finance; banking.
Sponsor: Accenture, Allianz, ANIA, Aurora, Crenca, Generali, KPMG, Marsh, Navale, Unipol.
Topics: Management & Economics, Insurance, Risk Management, Insurance Companies Management, Personal Development.
Language: English
Information: zonta@mib.edu
Отправлено 07.12.2008, 23:27:58
А для врачей что нибудь есть?
Hannover Medical School - 60 PhD positions in international PhD programs
PhD Scholarships at University of Luebeck, Germany
PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience-Karolinska Institute
что внутри ссылок, не вчитывалась. так что если что-то не то, заранее прошу прощение
Отправлено 09.12.2008, 09:52:58
Отправлено 09.12.2008, 11:52:43
Open Society Institute/ Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening/University of Warwick 2009-10
The scholarships, which are offered for a period of twelve months, are to enable scholars to pursue a taught postgraduate course at the University of Warwick.
Each scholarship provides twelve months’ tuition fees at the University of Warwick, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) and return air travel from the scholar’s home country. On completion of the scholarship, scholars will return to their home countries.
Eligible Countries
The scholarships are open to applicants from Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Mongolia.
Eligible Subjects
Scholarships are available from September 2009 in the Faculties of Arts, Sciences and Social Studies.
The funding does not cover MBA, MPA, all Medical School courses, diploma, certificate or research courses, the 2-year MA in Social Work or part-time courses.
Criteria Applicants will normally be expected to:
• wish to study full-time at the University of Warwick for a one year taught Master's degree;
• be nationals of, and normally resident in, the selected country during the academic year in which they apply for the award; applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being resident;
• have completed an undergraduate degree or been awarded an equivalent qualification by September 2009;
• be proficient in the English language, both spoken and written. The University would expect candidates to have normally achieved at the time of taking up the award a score of TOEFL 600 (Paper based), TOEFL 250 (Computer based), TOEFL Internet based 92) or IELTS 6.5;
• have not already been awarded a university doctorate from another academic institution;
• not have already received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous HMG Funded Scholarship;
• not be employees, employees’ relatives (of former employees who have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO posts), the British Council, the Bilim Educational Advising Centers or other OSI-NSP representations in the region and the participating universities.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied outside of their home country.
анкеты и доп.информация:
Отправлено 11.12.2008, 11:39:55
The Central European University (CEU) is an internationally recognized, US degree granting institution of post-graduate education in social sciences and humanities. CEU operates pursuant to an absolute charter from the Board of Regents of the New York State Education Department; the official language of instruction is English. The Program offers a number of scholarships for pusuing advanced studies at CEU at MA or PhD levels. Further information about CEU you can find at http://www.ceu.hu.
Fields of Study Offered :
Economics (MA, PhD) Political Science (MA, PhD)
Medieval Studies (MA, PhD) International Relations and European Studies (MA, PhD)
Environmental Sciences and Policy (MS, PhD) Sociology and Social Anthropology (MA, PhD)
Nationalism Studies (MA, PhD) Legal Studies (LLM, MA, SJD, PhD)
Gender Studies (MA, PhD) Mathematics and its Applications (PhD)
Philosophy (PhD) CEU Graduate School of Business (MBA, MM) (more information here)
History (MA, PhD) Public Policy (MPP)
Financial Terms:
Full and partial financial aid is awarded on an academic-merit basis. While students from all over the world are eligible to apply, continued priority is given to students from Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and countries experiencing emerging democracies.
Application Process:
Applicants should read all instructions and information carefully http://www.ceu.hu/admissions/apply before completing the application. All forms are to be completed in English.
Application form should be fill in online https://apply.embark.com/Grad/CEU/65/
Deadline: January 26th, 2009
читайте подробнее и смотрите примеры тестов по математике за прошлые годы:
Отправлено 12.12.2008, 16:13:37
Отправлено 13.12.2008, 16:12:30
Предуниверситетская программа КФ МГУ им. Ломоносова теперь и в Казахстане.
"MSU" - одна из лучших предуниверситетских программ "General Educational System". Она представляет собой комплексную подготовку к поступлению в КФ МГУ им. Ломоносова на бюджетное отделение. "MSU" специально разработана лучшими педагогами совместно с Российскими партнерами для успешной и эфективной подготовки к обучению в КФ МГУ им. Ломоносова. Участникам программы предоставляется возможность поступления в лучшие Российские ВУЗы для обучения на бесплатной основе.
Высокое качество образования в МГУ обеспечивается наличием фундаментальных научных школ мирового значения, высшим качеством преподавания, соответствием самым высшим образовательным стандартам. Благодаря этому диплом Московского университета престижен и признается в других государствах.
