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Привет Прыгун!
Жарища страшная... сентябрь на носу...не хочу я осень!!!! :D И в алматы пока не хочу... не зенаю чего хочу :D

А чего скучать то по Казахстану :spy: Раз уехал, то и скучать нечего ;) Приедешь сюда, заскучаешь :eek:
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Stimpson J. ©at

Stimpson J. ©at
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wow, peace bros...
have no time right no... jus wanna stop by and say hi to everyone:
Ladywarrior, Mean, Aslan, Zayats... and everyon else...
post up later, aight?
take care people...
miss ya'll...
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Сегодня сдал ключи от Офиса... Сдал все бумажки-какашки... И теперь...
Теперь жду ответа на: Who's gonna be a new KAZAKHSTAN FLEX Alumni Coordinator?
Подали заявления 8(?!?) аламников. К Собеседованию прошли только 4. А выберут одного!
Вот мне и интересно, кто же это будет... Егор...? Жибек...? Саша? (по алфавиту)
Кто бы ни стал победителем, желаю всем участникам забега победы на марафоне!
На мой взгляд, все претенденты достойны AA Position. Пусть победит сильнейший!
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    love sexy magic

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Голосую за Сашу!
А Жибек лучше идти по своей стезе!
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    safety first!

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Aslan, удачи тебе.
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    safety first!

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Айка: ты в универе с одним пацаном встречалась с kyzyl-or-die?
он мне тока от тебя привет передал)

не унывай там, в своей провинции, а то я тоже буду))) вот)
у мну пока всё тихо, почти нормально.
позже, как что будет нормальное - расскажу!
общаюсь только с Верой, ну и Алиджоном немного (TJ)... Но всех остальных помню. Такое не забудешь.

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Aslan, удачи тебе.

Тебе того же, Мужик...
Что там со стволом, определился?
Я подумал-подумал и решил к зиме взять.
Пока нет снега, ещё можно побегать... :)
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Benito Camelo

Benito Camelo
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каргалинский food - как food для каргалар!
Вчера лицезрел Лади-Орео в одном месте .. Прикалывается без конца.. Очень хороший белый топ...
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    safety first!

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пока будем бегать,
да и финансы пока
не располагают...

но иж точно)
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    safety first!

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кстати, ALL!
поздравьте меня!
спешу поделиться радостью!

Dear Dmitriy,

Congratulations! You have been accepted to attend the Disability Symposium: FLEX Alumni Lead for Change, which will be held in Moscow, Russia on September 16-18, 2005.

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Dear Mr. Lemayev!
On behalf of the Kazakhstan FLEX Alumni Association, we would like to congratulate you on being accepted as a Moscow Symposium participant!
We believe, that you will represent our country and association in a best way!
Wish you good luck and a safe trip to Moscow and back.

Красава! Ты пока кажется единственный из Казахстана. Надеюсь, Аяжан и остальные тоже пройдут отбор. Вместе ведь веселее будет. Night Moscow! :)
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Stimpson J. ©at

Stimpson J. ©at
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Wow, hallo everybody!!! :shy:

Aslan, how are you man? having fun there, jus summer and friends, no work, no army no obligations in total... yeah man, i'm studying hard now, today i ha like 6 hour school day, that sux hella bad. i'm tired after physics, calculus, econ and egnlish...
Mean, where are you? how are you>
and yeah, big hi to Almaty city... cheers, mates... ;) :cool: :super:

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Привет Дима!!!!!!!!!

Увидимся в Москве :cool: Я тоже еду :lol: И Верка нас там ждет :super:
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Всем Привет!!!
Аслан, ты чего же это так плохо о бумажках???:_)
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Bratva, ya VERNULAS'!!! Vsem hello-hello ili in Turkish Merhaba :super:
I missed you alot, but still, it was a GREAT EXPERIENCE!!! I Loved it there! REally cool-- too many memories, of course I'm overloaded with pictures, friends, emotions and etc...
Anyways, here is my essay (that was a first one I wrote there, so it's not perfect..., but nevertheless, we can do something to it and send it to nadlezhashiye instantsii/liudi/dandavidson... or whoever. And let the revolution begin! because that Julie Fuck-The bitchy Duck uzhe VSEH dostala, and Michael is right after her!!)
It's here for your judjement! (tam nad tsifirkami porabotat' escho nado by, dlya puschei tochnosti!)

