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GMAT 700все кто сдавал или будет сдавать сие чудесный тест

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2. In the xy-plane, the line K passes through the origin and through the point (a,b), where ab not equal to zero. Is b positive?
1) The slope of line k is negative
2) a<b

если прямая проходит через центр и имеет отрицательный наклон, то нам будет достаточно только первого условия, что бы было положительным

Условие 1. Пусть наклон будет отрицательным и линия проходит через центр координат. К примеру y=-x. В таком случае точка (1;-1) является точкой на нашей прямой и a=1 b=-1. Тут b отрицательная. Берем точку (-1;1). Тоже точка на прямой, но b>0, т.е. положительная. Как так получается? :fie:
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А эти я незнаю

3. Do lines y =ax^2 +b and y =cx^2+d cross?
1) a = -c
2) b > d

Если не знаем, тогда рисуем :eek:

How many of the points on line segment PQ have coordinates that are both integers?
P( 0, 30) and Q is ( 50, 0)
может тут что-то связано с 3/5

Может быть... :fie:
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ну да b равнется -6. а почему нету, ни один что ли :fie:
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SC (смешной)

Federal authorities involved in the investigation have found the local witnesses are difficult to locate, reticent, and are suspicious of strangers.
(A) the local witnesses are difficult to locate, reticent, and are
(B) local witnesses to be difficult to locate, reticent, and are
© that local witnesses are difficult to locate, reticent, and
(D) local witnesses are difficult to locate and reticent, and they are
(E) that local witnesses are difficult to locate and reticent, and they are


а почему нету, ни один что ли :fie:

признака такого нету, все верно решено, Kasatka, не грусти :eek:!

Всем, особенно Kasatka
Most large corporations in the United States
were once run by individual capitalists who owned
enough stock to dominate the board of directors and
dictate company policy. Because putting such large
(5) amounts of stock on the market would only depress
its value, they could not sell out for a quick profit and
instead had to concentrate on improving the long-
term productivity of their companies. Today, with
few exceptions, the stock of large United States
(10) corporations is held by large institutions—pension
funds, for example—and because these institutions
are prohibited by antitrust laws from owning a
majority of a company’s stock and from actively
influencing a company’s decision-making, they can
(15) enhance their wealth only by buying and selling stock
in anticipation of fluctuations in its value. A
minority shareholder is necessarily a short-term
trader. As a result, United States productivity is
unlikely to improve unless shareholders and the
(20) managers of the companies in which they invest are
encouraged to enhance long-term productivity (and
hence long-term profitability), rather than simply to
maximize short-term profits.
Since the return of the old-style capitalist is
(25) unlikely, today’s short-term traders must be remade
into tomorrow’s long-term capitalistic investors. The
legal limits that now prevent financial institutions
from acquiring a dominant shareholding position in a
corporation should be removed, and such institutions
(30) encouraged to take a more active role in the
operations of the companies in which they invest. In
addition, any institution that holds twenty percent or
more of a company’s stock should be forced to give
the public one day’s notice of the intent to sell those
(35) shares. Unless the announced sale could be
explained to the public on grounds other than
anticipated future losses, the value of the stock would
plummet and, like the old-time capitalists, major
investors could cut their losses only by helping to
(40) restore their companies’ productivity. Such measures
would force financial institutions to become
capitalists whose success depends not on trading
shares at the propitious moment, but on increasing
the productivity of the companies in which they

16. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
(A) Comparing two different approaches to a problem
(B) Describing a problem and proposing a solution
(С) Defending an established method
(D) Presenting data and drawing conclusions from the data
(E) Comparing two different analyses of a current situation

17. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of majority shareholders in a corporation?
(A) They make the corporation's operational management decisions.
(B) They are not allowed to own more than fifty percent of the corporation's stock.
© They cannot make quick profits by selling off large amounts of their stock in the corporation.
(D) They are more interested in profits than in productivity.
(E) They cannot sell any of their stock in the corporation without giving the public advance notice.