Требования к поступающим на "MSU":
- обучение в 11-м классе либо диплом колледжа по аналогичной специальности;
- средний балл аттестата за 9-й (11-й) класс не ниже 4.0.
Более подробная информация:
Все вопросы на E-mail: GESystem@bk.ru
К сожалению регистрация уже началась количество мест ограниченно. Возможность поступления на программу еще есть, набор продлиться до 21.12.08. Следущий набор будет весной на краткосрочную экстерновую программу, но только к поступлению в КФ МГУ им. Ломоносова.
Отправлено 22.12.2008, 12:47:24
We offer you the opportunity to become a petroleum engineer with a broad background knowledge that allows you to really make the most of your future. Applicants who wish to be considered for the Shell Scholarships should send an email to the MSc coordinator and thereafter follow the normal application procedure (see below).
MSc in Applied Earth Sciences Specialisation Petroleum Engineering
The specialization Petroleum Engineering includes all aspects of theupstream petroleum industry from reservoir geology and engineering, todrilling techniques and economic evaluation of projects. Significanteffort is dedicated to the underlying fundamentals thus reinforcingstudents’ ability to respond to problems of the future.
The two year courseputs great emphasis on multi-disciplinary work, integrating engineeringand geosciences. You will integrate all areas of knowledge of petroleumengineerin g, geophysics, production geology, reservoir engineering, petrophysics, and production technology. You will develop the skills tomanage the development of an oil or gas field or undertake associatedresearch.
Each student will undertake an independent final thesis.The thesis subject is selected on the basis of the input of the studentand their mentor and sponsor. The MSc programme takes two years an d isworth a total of 120 ECTS credits. More information on course detailsis found at our website. The MSc course is conducted in English.
Staff and Facilities
The MSc programme is taught by staff with strong research backgroundsand good contacts with the petroleum industry. The department hasexcellent experimental laboratories and makes frequent use ofnon-university facilities. Staff and especially the post-grad studentbody is strongly multicultural and multinational. English is ourworking language.
Entry requirements
Applications are eligible from students with a BSc degree in Physics,Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Earth Sciences, PetroleumEngineerin g or related disciplines. Graduates are eligible foradmission if they fulfill the requirements set by the department.Further information on the general admission requirements and theapplication procedure can be found at this website.
Career Prospects
We anticipate the career prospects for students with an MSc inPetroleum Engineering to be very good for the foreseeable future. Ourgraduates are employed throughout the international petroleum industry.Current demand for qualified petroleum engineers is very high.
Scholarships: Two Shells cholarships cover half the tuition fee for 2 EU students for the full 2 year MSc programme. Two more scholarships cover half the tuition fee and expenses for non-EU students
Open to: EU and non-EU students
For more information on how to apply, please contact
MSc coordinator:
Mr. Pascal de Smidt, faculty of Civil Engineering
and Geosciences
E-mail: p.desmidt @ citg.tudelft. nl
Tel: +31 (0)15 278 10 68
Fax: +31 (0)15 278 11 89
Or Visit our website
Отправлено 23.12.2008, 14:54:26
информацию по стипендиям в Лондонской Школе Бизнеса и Финансов. Всех с наступающим!!!
Отправлено 24.12.2008, 11:48:43
As a long-term sponsor of business education, HRH Prince Michael of Kent has partnered with London School of Business and Finance to create the Emerging Markets Scholarship. This specialised scholarship scheme recognises LSBF’s understanding of social–economic responsibility, by giving candidates from emerging markets the chance to study a degree in London with funding ranging from £1000 - £8000.
Отправлено 24.12.2008, 13:17:23
The Emerging Markets Scholarship
As a long-term sponsor of business education, HRH Prince Michael of Kent has partnered with London School of Business and Finance to create the Emerging Markets Scholarship. This specialised scholarship scheme recognises LSBF’s understanding of social–economic responsibility, by giving candidates from emerging markets the chance to study a degree in London with funding ranging from £1000 - £8000.
Зашел на сайт, очень интересные программы. Рахмет
Отправлено 25.12.2008, 16:51:16
Shell Master Scholarships in Petroleum Engineering, Delft University of Technology
We offer you the opportunity to become a petroleum engineer with a broad background knowledge that allows you to really make the most of your future. Applicants who wish to be considered for the Shell Scholarships should send an email to the MSc coordinator and thereafter follow the normal application procedure (see below).
Эх знать бы чуток пораньше, у них срок приема документов заканчивается 1 января.
Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 2
пользователей: 0, неизвестных прохожих: 2, скрытых пользователей: 0