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Регистрация: 27.02.2009, 01:08
Offline Активность: 15.12.2009, 18:25

Genuine Subaru Cooling System Conditioner

25.11.2009, 15:24:49


В общем смотрел карфакс своей субарки аут 2001 года. Там написано, что надо в срочном порядке данную бяку залить в радиатор.

Погуглил это дело. Выдало такое:

WWP-99 Service Campaign - Cooling System Conditioner

Subaru has determined that certain 1999 through 2002 model year 2.5L equipped Subaru vehicles may experience an external coolant leak from the cylinder head gaskets. This is the result of normal relative thermal expansion and contraction variations of engine parts. As a precautionary measure, SOA is recommending that a special conditioner be added to the engine cooling system to prevent leaks from occurring or to correct existing leaks.

Only early Phase II 2.5 liter engines are affected by this campaign. Phase I 2.5 liter engines (some 1999 model year and prior years) are not affected. Countermeasures applied to the manufacturing process for those 2002 and later VINS not affected by this campaign have eliminated the need for this campaign to be performed on those vehicles.

In the future, it will be necessary to add Genuine Subaru Cooling System Conditioner to the SUBARU vehicle cooling system whenever the engine coolant is replaced. The updated recommended service procedure as well as intervals for coolant replacement will be added to all applicable service manuals. As a reminder, we will include an update page in the owner notification letters that should be added to the Owner’s Manual and Warranty and Maintenance Booklet. We ask you to keep in mind that replacement of fluids (including Subaru Cooling System Conditioner) during inspection and maintenance services are not covered under warranty.

If the vehicle owner has this Service Program repair performed promptly, Subaru will extend coverage under the Subaru Limited Warranty on the vehicle for cylinder head gasket external coolant leaks to a period of 8 years or 100,000 miles, whichever occurs first. Warranty coverage begins on the date the vehicle was delivered to the first retail purchaser. If the vehicle was used as a demonstrator or company vehicle before being sold at retail, warranty coverage begins on the date the vehicle was first placed in such service. As a further condition for this extended warranty coverage to apply, the vehicle owner must have Genuine Subaru Cooling System Conditioner added to the vehicle at any subsequent cooling system services at the interval specified in the Warranty and Maintenance Booklet under the heading “Schedule of Inspection and Maintenance Services”.

Dealers will automatically be sent an initial quantity of Genuine Subaru Cooling System Conditioner. Dealer bulletins and affected VIN lists will be mailed to dealers in early February 2004. Owner notification letters are scheduled for mailing in stages.

Вопрос такой. Где такую бяку купить или чем ее заменить? Сейчас машина ездит нормально, ничего не бежит, все ок.

Как совместить зарядку+12в>220в+внутренности УПС

14.10.2009, 14:07:41

В общем нужна помощь коллективного разума.

Дома стоит замкнутая система отопления. и на печке насос. если нет света, то насос тормозится и дома становится прохладно.

Генератор запускать ночью не можем, шумит сильно.

Для решения проблемы согласно вычитанного из инета были куплены 3 аккумулятора от Камаза (на гелиевые денег нет).
Зарядка аккумуляторная.
Преобразователь 12в - 220в - 2000 ватт
УПС со сдохшими батарейками.

Идея такова. Чтобы все само автоматически включалось, выключалось, заряжалось. А вот как совместить все это оборудование не могу понять. боюсь спалить внутренности упски и преобразователь.

посоветуйте как быть?

Бесплатно меняем полисы Алтын-полиса на полисы других компаний

25.09.2009, 12:30:23

Господа, кто застрахован в Алтын-полисе и имеет настоящий страховой полис ОГПО авто, просим обращаться в личку.

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