18. The passage supports which of the following statements?
(A) Antitrust laws prevent any single shareholder from acquiring a majority of the stock in a corporation.
(B) Institutions that intend to sell a large block of stock in a single corporation must give at least twenty-four hours notice of the sale.
(С) In most corporations it is the board of directors rather than the corporate managers who make policy decisions.
(D) The sudden sale of a large amount of stock in any one corporation makes the value of the stock go down.
(E) The way corporations are currently run, it is unlikely that increased productivity would lead to short-term increases in stock values.

19. According to the passage, the purpose of the requirement suggested in lines 31-34 would be which of the following?
(A) To encourage institutional stockholders to sell stock that they believe will decrease in value
(B) To discourage institutional stockholders from intervening in the operation of a company whose stock they own
(С) To discourage short-term profit-taking by institutional stockholders
(D) To encourage a company's employees to take an active role in the ownership of stock in the company
(E) To encourage investors to diversify their stock holdings

20. The author suggests that which of the following is a true statement about people who typify the “old-style capitalist” referred to in line 24?
(A) They now rely on outdated management techniques.
(B) They seldom engaged in short-term trading of the stock they owned.
(С) They did not influence the investment policies of the corporation in which they invested.
(D) They now play a very small role in the stock market as a result of antitrust legislation.
(E) They were primarily concerned with maximizing the short-term profitability of the corporations in which they owned stock.

21. It can be inferred that the author makes which of the following assumptions about the business once controlled by individual capitalists?
(A) These businesses were less profitable than are businesses today.
(B) Improving long-term productivity led to increased profits.
(С) Each business had only a few stockholders.
(D) There was no short-term trading in the stock of these businesses.
(E) Institutions owned no stock in these companies.

22. The author suggests that the role of large institutions as stockholders differs from that of the “old-style capitalist” in part because large institutions
(A) invest in the stock of so many companies that they cannot focus attention on the affairs of any single corporation
(B) are prohibited by law from owning a majority of a corporation’s stock
(С) are influenced by brokers who advise against long-term ownership of stocks
(D) are able to put large amounts of stock on the market without depressing the stock’s value
(E) are attracted to the stocks of corporations that demonstrate long-term gains in productivity

23. The primary function of the second paragraph of the passage is to
(A) identify problems
(B) warn of consequences
(С) explain effects
(D) evaluate solutions
(E) recommend actions
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А эти я незнаю

3. Do lines y =ax^2 +b and y =cx^2+d cross?
1) a = -c
2) b > d

Если не знаем, тогда рисуем :fie:

нарисовала С
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Kasatka, не простой вопросец! Может ещё порисовать стоит? :fie:
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Kasatka, не простой вопросец! Может ещё порисовать стоит? :fie:

порисовала, A

1) suff, при любом раскладе пересекаются
2) not suff

такие задачки решаются только методом подстановок и рисования или есть более быстрый способ определить верный ответ?
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How many of the points on line segment PQ have coordinates that are both integers?
P( 0, 30) and Q is ( 50, 0)

долго думала, наверное так


при целом значении x до 50-ти, y будет равен тоже целому числу.

т.е 0,5,10...45,50 Итого 11 both integer-ов

УРА, надеюсь

Сообщение отредактировал Kasatka: 19.01.2009, 21:47:52

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Kasatka, не простой вопросец! Может ещё порисовать стоит? :eek:

порисовала, A

1) suff, при любом раскладе пересекаются
2) not suff

Kasatka, тут главное метод научится применять. Что такое y=ax^2+b? Что такое y=x^2? А что такое y= -x^2?
И что такое y= -x^2 - 2 ?

y=x^2 - это "рогатка",
y= -x^2 - это "рогатка" рогами вниз.
y=x^2 + 1 - это "рогатка", сдвинутая на 1 вверх от начала координат
y= -x^2 -10 - это "рогатка" рогами вниз, сдвинутая на 10 вниз от начала координат

Остальное - это для твоего воображения и карандаша...

такие задачки решаются только методом подстановок и рисования или есть более быстрый способ определить верный ответ?

И так можно и так, смотря что быстрее и надежнее. Я сначала рисовал, потом думал и подставлял.

