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Регистрация: 20.07.2018, 00:32
Offline Активность: 20.07.2018, 01:50

В теме: PayPal в Казахстане! [часть 2]

20.07.2018, 00:34:42


В общем сегодня решил вывести 1200 долларов, предварительно проверил , лимит в 49 баксов есть. хотя уже снимал раза 4 снимал сверх лимита после написания письма в ТП. написал и утром вот это 

From: d******@gmail.com

Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2018 9:34:58 PM (-05:00)
Subject: RE: Payments and refunds [ID: en_US_KZ] (KMM**********8L0KM)

PayPal Customer Support :

Hello, I again can not withdraw more than $ 49, you could not help me again on this issue? Not very comfortable to use PayPal.
На что спустя 12 часов мне ответили 
Dear Danil *****,

Thank you for contacting PayPal Customer Support. My name is John and I understand how important it is for you to withdraw the funds in the account. I'll be glad to help you on this.

I have made adjustment in the account to help you withdraw the funds. Please withdraw the funds again. You may also use this link http://www.paypal.com/wdfunds to withdraw the money. In the event that there is error or you are still only allowed to withdraw below $50.00 USD, please let us know so that we can assist you further. It would be best if we can speak with you so that we will be able to assist you better.

We appreciate your understanding. Take care and have a wonderful day!  


Copyright© 1999-2018 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 

Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal payment service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.



Ну и естественно лимит был снят.)





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Не хочется несколько десятков раз выводить по 49$ с такой комиссией по 5$ за каждый перевод.

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