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Регистрация: 12.02.2004, 14:03
Offline Активность: 25.05.2005, 02:01

Hello Almaty!

26.06.2004, 20:45:59

its good to be here in Almaty :)
I had a great time last night at the Atlantis and at Da Freak
I met lots of Lovely people, and I was doing the funky chicken.
The city seems very nice, what I have seen so far, and the
mountains are amazing. I have not had much sleep, so my
brain is feeling a little bit fried right now. looking forward to partying
again tonight, and frying my brain some more. Hope to see some
of you at Da Freak tonight, I will be on the dance floor.
gonna do the radio tomorrow, so tune in if you get the chance.
so catch you later.

Nathan Coles :)

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