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Happy GP

Happy GP

Регистрация: 30.10.2009, 17:33
Offline Активность: 14.11.2011, 01:17

Вакансия в ООН

01.07.2010, 09:48:52

National Research Officer (UNODC)

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is announcing a vacancy for the position of National Resource Officer based in Almaty.

For detailed information on the position, please refer to the Terms of Reference http://www.un.kz/use...icc_eng_eng.doc

All applications including: (1) cover letter; (2) detailed CV; (3) completed P11 form; (4) other documents certifying the work experience, ability and skills; should be sent to UNODC office in Almaty, 67, Tole bi str., office 509. Fax (727) 258 26 45 or to email khurshida.sagdullaeva@unodc.org or fariza.mukanova@undoc.org before 16 of July 2010.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Вакансии в UNIFEM

24.03.2010, 09:29:43

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) invites applications for position of Finance and Administrative Assistant based in Almaty (Kazakhstan) for a three-year Joint IOM-UNIFEM Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (RMP) funded from DFID.

The programme envisages interventions in four countries – Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as countries of origin, and Russia, Kazakhstan as countries of destination for labour migrants. RMP aims to contribute to poverty reduction in Central Asia through the improved livelihoods of migrant men and women.

Finance and Administrative Assistant will work under the direct supervision and guidance of Regional Gender Coordinator with the overall aim to provide timely financial and administrative assistance for effective implementation of the Joint IOM-UNIFEM programme. Detailed scope of responsibilities and qualification requirements are available here.

Applications with reference “Finance and Administrative Assistant” with P11 form, cover letter and contacts of two referees should be sent to attention of Ms.Olga Khan by e-mail address: olga.khan@unifem.org not later than 4 April, 2010.
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) invites applications for position of National Coordinator based in Almaty (Kazakhstan) for a three-year Joint IOM-UNIFEM Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (RMP) funded from DFID.

The programme envisages interventions in four countries – Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as countries of origin, and Russia, Kazakhstan as countries of destination for labour migrants. RMP aims to contribute to poverty reduction in Central Asia through the improved livelihoods of migrant men and women.

National Coordinator will work under the direct supervision and guidance of the UNIFEM CIS Regional Gender Coordinator with the overall aim to support timely and effective implementation of the Joint IOM-UNIFEM programme. Detailed scope of responsibilities and qualification requirements are available here.

Application with reference “National Coordinator” with P11 form, cover letter and contacts of two referees should be sent to attention of Ms.Olga Khan by e-mail address: olga.khan@unifem.org not later than 4 April, 2010.

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