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Manchester United [часть 5]

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Сообщение отредактировал ADR: 15.09.2014, 00:08:36


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говорят © Эвра решил остаться

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    Strange Phenomena

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Он же уже мед прошел в Юве  :D

Потом видимо передумал  :D

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говорят © что медосмотра в Юве не было

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C ВанДамом ВанГалем нас

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С тренером нас

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На 3 года с нами подписал, Гиггз в асистентах



Сообщение отредактировал Lex Icon: 19.05.2014, 20:28:08

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нуссссс, посмотрим... 

хуже наверное не будет 

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Today is a fantastic day for Manchester United. Louis van Gaal is a great appointment and let me begin by telling you how delighted I am to be working with someone of his calibre. His credentials are second to none and I’m positive the club will thrive under his leadership over the coming years.

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from professional football and embark upon a new and exciting chapter in my life, as assistant manager of Manchester United. I am immensely proud, honoured and fortunate to have represented the biggest club in the world 963 times and Wales 64 times. My dream was always to play for Manchester United, and although it saddens me to know I won’t be pulling on a United jersey again as a player, I have been lucky enough to have fulfilled that dream playing with some of the best players in the world, working under an incredible manager in Sir Alex Ferguson, and most of all, playing for the greatest fans in world football. I have always felt and appreciated your support.

I want to also give a huge thanks to the backroom staff and support teams we have and have had at Manchester United over the years. I would not have achieved the success I have without your continuing dedication and commitment to creating the best environment to enable the players to thrive. I would not have won 34 trophies in my career without you. I would also like to say a special thanks to my friends and family for all your love and support.

For me, today is a new chapter filled with many emotions - immense pride, sadness, but most of all, excitement towards the future. United fans I hope will share and echo my belief that the club, the management and owners, are doing everything they can to return this great club to where it belongs, and I hope to be there every step of the way. To the greatest fans in world football, thank you, I have loved every minute of playing for you and representing the biggest and best club in the world.

See you next season,


Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 19.05.2014, 20:50:09

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нежданчик  :D


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- Frans Hoek and Marcel Bout join as assistant coaches


Twenty years after Giggs made his first United appearance, he celebrates here at Ewood Park, after United had clinched their 19th league title with a draw against Blackburn in 2011. United had overtaken their great rivals Liverpool in terms of titles won - remarkably, when Giggs started playing, the title count was 18-7 in Liverpool's favour. Delighted United supporters sang 'Fergie and Giggsy have won it 12 times'


Вудворд, ЛВГ, Гиггз.



Joel Glazer said:

“I am delighted that Louis will be our next manager. He has an outstanding pedigree as a coach, both as a man who motivates his teams to win trophies and as someone who believes in giving young players a chance to prove their worth. I am sure he will make a big impression on the club, the players and the fans.”

Avie Glazer said:

“Louis joins us at an exciting time and has already communicated some great ideas for how the club can move forward. The board is right behind him in his plans and everyone here is already looking forward to the start of next season.”

Сообщение отредактировал ADR: 20.05.2014, 15:34:27

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C новым главным нас!

Такое ощущение, что тренера брали под РВП (в свете намёков на капитанство). Всё похоже на то, что преемником годиков эдак ...через три станет Райан (там глядишь, и Оле окрепнет в помощники). Мечты, мечты... Предположения, предположения... 


И этот самодовольный гнус сразу вылез со своим "я". 



Сообщение отредактировал medved: 19.05.2014, 23:05:39

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У РВП хорошее настроение.



FRANS HOEK - Goalkeeping coach - Age 57
One of Van Gaal’s longest-serving and most trusted lieutenants, the former FC Volendam goalkeeper has worked at Ajax, Barcelona, Bayern Munich and the Dutch national team, and has overseen the development of the likes of Edwin van der Sar, Pepe Reina and Victor Valdes. Hoek has written various books on the training methods of goalkeepers.
MARCEL BOUT - Assistant coach - Age 51
Specialises in scouting opposition, Bout has previously held roles at Bayern Munich, Telstar, AZ, FC Volendam and Feyenoord.

Come on in! Marcel Bout, who assisted Van Gaal at Bayern Munich, has also rocked up at Man United

He's a keeper: Van Gaal has lured goalkeeping coach Frans Hoek to join United to replace Chris Woods

Сообщение отредактировал ADR: 20.05.2014, 15:34:52

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У РВП хорошее настроение.

а ты на барбекю с плохим настроением ездишь?



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Последний из класса-92 тоже ушёл с поля. Думаю, что все желаем ему новых испытаний и свершений.

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а я,в свете назначения вашего нового главного,все-таки поставлю на кастрюлю

он - засланный казачок

будет изнутри саботировать

и втихую капитанить

когда никто не видит

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По слухам веселое ТО нас ждет  :smoke:

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Ты про эти слухи? :-/


Новый главный тренер «Манчестер Юнайтед» Луи ван Галполучит 150 миллионов фунтов на перестройку команды.

Руководство манкунианцев поставило перед голландским специалистом задачу стать чемпионом Англии в следующем году.

Главный трансферными целями ван Гала являются защитник «Саутгемптона» Люк Шоу, форвард «Баварии» Арьен Роббен и хавбек мюнхенцев Тони Кроос, а также защитник дортмундской «Боруссии» Матс Хуммельс.

Только каким боком сюда Роббен затесался, не пойму... Или он "любимчик" ЛВГ :confused:

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Радует что авторитета у Луи выше крыше. Хреносдва теперь игроки будут по клубам шляться) и по трансферам у нас шансы появились. К Луи топ игроки охотнее едут, чем к условным Мойесам

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