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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Книги на английском языкеMostly Non-Fiction, some Fiction and Chick-lit

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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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Sophie Kinsella. Twenties Girl 1500
Sophie Kinsella. Undomestic Goddes 700
Jennifer Weiner. Little Earthquakes 1000
J.Weiner. Goodnight Nobody 1000
J.Weiner. Good In Bed 1000
J.Weiner. Certain Girls 1500
Coelho. Brida 500
John Shors. Beneath A Marble Sky 1500
Orhan Pamuk. My name’s Red 500


Leo Tolstoy. Short stories 500
War and Piece 500
Vassily Aksyonov. Generations of Winter 700
Ch. Aytmatov. The day lasts more than a 100 years 1000

Книги на турецком языке

N.Sparks. Dugun 500
Mutluluk Projesi 1000
Jane Green. Ikinci Sans 1000


Sylvie Donna. Teach Business English 1500
Brian Stanfield. The Art of Focused Conversation 1500


David Schnarch. Passionate Marriage 1000
Thomas Lewis. A General Theory of Love 700
Gregory Berns. Satisfaction 700


Barks. The Soul of Rumi 1000
Lasaad Metoui. Love: The Joy oThat Wounds. Rumi 700
Love Mad. Poems of Rumi 300


Donna Leon. A Noble Radiance 300
Donna Leon. Fatal Remedies 300
Donna Leon. Quietly in their Sleep 300
David Baldacci. The Collectors 300
Ian Caldwell.. The rule of Four 500
David Hewson. The Lizard’s Bite 500
B.Tuchman. A Distant Mirror 700
B.Tuchman. The Proud Tower 700
Valerie Martin. Italian Fever 500
Jason Goodwin. The Janissary Tree 500

Non Fiction:

John Man. Genghis Khan 1500
Carter Vaughn Findley. The TURKS in World History 1000
Robert Rosenberg. This Is Not Civilization 700
Amos Oz. Fima 500
Greg Mortenson. Three Cups of tea 1000
Rafis Abazov. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia 500
Orlando Figes. Natasha’s Dance. A cultural History of Russia 2000
Fernand Braudel. The Mediterranian and the Mediterranian Worlds on the Age of Philip II 700
David Remnick. Lenin’s Tomb 700
Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America 500
Nicholas Riasanovsky. A History of Russia 1000
Robert McCrum… The Story of English 1500
Jeffrey Sachs. THE END of POVERTY 2000
Kapuscinski. The Soccer War 500
Kapuscinski. Imperium 500
Albert Camus. The Stranger 300
Tortajadn. The Silenced Cry

Сообщение отредактировал mother: 11.06.2012, 10:33:52

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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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Детские книги:

Charlie and Lola: My Completely Best Story Collection[Hardcover] - 2000

Charlie has this little sister, Lola, and together they have lots of extremely good adventures and do some very fun things. All Charlie and Lola fans will love this collection of five favorite stories, featuring Charlie and Lola, their friends Lotta and Marv and, of course, Marv's dog Sizzles!

Отзыв с Амазона: Мy boy aged 6 is just starting to read English (we live in Sweden) and this book is great for it. Easy sentences but a very funny and entertaining children language. Charlie and Lola have been with us since years now, and we simply love them. Especially the story were Lola looses her first tooth is great, as my boy is loosing a lot of them at the moment. I can really recommend this book. Lots of fun at bedtime:). Perfect for kids around 5/6, but also entertaining for older siblings, who can see themselves as Charlie, getting exhausted having a little sister:) My older boy sits in and listens to the little one read; we share good laughs!

Моим детям 6 и 9 лет - ОБА слушают и читают с удовольчтвием. Также на диск/флэшку могу ззапписать аудио версию.

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Honey Hill Magnetic Theatre - 2000

This delightful interactive theatre book contains everything you need to help the Honey Hill friends put on their play, including play pieces and easy-to-follow instructions. Children will love joining in with the characters as they make scenery, sew costumes and rehearse – and then cheer for them on opening night! Comes complete with a story book, which doubles up as a backdrop, a fold-down stage, six sturdy board characters, six magnetic bases and four magnetic movement wands, as well as two special pockets in which to store the pieces until the next performance.

Работает по вот такому принципу (это только другая книга), перелистывая страницы, как бы меняешь декорации позади сцены. С помощью намагниченных полосок можно двигать фигурами и ставить театрльные представления!
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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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Oh, the Places You’ll Go! - 1000

Классика Дроктор Сюсс.