How many of the points on line segment PQ have coordinates that are both integers?
P( 0, 30) and Q is ( 50, 0)

долго думала, наверное так


при целом значении x до 50-ти, y будет равен тоже целому числу.

т.е 0,5,10...45,50 Итого 11 both integer-ов

УРА, надеюсь

Вот тут-то slope и пригодился :fie: "5+"
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Kasatka, тут главное метод научится применять. Что такое y=ax^2+b? Что такое y=x^2? А что такое y= -x^2?

ой, какая же я невнимательная, когда рисовала квадраты не учла, у меня просто линии получились.
все мне надо отдохнуть, уже гоню
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:fie: спать
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Просыпаться :)
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Где ответы на SC & RC?
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что то как то много сомнений в ответах у меня :smoke:
но вот что получилось по RC
16 D
17 A
18 B
19 C
20 D
21 D
22 B
23 A
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SC - answer C
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RC by Snare:
16B 17C 18D 19C 20B 21B 22B(or A?) 23E
SC - C

Сообщение отредактировал Snare: 20.01.2009, 22:25:31

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SC - ответ С, справились легко :rotate:

ПО RC хочется плучить объяснения
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Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles' fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.

(A) Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles' fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.
(B) Because the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car's fuel by increasing car-road friction, car owners can substantially boost their vehicles' fuel efficiency by properly inflating the tires.
(С) Their vehicles' fuel efficiency is substantially boosted by car owners through the proper inflation of tires that, when underinflated, can waste up to five percent of car fuel by an increase in car-road friction.
(D) The proper inflation of tires by car owners, due to the fact that underinflation can waste up to five percent of a car's fuel by the increase of car-road friction, can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.
(E) Because up to five percent of a car's fuel are wasted through the increases in car-road friction when the tires are underinflated, car owners properly inflating tires can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.

Most teen-agers who work for pay hold jobs that require few skills, little responsibility, and also no hope for career advancement.
(A) little responsibility, and also
(B) little responsibility, and with
(С) little responsibility, and offer
(D) carry little responsibility, and
(E) carry little responsibility, and offer
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SCs B, E

RC explained:
16B: 1 абзац посвящен проблеме смещения акцентов на фаст-кэш современными акционерами-миноритариями, во 2м дается вариант ее решения
17C: дано в line 6
18D: дано в line 4-6
19C: А и В имеют противоположный смысл, D и Е не фигурируют в тексте. ответ, хотя и не явный - С. он же следует из контекста всего 1 абзаца
20B: автор убежден что "minority shareholder is <b>necessarily</b> a short-term trader", поскольку ориентирован на fastcash. Такому подходу противопоставляестя долгосрочное развитие, значит ответ В (ключевое слово seldom, не never). D имело бы смысл если бы оценивалось снижение роли мажоритариев не на фондовом рынке, а в инвестполитике компаний. А не фигурирует, С и Е противоположны по смыслу.
21B: А не фигурирует. С D E - преувеличения и искажения. В является единственным мотивом для долгосрочных инвестиций
22B(or A?): D говорит о large amounts of stock, С и Е не фигурируют. остается А или В. В более ярко отражено в тексте как причина. А же может являться скрытым его следствием. Тут я задумался, так как вопрос стоит о <b>"роли"</b>.. вощем вопрос на casuality
23E - см. вопрос 16
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блин а почему GMATPrep™ не дает объяснения неправильно решенным вопросам обоих пробников? только показывает правильный ответ. подскажите где и какие еще можно качнуть бесплатные пробники?
например, вот вам пара вопросов где я облажался:

DS1 - each of the offices in a building has an area of 200, 300 and 350 sq.feet. How many offices there are on the 1st floor?
1) total area of the first floor is 9500 sq.feet
2) ten of the offices on the 1st floor have area of 350 sq.feet each

DS2 - космос какойто:

q q q q
q r s t
q u v w
q x y z

In the table above, is z=20q?
1) q=3
2) each value in table except for q is equal to sum of the values above and sum of the values to the left of it

PS - a certain meter records values between 0 and 10 volts, inclusive. If average value of 3 recordings was 8 volts, what was the smallest possible recording, in volts?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
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