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Регистрация: 06.04.2007, 14:56
Offline Активность: 07.07.2009, 20:52


05.07.2009, 16:04:10


Customer Support:
Switchboard - incoming calls;
To transfer clients’ requests on lost/stolen cards blocking;
To register all documents (applications, payments documents, letters);
To print and distribute the exchange rates for cash withdrawal through ATM. etc.

Pin Codes Issuance:
To register issued pin codes envelopes in correspondent journal.
To distribute issued pin codes envelopes to the clients.
To register distributed pin codes envelopes in correspondent journal.

SKILLS: MS Office, typing, communication
KNOWLEDGE: Good English communication skills
0.5 -1- year experience is a preference

Please send us your CV to fsconsulting@mail.ru

0.10. Запрещается создание отдельных тем от рекрутских компаний. Должна создаваться одна тема, в которой представители рекрутских компаний публикуют все имеющиеся у них вакансии на сегодня.

AML Compliance Officer

05.07.2009, 16:02:11


o The primary objective of AML Compliance Officer is to ensure that our internal and local AML monitoring and reporting procedures and processes sufficiently meet the corporate and local regulators’ requirements.
o AML Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that effective AML procedures are in place and fully meet the policies and standards of regulators (e.g. US, Kazakhstan), as well as Company internal policies and procedures. Contribute to the creation of the efficient AML function in Company that would combine both the US and local processes into one large and efficiently working AML process.
o AML Compliance Officer is responsible for managing, training and development of the AML officers designated by respective businesses (e.g. Cash AMLCO). AML Compliance Officer will conduct mandatory training of all Company staff required by the corporate and local AML regulations.

- 1-2-year experience in Compliance (preferred)
- 2-3-year experience in Banking
- Excellent verbal&written English communication skills

Please send us your CV to fsconsulting@mail.ru

Oil Company in Qatar is currently recruiting candidates from Oil & gas, Exploration...

06.04.2009, 16:17:00

Oil Company in Qatar is currently recruiting candidates from Oil & gas, Exploration, operations, Engineers, Drilling, IT fields. Experience in the profession more than 4 years and fluent English are required

Вышлите Ваше резюме с пометкой "Работа в Катаре" на fsconsulting@mail.ru

Ищем трех язычного переводчика

02.04.2009, 17:59:26

Иностранная компания примет на работу трех язычного переводчика. Необходимо свободное владение английским, казахским и русским языками. Опыт работы по специальности более 3-5 лет. Желателен опыт работы в иностранных компаниях

Вышлите Ваше резюме на fsconsulting@mail.ru

Советник по правовым вопросам, Международная нефтяная компания, Алматы

31.03.2009, 15:29:58

Основные требования: Умение работать с органами государственного регулирования (антимонопольный и т.д.) и наличие контактов в таких ведомствах, стаж работы в нефтегазовом секторе и знание правовых аспектов работы сектора, предпочтительны опыт и знание маркетинга нефти и нефтепродуктов, руководство командой юристов, свободное владение английским языком

Please send us your CV to fsconsulting@mail.ru

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