Грязный Нигер
Грязный Нигер
Регистрация: 06.12.2004, 16:54Offline Активность: 16.01.2005, 20:29
Грязный Нигер еще не добавил друзей
16.01.2005, 17:27:47
14.01.2005, 19:02:02
13.01.2005, 19:50:21
I will hurt ya by muh ma fuckin big gun. Shout yo' mouth. By da way, coudn't ya say it ta all muh ma fuckin my niggas in Detroit whitey buster.hey, dirty nigga, how u doing? Somebody here doubts that you R the Dirty Nigga, well, why don'ch you cuty the shit and admit that u're not from Detroit, and you're not a "floor cleaner", cause u are a freaking janitor, and, surely, u clean a floor, well, not in embassy, but, most likely, in a dirty restroom in flying J truck stop, where filthy truck drivers wipe their fat asses (hopefully they do), and u like your job, and you are proud to be an american, by the way I hate niggers, cause they stink, well, I'm nigga, too, but I don't stink, well I don't stink loud enough to be noticed, and you, don't u dare to argue, I don't care, fuck u nigga, keep your mouth shut....
Just kidding, haven't speak english for a long, long time.... sorry if I hurt your feelings...
13.01.2005, 19:37:51
What did ya say about me? I'm not uh Black? It'stoo hard fo' whitey read our tasks. Understand don't make me shank ya!Yo whats up niger. Of course i now what did you say. Respect. See you tommorow.
No, ?Durty Nigger? is not an African American. Blacks don?t talk like him. Listen to black rap ? that?s how they talk. I listen to it often (not that I am a fan of rap, just happens that way?) Can?t fool us ?
13.01.2005, 18:51:45
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