Формула любви (:- Жуткий город - девок нет, в карты никто не играет. Вчера в трактире спер серебряную ложку, никто даже не заметил - посчитали, что ее вообще не было.
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Автор B747, 25.01.2006, 15:08
Отправлено 15.08.2007, 09:17:38
1. " - It's not the point. It's not the point at all
- OK, tell us what is the point?
- The point is - she was thinking about me. She only met me once and she was thinking about me"
2. " - What if had to tell anyone the most important thing in the world, but you knew they wouldn't believe you - what would you do?
- I'd try"
- OK, tell us what is the point?
- The point is - she was thinking about me. She only met me once and she was thinking about me"
2. " - What if had to tell anyone the most important thing in the world, but you knew they wouldn't believe you - what would you do?
- I'd try"
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