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Регистрация: 02.10.2015, 12:14
Offline Активность: 02.10.2015, 12:27

English teacher looking for work

02.10.2015, 12:22:59

Hi there

I'm planning to relocate to Алма-Ата in January 2016. My partner is getting relocated there so I decided I'd try this country too.

Yet, I got no job as of now. By profession, I'm an English teacher with 10+ years of experience teaching in various corners of the world.

I'm a non-native speaker - is there any demand for that kind of service in Kazakhstan?

Perhaps teaching Polish is a better idea?

My job experience
- working for various teaching organizations in  Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Macedonia
- working for a language franchise Speak Up (http://www.speak-up.com/) - 5 years
- teaching English at public universities in Germany (Hamburg) and Denmark
- translator - various car companies in Poland

My qualifications include:
- MA in English (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland)
- TEFL, CELTA International House

Languages spoken

- Polish (native)

- English

- German

- French

- Russian (rather basic)

Looking for honest job opportunities!

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