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Регистрация: 03.03.2004, 10:36
Offline Активность: 04.03.2004, 12:30

В теме: Superstar.kz

04.03.2004, 11:46:54

To whom it may concern:

THank you for writing your comments regarding my letter. Now in regards to the proof what can be more real than the desperate eyes of the audience who could not send their vote for their star? I was present at one concert and I saw the shock of the guys wishing to vote and receiving messages like "Wrong number" or not getting the confirmation for their votes????!??!! I was also one of them but at that point I could not even imagine that such kind of things can happen.
As for publushing the % of voices each participant received in this case especially in this case it is easy to edit them and I do not think most people are going to believe in these results. I will not be reassured and my friends as well.
well, anyway there is no way to appeal or do anything similar and I just expressed my opinion. I would like to give you an advice to elect those nominants who attract the most audience as even from business point of view it is always more beneficial to invest in the person, brand who is needed by the target audience.
I am sure that most of participants will be stars in the future I just sought a little justice regarding some of them.

Best Wishes,

В теме: Superstar.kz

03.03.2004, 11:18:20

DEar All:

My name is Jessica Jay. Sorry for writing in English but it is the only language I can talk. I came from the U.S. but I am leaving this week already. I have been watching your Superstars competition last few months and frankly speaking I am amazed with the way it is held and the results as well. I know the organizers wanted to hold an event similar to our American Idol but they did not succeed much I would say. The primary point is unfair competition. I mean that turning off the participants' accounts to make it impossible for people to vote for their star is the first sign of the unfairness. What for then to hold competition, to spend money when most of teh audience already know the "star" that is going to be elected? I have some local friends here and they translAted some of the letters for me from this conversation as well as they supported me in my viewpoint. The second point is the full ignorance of a real STAR the star that would make Kazakhstan famous and respected all over the world. I wonder if people know about the concept of "Branding a Country" the main idea of which is that the image of the country affects the products, service the country is offering. After Superstars.kz project some of the countries have the full right not to trust working with people in your country. However, if they are ready to pay bribes or use the unconventional ways of judging... why not then?
When I tell people in the U.S. about this project first they would be glad that Kazakhstan can hold such events from financial perspective but later they would be disappointed in the way things are done here.
IRINA KOTLYAROVA, ROMAN KIM & MAKPAL you are great guys!!! You are and will be very successfull!!!!



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