Inspirational yet honest, and always rhythmically rollicking, Oh, the Places You'll Go! is a perfect sendoff for children, 1 to 100, entering any new phase of their lives. Kindergartners, graduate students, newlyweds, newly employeds--all will glean shiny pearls of wisdom about the big, bountiful future. The incomparable Dr. Seuss rejoices in the potential everyone has to fulfill their wildest dreams: "You'll be on your way up! / You'll be seeing great sights! / You'll join the high fliers / who soar to high heights." At the same time, he won't delude the starry-eyed upstart about the pitfalls of life: "You can get all hung up / in a prickle-ly perch. / And your gang will fly on. / You'll be left in a Lurch."
But fear not! Dr. Seuss, with his inimitable illustrations and exhilarating rhymes, is convinced ("98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed") that success is imminent. As long as you remember "to be dexterous and deft. And NEVER mix up your right foot with your left," things should work out. (All ages) --Emilie Coulter

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Проданы следующие произведения:

Strumpf. The Grammar Bible 1500
Davidson. Business Writing 1500

Coelho. Brida 500
John Shors. Beneath A Marble Sky 1500

Orhan Pamuk. My name’s Red 500
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Приятного досуга покупателям! спасибо
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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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Sophie Kinsella. Twenties Girl 1500
Sophie Kinsella. Undomestic Goddes 700
Jennifer Weiner. Little Earthquakes 1000
J.Weiner. Goodnight Nobody 1000
J.Weiner. Good In Bed 1000
J.Weiner. Certain Girls 1500


Leo Tolstoy. Short stories 500
War and Piece 500
Vassily Aksyonov. Generations of Winter 700
Ch. Aytmatov. The day lasts more than a 100 years 1000

Книги на турецком языке

N.Sparks. Dugun 500
Mutluluk Projesi 1000
Jane Green. Ikinci Sans 1000


Sylvie Donna. Teach Business English 1500
Brian Stanfield. The Art of Focused Conversation 1500


David Schnarch. Passionate Marriage 1000
Thomas Lewis. A General Theory of Love 700
Gregory Berns. Satisfaction 700


Barks. The Soul of Rumi 1000
Lasaad Metoui. Love: The Joy oThat Wounds. Rumi 700
Love Mad. Poems of Rumi 300


Donna Leon. A Noble Radiance 300
Donna Leon. Fatal Remedies 300
Donna Leon. Quietly in their Sleep 300
David Baldacci. The Collectors 300
Ian Caldwell.. The rule of Four 500
David Hewson. The Lizard’s Bite 500
B.Tuchman. A Distant Mirror 700
B.Tuchman. The Proud Tower 700
Valerie Martin. Italian Fever 500
Jason Goodwin. The Janissary Tree 500

Non Fiction:

John Man. Genghis Khan 1500
Carter Vaughn Findley. The TURKS in World History 1000
Robert Rosenberg. This Is Not Civilization 700
Amos Oz. Fima 500
Greg Mortenson. Three Cups of tea 1000
Rafis Abazov. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia 500
Orlando Figes. Natasha’s Dance. A cultural History of Russia 2000
Fernand Braudel. The Mediterranian and the Mediterranian Worlds on the Age of Philip II 700
David Remnick. Lenin’s Tomb 700
Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America 500
Nicholas Riasanovsky. A History of Russia 1000
Robert McCrum… The Story of English 1500
Jeffrey Sachs. THE END of POVERTY 2000
Kapuscinski. The Soccer War 500
Kapuscinski. Imperium 500
Albert Camus. The Stranger 300
Tortajadn. The Silenced Cry
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Oh, the Places You’ll Go! -
Honey Hill Magnetic Theatre - 2000

Charlie and Lola: My Completely Best Story Collection + AUDIO - 2000

Сообщение отредактировал mother: 12.06.2012, 20:53:57

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Goign to the hospital - Usbrone - 300
The cat in the hat - Dr Seuss - 600

Карточки отличного качества, плотный картон:

Julius! by Paul Frank. Alphabet Flash Cards - 1000
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Детская интерактивная книжка, написанная известным американским писателем и мультипликатором Теодором Зюссом Гайзелом (также известным как доктор Зюсс). Подходит для изучения английского языка. Сюжет изложен в стихотворной форме, его легко запоминать и петь. Слова и фразы можно воспроизводить в отдельности, а также играть с мультпликационными объектами и персонажами.
В дождливый день брат и сестра скучают дома. Внезапно к ним в гости наведывается кот человеческого роста в большой красной шляпе и предлагает им развлечься. Игры кота хоть и веселы, но приводят дом в ужасный беспорядок. Успеют ли дети все убрать до маминого прихода?

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A is for Alligator, B is for Bear. . . M is for Monkey! These adorable flash cards capture the best of Paul Frank's quirky animal characters, and serve as a delightful introduction to the ABCs. Printed on thick, sturdy board, they are perfect for small hands to hold and are equally suited for hanging on the wall in a child's room.
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Going to the hospital
  • Designed to introduce young children to unfamiliar situations in an amusing and friendly way.
  • Each title features Stephen Cartwright’s delightful illustrations, providing lots to look at and talk about.
  • An ideal starting point for young children and adults to discuss first experiences.

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Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1

пользователей: 0, неизвестных прохожих: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0

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