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Регистрация: 07.01.2010, 02:38
Offline Активность: 09.01.2010, 13:46

В теме: KIMEP

08.01.2010, 10:20:59

Im very interested in getting a Forex robot to trade for me. I have heard great things about forex robots, But I am not sure which forex robot works the best. Im a new to forex completely and Im just looking for an automated way to make money from home. Would you even recommend trading with a forex robot at this current economic time? How much many can make with a forex robot and what is the best forex robot from your personal experience. Please help. Thanks
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08.01.2010, 04:58:28

hi i am a beginner and i work with fx solution i got a question about that: in the fx solution when i put a limit and stopless, and when the candle arrive to that point, it close my trade with no alarm. is there any option to set any alarm when it close? thank you the best answer has 10 points.
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В теме: Украшения, вещи от Juicy couture, сапоги Угги, продукция от Apple

07.01.2010, 15:31:41

What is the best platform to trade real forex? I mean, considering most of the features, like if its trading software is good, if it's reliable, if the money transfer of deposit and withdrawen is fast, if it's convenient to do trading with it, if the support is fast and effective, and so on and so on. Is there any good platform support Paypal or has european bank account? Thank you for informations. I'm planning to do real trade, but first only with a mini account.
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В теме: Украшения, вещи от Juicy couture, сапоги Угги, продукция от Apple

07.01.2010, 15:21:47

I am a beginner who wish to learn before forex trading. Thank You.
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