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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Книги на английском языкеMostly Non-Fiction, some Fiction and Chick-lit

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    I feel like a Star! And I AM...for my children!

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Sophie Kinsella. Twenties Girl 2000
Sophie Kinsella. Undomestic Goddes 700
Jennifer Weiner. Little Earthquakes 1000
J.Weiner. Goodnight Nobody 1000
J.Weiner. Good In Bed 1000
J.Weiner. Certain Girls 1500
Coelho. Brida 500
John Shors. Beneath A Marble Sky 1500
Orhan Pamuk. My name’s Red 500


Leo Tolstoy. Short stories 500
War and Piece 500
Vassily Aksyonov. Generations of Winter 700
Ch. Aytmatov. The day lasts more than a 100 years 1000

Книги на турецком языке

N.Sparks. Dugun 500
Mutluluk Projesi 1000
Jane Green. Ikinci Sans 1000


Strumpf. The Grammar Bible 1500
Davidson. Business Writing 1500
Sylvie Donna. Teach Business English 1500
Brian Stanfield. The Art of Focused Conversation 1500


David Schnarch. Passionate Marriage 1000
Thomas Lewis. A General Theory of Love 700
Gregory Berns. Satisfaction 700


Barks. The Soul of Rumi 1000
Lasaad Metoui. Love: The Joy oThat Wounds. Rumi 700
Love Mad. Poems of Rumi 300


Donna Leon. A Noble Radiance 300
Donna Leon. Fatal Remedies 300
Donna Leon. Quietly in their Sleep 300
David Baldacci. The Collectors 300
Ian Caldwell.. The rule of Four 500
David Hewson. The Lizard’s Bite 500
B.Tuchman. A Distant Mirror 700
B.Tuchman. The Proud Tower 700
Valerie Martin. Italian Fever 500
Jason Goodwin. The Janissary Tree 500

Non Fiction:

John Man. Genghis Khan 1500
Carter Vaughn Findley. The TURKS in World History 1000
Robert Rosenberg. This Is Not Civilization 700
Amos Oz. Fima 500
Greg Mortenson. Three Cups of tea 1000
Rafis Abazov. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia 500
Orlando Figes. Natasha’s Dance. A cultural History of Russia 2000
Fernand Braudel. The Mediterranian and the Mediterranian Worlds on the Age of Philip II 700
David Remnick. Lenin’s Tomb 700
Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America 500
Nicholas Riasanovsky. A History of Russia 1000
Jared Diamond. The Fates of Human Society. Guns, Germs, and Steel 1000
Robert McCrum… The Story of English 1500
Jeffrey Sachs. THE END of POVERTY 2000
Kapuscinski. The Soccer War 500
Kapuscinski. Imperium 500
Albert Camus. The Stranger 300

Tortajadn. The Silenced Cry
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Chick lit is genre fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly.The genre became popular in the late 1990s, with chick lit titles topping bestseller lists and the creation of imprints devoted entirely to chick lit. Although it sometimes includes romantic elements, chick lit is generally not considered a direct subcategory of the romance novel genre, because the heroine's relationship with her family or friends is often just as important as her romantic relationships. (с)

Сообщение отредактировал mother: 10.06.2012, 20:51:06

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Кинселла вообще очень легко пишет, идет отлично и смешно.

Шорсовский "Под мраморным небом" очень рекомендую - про Тадж Махал, очень хорошо написанно, но не комедия.
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Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist and Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University. One of the youngest economics professors in the history of Harvard University, Sachs became known for his role as an adviser to Eastern European and developing country governments during the transition from communism to a market system or during periods of economic crisis. Subsequently he has been known for his work on the challenges of economic development, environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation, debt cancellation, and globalization.

The End of Poverty: "In the book, Sachs argues that extreme poverty - defined by the World Bank as incomes of less than 1 dollar per day—can be eliminated globally by the year 2025, through carefully planned development aid. He presents the problem as an inability of very poor countries to reach the "bottom rung" of the ladder of economic development; once the bottom rung is reached, a country can pull itself up into the global market economy, and the need for outside aid will be greatly diminished or eliminated."

