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Регистрация: 12.06.2008, 09:58
Offline Активность: 26.09.2010, 16:59

Костюм тигра 990 тенге

24.12.2009, 13:42:41

Ушки, хвостик , бант 990 тенге


Изящное неоновое устройство для ночного чтения - 2990 тг

24.12.2009, 13:33:16

Somnambulist Night Reader - Изящное неоновое устройство для ночного чтения - 2990 тг


Секретарь-референт в г. Атырау

17.06.2009, 16:16:36


- Receive, direct and relay telephone messages and fax messages;
- Pick up and deliver the mail;
- Open, register and date stamp all incoming correspondence, invoices;
- Document scanning of the key incoming / outgoing correspondence;
- Sending out outgoing correspondence, packages, etc. using courier services or car drivers;
- Prepare customs documentation;
- Ordering and maintaining stationary and equipment supplies;
- Verification of invoices;
- Prepare reconciliation reports;
- Vehicle coordination;
- Maintaining spreadsheets, databases and presentations, telephone directories, e-mail address lists of all EMKI personnel and EMKI-Atyrau personnel;
- Assist in the planning and preparation of meetings, conferences and conference telephone calls;
- Booking meeting rooms;
- Greet, assist and/ or direct visitors and the general public.
- Issue visitor badges

РЕЗЮМЕ на irina@career-holdings.kz

Переводчик в г. Астана и г. Атырау

16.06.2009, 15:48:12

Опыт работы 5 лет.

The job holder is accountable for:
1. Translation of company’s technical, contractual, legal and financial documents

The job holder is responsible for:
1. Translating written statements from one language to another (including jargon and acronyms)
2. Providing specialized vocabulary and terminology
3. Build up specialist vocabulary banks for all employees

резюме на irina@career-holdings.kz

Переводчик (англ. яз) в г. Атырау и г. Астана

16.06.2009, 13:05:17

Требуется переводчик В крупную нефтяную компанию.

Опыт работы 5 лет.

Резюме на irina@career-holdings.kz

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