Kazakhstan is a relatively young country. It is only twelve years old. Since the very first days of its independence, Kazakhstan proclaimed its firm commitment to establish a democratic, secular and socially oriented State based upon the rule of law. Our highest values are a human being, his/her rights, equality and freedoms. There is a lot of development still needed in terms of democracy and also in terms of human rights. Clearly, Kazakhstan as a former part of the Soviet Union is not very well experienced with those issues. The activities of NGOs whose number has reached 3500 is a clear evidence of the development of civil society institutions in Kazakhstan. The majority of people who work at those organizations are local professionals, though the organizations themselves are led by American staff members ? the expats. The phenomenon is that the locals are being discriminated; and while doing most of the work are being paid less. ??Why is the local staff not equally treated with American staff members? Will it ever stop??? -- These questions are being asked more and more frequently in the Kazakhstani civil society. The answer to those questions is ?No?. It will not change until people?s mentality changes.
...to be continued...

Сообщение отредактировал Zayats: 10.08.2005, 17:59:00

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As already mentioned, there is a huge number of foreign NGOs in Kazakhstan, especially American ones. They specialize in a variety of fields, for example education (like American Councils and IREX), democracy promotion (USAID and IFES), public health (Interteach and SOS) etc. The people who associate themselves with the NGO sector are generally concedered to be very bright; they are very well educated and ambitious professionals. They tend to seek jobs at foreign companies and NGOs, motivating by the fact that it is more prestigious, more interesting, and more promising with better carrier opportunities in the future. Arguably, they are right to a certain extend. The problem arises after they start working for this or that foreign NGO when they face the variety of discrimination against them, especially of financial nature. And there are numbers of cases. American Councils for International Education (ACCELS) is the perfect example of local staff discrimination.
ACCELS works in the field of High School student and Teacher Exchange. This NGO administers the programs that allow Kazakhstani students and teachers to get the scholarship to visit the USA in the framework of the programs provided. The programs are highly competitive, and staff is mainly focused on recruitment of potential candidates (which involves testing and interviews), conducting of orientation programs for the finalists, seminars and conferences for alumni of the programs and of course logistics. Let us take Almaty office as an example: There are eighteen staff members sixteen of which are locals (Kazakhstan citizens). Both American staff members speak very basic Russian. Most of the job with an exception of e-mails and reporting (that is done in English) has to be done in Russian. Therefore the local staff are the main workers. While doing the major portion of job, they are paid almost 20 times less than the expats.
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Average local salary is $ 240 per month, while expats get almost $5000 for doing the same or sometimes less amount of work. According to my Economics Studies Professor, the minimum monthly living wage in Kazakhstan is $28 (approximately 1/8 of the average local salary at ACCELS). It is understandable that in the US the minimum living wage is much higher; it is $824 per month. If you compare it to the salaries of the local staff and the expat staff, you can say that local staff gets more money, according to the Minimum Living wages of their countries of origin. But why should expats live and be paid according to their country and not to the country where they currently live and work? While living in Kazakhstan they are not exposed to American prices at the stores, restaurants or anywhere else. More disturbing facts of discrimination could be found if the case is examined deeper: local staff doesn?t get the medical insurance, their apartment rental is not covered, and more importantly, Kazakhstani staff pays taxes. Americans working for ACCELS or at any other NGO pay neither US nor Kazakhstan taxes; they as foreigners are being reimbursed for apartment rental, and they are all medically insured.
Ostensibly, Kazakstan citizens are being used as a cheap work force in the case discussed above, which is alarming. Why is it happening? What factors cause this problem? The problem is that the so called ?Kazakhstani mentality? is observed and considered as an ?obedient mentality?. Due to many historical facts such as Jungar and Mongolian invasions in the 12th -14th centuries and also Soviet Union decades of repressions (most of the Concentration Camps were located in Kazakhstan, and a lot of people were repatriated to that region in 1930-s). Though it was almost a century ago when the Republic lived under the threat, people are still very used to accepting things as they are and doing what they are told to do.
A lot of it is also based on the Central Asian culture, and on the respect to the ?older and stronger one?. Most of the locals consider themselves as inferior and do not do anything to stop being discriminated. Local employees give all the rights of decision-making to their expat bosses, and refuse to stand up for themselves in order to protect their rights.
It is not easy to find jobs for the people who are over 50 years old. There are people who threatened by unemployment. Local employees are afraid of voicing their opinions and questioning expat authorities on the matter of their positions and salaries. Most of the elderly professionals are ready to work for little amounts of money, just in order to have some job that will pay enough to feed their families.
Also the fact that locals are not protected by the laws or even worse, they don?t know the law that will protect them well enough, the law that will require certain obligations from the foreign NGOs that they work for. All these facts are not helping the decrease of the discrimination.
This topic is a very hot issue currently in Kazakhstan. The parliament is reviewing the laws about the foreign NGOs, and there are some amendments to be made by July 18. The law would allow the financing of foreign NGOs only with government approval. NGOs would be required to inform the authorities about the amount of such financing and how the money is intended to be spent on local and foreign salaries, and how the taxation process will be fulfilled. Tax inspectors would have the right to seize banking information to obtain data on NGO funding.
There is a hope that in the close future the discrimination of local staff at foreign NGOs will decrease. But at the same time it doesn?t matter how many laws or amendments could be made in parliament, they wouldn?t have an impact if the people, the local employees themselves won?t start caring for their status at their work places. If their mentality wouldn?t change from ??expats are better than we are?? there is no progress to happen. But the young generation of the professionals are the ones to bring changes, their new ways of thinking and approach to the matter will decrease the level of discrimination at NGOs.
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Всем Привет!!!
Аслан, ты чего же это так плохо о бумажках???:_)