Сообщение отредактировал mother: 10.06.2012, 21:06:24

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Бронь на следующие произведения:


Strumpf. The Grammar Bible 1500
Davidson. Business Writing 1500

Сообщение отредактировал mother: 10.06.2012, 23:21:33

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Alina Sun

Alina Sun

    Мечтайте... мечты бесплатны!!!

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Шикарная библиотека!
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спасибо! жаль некотоые книги продавать, но везти с собой тяжело
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Twenties Girl:

Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women don’t get visited by ghosts. Or do they?

When the spirit of Lara’s great-aunt Sadie—a feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance—mysteriously appears, she has one request:......
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Beneath A Marble Sky:

In Beneath a Marble Sky, readers enter a realm rife with contrasts; where love turns into betrayal; where war collides with beauty; and where the visions of a commoner inspire the dreams of a princess. Richly authentic, superbly written, this extraordinary work of historical fiction immerses one within ancient India's finest and darkest days.
Set at the height of the Mughal Empire, Beneath a Marble Sky recreates the remarkable lives of those responsible for the Taj Mahal's existence. From the famous lovers who inspired it, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, to the architect who designed it to the man who sought to destroy it,Beneath a Marble Sky recounts the stories of those who oversaw the rise of the world’s most famous building.
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J.Weiner. Good In Bed 1000
J.Weiner. Certain Girls 1500

Readers fall in love with Cannie Shapiro, the smart, sharp-tongued, bighearted heroine of Good in Bed who found her happy ending after her mother came out of the closet, her father fell out of her life, and her ex-boyfriend started chronicling their ex-sex life in the pages of a national magazine.

In Certain Girls Cannie's back. After her debut novel - a fictionalized (and highly sexualized) version of her life - became an overnight bestseller, she dropped out of the public eye and turned to writing science fiction under a pseudonym......


Сообщение отредактировал mother: 11.06.2012, 00:04:07

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The greatest sexual pleasure in a person's lifetime is possible in one's middle and later years, asserts Dr. David Schnarch, when a mature sense of self has been achieved and genuine intimacy is possible with another person. At his Family Health Center in Colorado Dr. Schnarch works with couples in long-term committed relationships who want to get emotionally and sexually closer. In Passionate Marriage Dr. Schnarch shares what he has learned about how couples can--and must--simultaneously break through the sexual and the emotional blocks that hold them back from total satisfaction. He counsels that every sexual exchange, from kissing to daring erotic behaviors, is a picture of an entire relationship--a reflection of how you and your partner feel about yourselves and each other outside the bedroom. This respectful, erotic, uplifting, and spiritual guide to sexual and emotional fulfillment makes a passionate marriage within the reach of every couple.


Сообщение отредактировал mother: 10.06.2012, 23:58:55

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Natasha's Dance:

Beginning in the eighteenth century with the building of St. Petersburg and culminating with the Soviet regime, Figes examines how writers, artists, and musicians grappled with the idea of Russia itself--its character, spiritual essence, and destiny. Skillfully interweaving the great works--by Dostoevsky, Stravinsky, and Chagall--with folk embroidery, peasant songs, religious icons, and all the customs of daily life, Figes reveals the spirit of "Russianness" as rich and uplifting, complex and contradictory--and more lasting than any Russian ruler or state.
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İkinci Şans, okul yıllarından beri birbirini hiç görmemiş bir grup insanı bir araya getiriyor. İçlerinden biri, trajik bir kazada hayatını kaybedince yeniden birbirlerini bulan bu eski dostlar acılarını paylaşıyor ve birbirlerinin hayatının hiç tahmin etmedikleri yönlere saptığını keşfediyor. Sıcak, esprili ve bilgece tespitlerle kuşatılmış bu roman bir bağlılık, aile vegerçek dostluk geçiti.

'Berbat bir gündü, ha? O zaman İkinci Şans'a bir şans vereceksiniz


Сообщение отредактировал mother: 10.06.2012, 23:58:18

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Mutlu olmak için çoğu şeye sahipsiniz.
Hatta kendinizi mutlu bir insan olarak bile tanımlayabilirsiniz.
Ancak eksik olan bir şeyler var.
Kimseye söylemiyorsunuz belki ama eminsiniz.
Adını koyamadığınız bir şeyler eksik.

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