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Регистрация: 25.02.2009, 17:51
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В теме: ABN Amro Bank - RBS (Kazakhstan)

01.04.2009, 10:17:01

Соответственно, в месяц получается 3%

В теме: ABN Amro Bank - RBS (Kazakhstan)

26.02.2009, 17:03:50

2 Rocafela откуда инфа?

AMSTERDAM, Jan 20 (Reuters) - The nationalised parts of ABN AMRO and Fortis may consider buying back certain units from Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L), Dutch finance minister Wouter Bos told RTL television on Tuesday.

"We have to set up a new, vital and strong bank. It is possible that we can benefit from buying units from RBS, but that would have to be evaluated exceptionally carefully and with good business sense," Bos said. (Reporting by Niclas Mika and Harro ten Wolde)

THE HAGUE - Nationalised Dutch bank ABN Amro might buy back some of the operations it had sold to Royal Bank of Scotland, a Dutch finance ministry spokeswoman said on Monday.

‘The re-purchase of ABN activities acquired by RBS is not an end in itself,’ he told AFP.

‘But if that becomes part of the strategy of the new chief executive of ABN Amro (Gerrit Zalm), it would be a possibility,’ he said.

‘If RBS approaches us with something concrete we’ll give it serious thought.’

The Financial Times had earlier reported that ABN Amro had held ‘exploratory talks’ with RBS on buying back former businesses.

ABN Amro was acquired in 2007 by a consortium that grouped RBS along with Banco Santander of Spain and the Dutch-Belgian bank Fortis.

RBS bought ABN Amro’s banking and world markets division while Fortis acquired ABN’s banking network in the Netherlands as well as its wealth management and investment banking activities.

The Dutch operations of Fortis, hard hit by the global finance crisis, were acquired by the Dutch government last October.

Wouter Bos, the Dutch finance minister, told the Financial Times there was no plan to re-create ABN Amro in the shape it had before being bought by the consortium.

‘It’s going to be a new bank,’ he told the paper. ‘In the Dutch market there is still room next to ING and Rabobank for another major player and I believe also in Europe there is still room for a Dutch bank that expands, that has a foreign network, that can serve Dutch clients, at least Europe-wide.’

посмотрите на дату данной "новости". А еще она касалась только тех подразделений РБСа, расположенных в Европе и преимущественно в Голландии.

В теме: ABN Amro Bank - RBS (Kazakhstan)

26.02.2009, 16:56:21

Никакой разницы для принятия решения "брать или не брать" кредитку новость по поводу продажи банка не добавляет. Банк также будет продолжать кредитовать клиентов.

Если кто помнит, когда пришел РБС вместо АБНа, существенных изменений не произошло. Уверен, что в этот раз будет то же самое

В теме: ABN Amro Bank - RBS (Kazakhstan)

26.02.2009, 16:15:25

Сейчас таких ответов никто не даст. Только начался процесс поиска потенциальных кандидатов на бизнес в КЗ. Так что только после того как банк купит новый владелец и решит что делать, можно будет давать какие-либо ответы

В теме: ABN Amro Bank - RBS (Kazakhstan)

26.02.2009, 14:48:38

все,продали РБСку китальянцам,ога,минут 15 назад сообщили

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