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А ну-ка вместе, поем все песниИсчо одна игра

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  • Свой человек
  • 820 сообщений
И уносят меня, и уносят меня,
В звенящую снежную даль
Три белых коня, эх, три белых коня,
Декабрь, Январь, и ФевраЛь
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  • В доску свой
  • 3 486 сообщений
Лучше бы пил
И куриЛ
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  • Завсегдатай
  • 111 сообщений
Лето ах лето
лето знойное будь со мноЙ
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  • Постоялец
  • 320 сообщений
Йожык па травки
Бижыт и хахочит
Йожыку травка
мммм Брюшко щикочиТ
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  • В доску свой
  • 3 486 сообщений
Ты вспомни о нем
Пусть растает громкий смех
В доме твоем и опустеет дом
Ты вспомни о нем
Ночь обнимет мокрый снег
И в тишине просто вспомни о неМ...
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  • Завсегдатай
  • 216 сообщений
Maybe thats the reason why i love you,
Youre my heart, girl
And with all the crazy things that i do
Youre still here, girl
No one else can make me feel like you do,
You share my world..
Baby thats the reason why i love yoU
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  • Свой человек
  • 820 сообщений
U my everything
and nothing really matters
but the love u briNg
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  • Постоялец
  • 320 сообщений
Набросил свой сюртук
На спинку стула музыкант
Поправил нервною рукой
На шее ченый банТ
  • 0

Skipper Lemon

Skipper Lemon
  • Завсегдатай
  • 183 сообщений

Набросил свой сюртук
На спинку стула музыкант
Поправил нервною рукой
На шее ченый банТ

О чем поет ночная птица
Одна в осеней тишине
О том с чем вскоре разлучиться
И будет видеть лишь во сне

(как давно Воскресение не слушал)
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  • Постоялец
  • 320 сообщений
...если ты еще не слишком пьян

(могу дать послушать)
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  • В доску свой
  • 1 688 сообщений
Грязное небо
Грязное папа
Грязное облака
Грязное мэр
Грязное верблюд
Один я весь в бане!
= = = = = = =
Не хочу грязной .......

Сообщение отредактировал china: 15.02.2006, 20:59:36

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  • Завсегдатай
  • 245 сообщений
Black eyed peas & Justin Timberlake & Karina.

(drinking coffee, working and singing)

What's wrong with the world, mama?!
People livin like they ain't got no mamas...
I think the whole world's addicted to the
Only attracted to the things that'll bring
the drama
Overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin
in the U.S.A, the big C.I.A
The bloods & the crips, and the KKK :-)((
But if you only got love for your own ways
then you only leave space to discriminate
and to discriminate only generates hate
and when you hate, then you're bound to get
Madness is what you demonstrate!
And that's exactly how anger works and
operates :-(
Man, ya gotta have love, this'll set us
Take control of your mind and meditate!
Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People killin
People dyin
Children hurt and
Women cryin
Will you practice what you preach?!
And would you turn the other cheeeeek??!!!
Father father father, help us!
Need some guidance from abooove!
These people got me got me questioning!!!!
Where is the loooove??
(LOOOVE) Where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(where is the loooove the loooove my loooove)

It just ain't the same
Old ways have changed.....
New days are strange, is world insane?
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't
nations droppin bombs???
Chemical gasses fillin lungs of little ones
With ongoin sufferin, as the youth die young
So ask yourself, is the lovin really gone!!
So I can ask myself, really what is going
With this world that we livin in, people
Keep on givin in
Makin wrong decisions, only visions of them
not respectin each other, deny thy brother
A war is going on but the reason's under
The truth is kept secret, and swept under
the rug...
If you never know truth, then you never know
Where's the LOVE ya'll? (I don't know) :-/((
Where's the TRUTH ya'll? (I don't know) :'(((
And where's the love ya'll?....
People killin
People dyin
Children hurt and
Women cryin
Will you practice what you preach?!
And would you turn the other cheeeeek??!!!
Father father father, help us!
Need some guidance from abooove!
These people got me got me questioning!!!!

Where is the loooove??
(LOOOVE) Where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(where is the loooove the loooove my loooove)

I feel the weight of the world on my
As I'm getting older, ya'll people gets
colder .....
Most of us only care about money making!! :E
Selfishness got us followin the wrong
direction :E
Wrong information always shown by the media!!!!!!! :E
Negative images is the main criteria :EEE
Infecting the young minds faster than
Kids wanna act like what they see in the
cinema..... :'(((
Whatever happened to the values of humanity???
Whatever happened to the fairness and
Instead of spreading love we spreadin
Lack of understandin leading us away from
unity ...
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin
down... ;-)(
It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin
Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found !!!!!!!

People killin
People dyin
Children hurt and
Women cryin
Will you practice what you preach?!
And would you turn the other cheeeeek??!!!
Father father father, help us!
Need some guidance from abooove!
These people got me got me questioning!!!!

Where is the loooove??
(LOOOVE) Where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(the loooove) where is the loooove?
(where is the loooove the loooove my loooove)

Сообщение отредактировал 50 CENT: 15.02.2006, 23:38:50

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  • В доску свой
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He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He doesn't play for respect
He deals the crads to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden loaw of a probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance

I know that the spades are swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
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  • Свой человек
  • 820 сообщений
Офф: Запостившим 5 предыдущих постов первую страничку бы почитать :D

Tell me the meaning of being loneLy
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  • Постоялец
  • 373 сообщений
Leave me alone
isolation bears hope
there's something else waiting
a promised destiny
freezing me
I feel restless and low
these days full of sadness
had joyfully changed
into feaR
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  • В доску свой
  • 3 486 сообщений
Раненое сердце весит тяжелее
Пробую согреться, пью и не пьянею
Я прошу, верни менЯ
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Лысый коротышка

Лысый коротышка
  • Постоялец
  • 473 сообщений
Я полюбил ходить один
По людным улицам в толпе
Как перст среди людского оживления
Мне хорошо, когда вокруг,
Не разберешь, кто враг, кто - друг.
Я всем чужой, в толпе- мое спасениЕ.
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  • Завсегдатай
  • 111 сообщений
Еслиб не было тебя
Зачем тогда на свете жиТЬ
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Алматинка по национальности

Алматинка по национальности
  • В доску свой
  • 3 016 сообщений
Ты сказал прощай,ты сказал прости,
Все это было,но забыла,нам не по пути
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  • Гость
  • 28 сообщений
и в огне почти не горим
мы охотники за удачей
птицей цвета ультрамарин
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