Грант на образование в Германии:
The Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin (Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives) sponsors a scholarship program that aims at supporting young scholars. The program is directed to applicants from the United States of America, Great Britain, France and the countries succeeding from the former Soviet Union. The applicants should be working on projects concerned with Berlin, Germany or German-international questions or should want to use research facilities in Berlin in all other fields. The scholarship should be used to advance academic education at a Berlin institution of higher education.
Students and PhD candidates receive 770 EUR per month; postdocs 1,300 EUR per month.
In addition, the scholarship covers the travel costs to and from Berlin for recipients not already situated in Berlin. Free lodging in the International Studies Centre Berlin (ISB) is another component of the scholarship program. This modern hostel offers not only an international atmosphere and help in all aspects of life in Berlin, but also a cultural and political program with lectures and excursions.
The grants are awarded by a committee of professors of the three largest Berlin universities – the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin.
The maximum age for applicants is 35 years. Students should have obtained a first academic degree (Bachelor) by the age of 25.
The following documents must be submitted (the application form, CV and the research proposal should preferably be submitted in German):
• application form
• curriculum vitae
• research proposal/description of the study or research project including a work plan for one year
• letter of a Berlin university teacher/scholar of a Berlin research institution stating that he/she is willing to supervise the applicant during the stay in Berlin
• two recommendation letters informing about the applicant’s academic qualifications
• university transcripts/diplomas with grades (copies)
• proof of German language proficiency
All documents may be sent by email.
The application deadline is December 15, 2013.
The scholarship will begin on October 1, 2014 and end on September 30, 2015.
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