АЯЖАН! Поздравляю с тем что прошла отбор! Пришлось изрядно попотеть 4 UR Applc...
Как бы там ни было, желаю классно погулять в Москве! Мой совет, замутите билеты на день раньше, будто бы день в день не было. А то с этим Симпозиумом, кроме гостиницы мало что увидите. Ну, ближе к отправлению свяжитесь со мной. Пообщаемся насчет всего.
Насчет того что плохо отозвался о бумажках, то это клише: бумажки-какашки. Знаешь поговорку времен Советов: Без бумажки, ты какашка. А с бумажкой, хоть букашка!
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Привет LaddyWarrior!!!

Это Саша за которого ты голосовала..... СПАСИБО ОГРОМНЕЙШЕЕ! ОЧень приятно было это увидеть в форуме. Но... как бы это мне (может быть и другим) ни было обидно, Жибек всё-таки не пошла по своей стезе, а пошла работать Аламни-Координатором. Короче её выбрали, а всех остальных вместе со мной скинули. :shy: Может мне нужно было лучше "подмазываться" к офис-директору АКСЕЛС? :cool: Заниматься так называемым ASS-LICKING-ом ? :super: Нет уж, сорри, я не такой человек как "некоторые". "ОБИДНО, ДОСАДНО, НО... ЛАДНО .... Посмотрим сколько человек будет приходить на аламни-собрания, мероприятия и всё такое.
Единственное что пока могу добавить - это то что долго АКСЕЛС с таким крякающим офис-директором долго не протянет.... может нужно уже собирать пожертвования на похороны? ;) :lol:

Сообщение отредактировал BURRITO: 10.08.2005, 18:47:07

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Мда, Санек... мне тебя действительно жаль!
Но еще больше мне жаль Жибек... Гёрл, поверь... будет конкрето "весело"!
Будут требовать 100% отдачи при 10% финансировании (а то и вовсе без)
Так что, придется призывать Местных Гарри Поттеров.
Но ничего, держись! Мы своих не кидаем, поддержим!
Аламни Ассоусиэйшн должна выжить не взирая ни на что!
В том числе и на усиленную миграцию пернатых!
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