английский международный язык, это собствено вам ответ всем сразу (-8 Гринярд, казакша сойлесынба?
the house words for house place (((-8
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В теме: Каракол (Пржевальск) [часть 2]
24.12.2012, 10:19:54
В теме: Каракол (Пржевальск) [часть 2]
24.12.2012, 09:35:54
To: GreenYard hostel
So, to be hundred percent honest and proud of all my friends and fellow countrymens just want to mention few things:
- u do not fucking care about any opinion from the paid service guys and i'm hundred percent right requesting the right attitude and service to me.
- i'm ur client and you should clearly understand that in any case even i'm totaly drunked and crying "menin elim" you should forget about your pride and continue to look after me.
- all our feedbacks is maknig your business, be kind and pass them through sieve.
- if you as hotel, as you named yourself, allows youself officialy discuss me, your client, and my behaviour, so in this case just let me know you one simple thinig: I as you client will lose nothing, I will go to another gest or hotel or any other place in your aul; but you will lose everything: current clients, future clients and whole business.
nobody wants to let the all be known about details of the rest spending, so that's is why we are ready to pay money only in a case we are sure and secured about you and people like you.
May be you have to put some kind of sign or mention some where, that your hostel: has no aper ski options, that light should be turned off at 10PM, that no words like fuck, shit, ass etc could not be used during time staying. This will make you secured from us and you will have right clients.
Finishing, let me say thank you for the precious time we have spend in you hostel, hope your business will still go on and will be very successful. I do not hace any intends to inform any body of the poor service you have, only if i will be asked for the reference.
Hope for understanding and Cheers.
ps english was used for the people that do not know kazakh well.
So, to be hundred percent honest and proud of all my friends and fellow countrymens just want to mention few things:
- u do not fucking care about any opinion from the paid service guys and i'm hundred percent right requesting the right attitude and service to me.
- i'm ur client and you should clearly understand that in any case even i'm totaly drunked and crying "menin elim" you should forget about your pride and continue to look after me.
- all our feedbacks is maknig your business, be kind and pass them through sieve.
- if you as hotel, as you named yourself, allows youself officialy discuss me, your client, and my behaviour, so in this case just let me know you one simple thinig: I as you client will lose nothing, I will go to another gest or hotel or any other place in your aul; but you will lose everything: current clients, future clients and whole business.
nobody wants to let the all be known about details of the rest spending, so that's is why we are ready to pay money only in a case we are sure and secured about you and people like you.
May be you have to put some kind of sign or mention some where, that your hostel: has no aper ski options, that light should be turned off at 10PM, that no words like fuck, shit, ass etc could not be used during time staying. This will make you secured from us and you will have right clients.
Finishing, let me say thank you for the precious time we have spend in you hostel, hope your business will still go on and will be very successful. I do not hace any intends to inform any body of the poor service you have, only if i will be asked for the reference.
Hope for understanding and Cheers.
ps english was used for the people that do not know kazakh well.
В теме: Каракол (Пржевальск) [часть 2]
19.12.2012, 11:06:35
Игорю - Слону спасибо, сервис как всегда выше всяких похвал. Парень развивается, уровень качества продолжает держать на хорошем уровне, обычного падения качества при росте объемов пока нет, могу предположить что и не будет. В общем парню плюс 10 к карме и удаче!
В теме: Черный список работодателей [часть 2]
26.11.2012, 13:33:34
На самом деле вам нет необходимости доказывать что вы там работали, и идти нужно не в прокуратура, а для начала в департамента труда, лучше районный, пишете там заявление формулируя как все было, не принять там заявление у вас просто не имеют права и не будут для них вы подарок судьбы. После вам там же раскажут как лучше сформулировать заявление в фин.пол, по скольку вам ваши деньги не выплатили то это мошенства, и тем более не выплата в гос.бюджет обязательных платежей. Там вам тоже обрадуются. А дальше уже как кривая казахстанского делопроизводства вывезет.
начните с мин.труда.
начните с мин.труда.
В теме: Каракол (Пржевальск) [часть 2]
22.11.2012, 09:23:03
Здравствуйте. Можем встретить на границе Курдай. Минивэны 6-7 мест Делика, Хонда одисей, Тойота Эстима. 110 $ за всю машину до Каракола. Проживание в гостевом доме от 15$ с человека. Трансфер на лыжную базу и обратно 5 $ с человека.
цена за трансфер алматы-каракол сколько встанет- ?
цены на трансфер на гору у вас дороговаты.
скидка за комплекс - ?
все в ЛС, спасибо.
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