Горнолыжные базы в Синьзяне, КитайМожет чего-нибудь новенького попробовать? Каракол за 3 года поднадоел.
Отправлено 23.01.2009, 09:59:38
это спуск домой уже )))) одна из разновидностий трасс для новечкоф как описания было чо 10 км всёкой трасс там
СНОУ ПАРК с кикеорм и всякими кутайскими шутуками
Аля ТАбаган еще один из разнавидностей! все нахилтся в одном месте
Херня какаято! олд скул
цуко таким сноубордом если втыкнешся в когонить то насмерть в лучшем случае ато и пополам
Цены да х.з.! факт то тчо ниже Киргизстанских!
продивания 100 юяний = 1600 тнг ночь в кастинице
нимог уменьшить фото последнию плз минус мне нисьтавте
Сообщение отредактировал Bright Sun: 18.09.2009, 18:00:16
Отправлено 18.09.2009, 17:36:47
Сегодня получила ответ.
Hello ******, Thanks for your note. I'm sorry to say that despite our best efforts, we're not as far along as we'd hoped by this time so probably will not be in operation this winter. There has been a litany of events that have put us behind schedule and we have yet to catch up. Last year it was the earthquake in Sichuan, horrendous flooding the Southeast and the turbulence in Tibet. Even though these things didn't happen where we are in Xinjiang, their effects rippled across the entire country and slowed development progress – not only for our business, but for many other industries as well. Even the highlight of 2008, the Beijing Olympics, managed to slow things down due to the diverted focus of officials for months on both the regional and national levels. There was some unrest in Urumqi in July and, of course, the global financial meltdown late in the year, which is still hanging around and probably will be for a while. Living in Almaty, you are surely aware of all the events. The net effect of all this is that it's taking more time than we anticipated to get everything right and we don't want to proceed until we're satisfied with our ability to achieve the levels of quality we've set for ourselves. It's frustrating, but reality. We're dealing with it and remain focused on creating China's first international quality mountain resort experience. When we get things on track, the snowboarding will be great. I'll make a note to let you know when our scheduling is more definitive. In the meantime, thanks for your interest... and patience.
C. M
Vice President Branding and Corporate Communications
PingTian Resorts
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