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Manchester United [часть 5]

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Сообщение отредактировал ADR: 15.09.2014, 00:08:36



    Mancunian Master

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всё таки 1 матча в неделю тяжело дожидаться.

Скоро по сопкам будете смотреть своих, привыкайте ;)



рубрика "советы бывалых" ))

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Smalling added to injury list
Manchester United's options in central defence for Saturday have been further reduced after confirmation that Chris Smalling was unable to complete yesterday's (Wednesday's) training session.
Amongst the injured are three senior centre-backs in the form of Jonny Evans, Phil Jones and Chris Smalling – leaving just Daley Blind and Marcos Rojo as our two senior players capable of playing centre-half this weekend.
Van Gaal said: “We have nine injuries and one suspension with Blackett. The younger players can have their chance now.”
“Evans’ bone is bruised. Smalling left yesterday’s session because he had stiff legs. I won’t take risks with players.”

Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 25.09.2014, 21:59:24

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The Beligian midfielder has shown his lighter side in a Twitter post with what he calls a 'new haircut' as he continues his support for the disability charity CAP48.

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    Mancunian Master

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почти все британские сми публикуют подсчеты возравщения Роналдо в Юнайтед - сумма 140 лямов (кое где и 160) со всеми зарплатами и проч. Типа Реал готов продавать.  мля, надо было в 2009 просить не 80, а 80*n  :(


тут интересная статья о сходствет с сезоном 1989-90. Правда в от личии от ЛВГ, тогда Ферги потратил рекордную сумму на защитника Паллистера, а не атакующего игрока. И правильно сделал.

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Щас за 7 млн. даже Клеверли не купишь ))


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Скоулз, кстати, не прилетел на игру к нам.

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Скоулз, кстати, не прилетел на игру к нам.

Облом тем, кто кучу бабла на билет потратил  :D


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Йорка тоже не было?

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    Mancunian Master

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привык играть официалку, с новыми обновлениями и так далее.


нам найманам тебя не понять))


я знаю что найманам лишь бы даром, но именно на Фифа я думаю не стоит жалеть денег. Единственная радость что осталась :D



FIFA 15 is the first ever FIFA video game to not feature Ryan Giggs in it!

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Йорка тоже не было?


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    Mancunian Master

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Everything you need to know about Man Utd youngsters Tom Thorpe and Paddy McNair

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The Beligian midfielder has shown his lighter side in a Twitter post with what he calls a 'new haircut' as he continues his support for the disability charity CAP48.


Интересно, чем именно может помочь кому-либо эта "новая прическа"?

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Van Gaal and Giggs were joined by a host of famous faces on Thursday night, as the Dutch manager rubbed shoulders with United greats including Ferguson, Denis Law and Bryan Robson in the stadium's Manchester Suite.
Van Gaal (right) spoke at an Old Trafford annual charity dinner that was attended by United great Denis Law (left) and the club's most successful ever manager Sir Alex Ferguson (centre)

Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 26.09.2014, 19:37:51

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При наличии у ВХЮ Эннера Валенсии. Блинд необходим как опз. И цпз ему должен помогать. Удары Валенсии нужно блокировать.  На Де Хеа, при такой его форме, мало надежды. Эннер бьет как из катапульты. И без лишней подготовки. Без суеты.


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McNair and Thorpe step up for van Gaal
Paddy McNair and Tom Thorpe will be in the Manchester United squad for the visit of West Ham on Saturday.
Louis van Gaal has exclusively revealed to MUTV that the Under-21 defenders will be drafted into his plans due to a lengthening injury list that includes centre-backs Chris Smalling, Phil Jones and Jonny Evans. With Tyler Blackett also suspended, Marcos Rojo is expected to switch into the middle but he could be paired with reserve-team captain Thorpe or his Northern Irish colleague McNair.
When asked about the young duo by MUTV's Stewart Gardner, the boss replied: "They are in the squad. That is always why we have a youth education. It was also our policy [to utilise the youth squads] and always the policy of the club too.
The manager also explained why midfielder Daley Blind will not be an option to play in the centre of defence.
"I don't like having too many left-sided defenders or left-footed players in defence," he told MUTV. "I think always of balance so [instead] I have to pick up a right-sided central defender from the youth education. Normally, I am always doing things like that. I have already said that we have a lot of vacancies when you buy only six players and let 14 players go.
"The amount of injuries is worrying me and they are not coming back," he added. "Smalling is already, for the third time, injured. Evans also. Jones had one injury in the national team, which was unfortunate.

Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 26.09.2014, 21:25:09

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Tom Thorpe, left, and Paddy McNair, right, have been promoted from the reserves to the Manchester United senior squad for Saturday's match against West Ham
19 летний МакНэйр взросло смотрится. Может и игра зрелая. 1411746613611_wps_62_MANCHESTER_ENGLAND_

Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 27.09.2014, 02:51:56

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Тренера по физ.подготовке в молодёжку отправили.

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От греха подальше, чтобы на тренировках всякие Смоллинги травмы не получали?)))


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United XI: De Gea, Rafael, McNair, Rojo, Shaw, Blind, Herrera, Di Maria, Rooney, van Persie, Falcao


United subs: Lindegaard, Thorpe, Fletcher, Pereira, Valencia, Mata, Januzaj

Сообщение отредактировал tenizz: 27.09.2014, 19:02:51

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