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Offline Активность: 08.05.2012, 17:13

Вакансии British Council

08.05.2012, 17:13:12

British Council is looking for dynamic candidates to join the team in Almaty:

Examinations Assistant - to provide timely and accurate administrative support to the British Council exams team. Deadline for applications - 13 May 2012.
More detailed information

English Language Projects Manager - to lead on successful delivery of projects on English. Deadline for applications - 20 May 2012.
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English Language Projects Officer - to support delivery of projects on English. Deadline for applications - 20 May 2012.
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British Council требуется координатор проектов

19.09.2011, 15:06:44

British Council (Британский Совет) ищет динамичного сотрудника на должность координатора образовательных проектов в г. Алматы.
Контракт заключается на бессрочный период.
Основные требования для работы на этой должности:  
· навыки работы в команде
· работа с клиентами
· гибкость и стремление к достижению целей.
Вы должны уметь эффективно работать как с правительственными, так и с образовательными организациями. Необходимы навыки работы с компьютером (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Power Point, Internet Explorer).Требуется превосходное владение английским и русским языками.

Последний день подачи заявки: воскресенье, 25 сентября 2011, 17:00. Отборочный процесс предположительно завершится к середине октября 2011 года
В случае подачи заявки необходимо заполнить форму Британского Совета на английском языке. Более подробную информацию и форму заявки можно найти здесь

Требуется ассистент экзаменационного отдела

18.07.2011, 16:06:25

British Council в г. Алматы объявляет конкурс на вакансию ассистента по экзаменам.

Ассистент по экзаменам обеспечивает своевременную административную поддержку экзаменационной команде British Council.

Это контракт на срок декретного отпуска.

Основные элементы включают: работу в команде, работу с клиентами, гибкость и стремление к достижениям, внимательную работу с цифрами и текстами. Вам понадобятся навыки работы с компьютером (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Power Point, Internet Explorer). Требуется хорошее владение английским и русским языком.

Заработная плата: 158 368 тенге.

Для подачи на эту должность необходимо заполнить форму заявки. Форму заявки и должностную инструкцию можно скачать здесь.

Заявки отправлять на эл. адрес: Ekaterina.Artemyeva@kz.britishcouncil.org

Последний срок подачи заявок - 25 июля 2011 г.

Телефон для получения дополнительной информации: +7 (727) 244 41 44

International organization is looking for program officer and development associate

18.02.2009, 14:55:53

International organization is announcing vacancies for the positions of program officer on public sector programs and development associate.

Job description

Program Officer is responsible for program implementation in public sector, including the project on Labor Migration program, coordination of grant activity, fundraising and preparation of corresponding program reports.

Main responsibilities:

*Higher education or Master’s Degree;
* Prior experience of working in international organizations, governmental management and local self-government for a period of no less than 5 years;
* Fluency in English and Kazakh (written and oral);
* Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Please send your resume in English and Russian, cover letter and recommendations to resume@efcentralasia.org, indicating Program Officer by February 20th 2009.

Development Associate assists with fundraising, donor programs management, and preparation of project proposals, edits funding and donor reporting, maintains the database of development department etc.

Main responsibilities on:

* Assisting a regional development manager in fundraising, managing donor programs, and reporting with the focus on Kazakhstan programs;
* Assisting in writing concept papers and proposals for corporate donors;
* Meeting with potential and current donors;
* Assisting the program department in writing donor reports;
* Updating the database of the development department;
* Writing and editing all Russian (if necessary, English) texts, publications, reports, etc.


* Higher education;
* Prior work experience in international organizations, governmental institutions or nongovernmental sector is desired but not required;
* Fluency in English (written and oral) is required;
* Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preference will be given to the candidates with the following skills:

* Strong organization skills and attention to details
* Skills of working with the database, Excel, and other tools of collecting and processing data
* Ability to identify priorities
* Good writing skills, including skills of writing and designing concept papers (samples of written works are required)
* Experience in conducting research, ability to identify reliable sources of information and to ground facts

Please, send your resume in English and Russian, cover letter and recommendations to resume@efcentralasia.org, indicating Development Associate by February 23, 2009.

International organization is looking for program officer and development associate

18.02.2009, 14:54:37

International organization is announcing vacancies for the positions of program officer on public sector programs and development associate.

Job description

Program Officer is responsible for program implementation in public sector, including the project on Labor Migration program, coordination of grant activity, fundraising and preparation of corresponding program reports.

Main responsibilities:

*Higher education or Master’s Degree;
* Prior experience of working in international organizations, governmental management and local self-government for a period of no less than 5 years;
* Fluency in English and Kazakh (written and oral);
* Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Please send your resume in English and Russian, cover letter and recommendations to resume@efcentralasia.org, indicating Program Officer by February 20th 2009.

Development Associate assists with fundraising, donor programs management, and preparation of project proposals, edits funding and donor reporting, maintains the database of development department etc.

Main responsibilities on:

* Assisting a regional development manager in fundraising, managing donor programs, and reporting with the focus on Kazakhstan programs;
* Assisting in writing concept papers and proposals for corporate donors;
* Meeting with potential and current donors;
* Assisting the program department in writing donor reports;
* Updating the database of the development department;
* Writing and editing all Russian (if necessary, English) texts, publications, reports, etc.


* Higher education;
* Prior work experience in international organizations, governmental institutions or nongovernmental sector is desired but not required;
* Fluency in English (written and oral) is required;
* Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preference will be given to the candidates with the following skills:

* Strong organization skills and attention to details
* Skills of working with the database, Excel, and other tools of collecting and processing data
* Ability to identify priorities
* Good writing skills, including skills of writing and designing concept papers (samples of written works are required)
* Experience in conducting research, ability to identify reliable sources of information and to ground facts

Please, send your resume in English and Russian, cover letter and recommendations to resume@efcentralasia.org, indicating Development Associate by February 23, 2009.

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