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Добрый Самаритянин

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Сообщение отредактировал Добрый Самаритянин: 08.06.2009, 00:43:31

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Извеняюсь что не туда пишу, но может кто продаст PSP с прошивкой 1.5 за 20000-23000тг??? Или знает где можно приобрести? e-mail: talanina@mail.ru
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    True Blue

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с прошивкой 1.50 новую ты точно нигде не увидеш. щас помойму и 2.50 уже нет. если кто и продаст, то брать будет тысяч 25000 как минимум. лучше просто взять 2.60 без надписи на платеЖ IC1003 в перевёрнутом виде. если взял 2.50 лучше поткотить до 2.60. короче ссылку по даунгрейду прошивок 2.50 и 2.60 смотри тут http://pspx.ru/forum...opic.php?t=6865
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собираюсь покупать PS2. смогу ли я играть на пиратских дисках, т.к. приставка нечипованная. если этот чип нужен, то где его устанавливают и за сколько?

Вдруг у кого то возникла данная проблема...Чипую PS2. Стоимость 100 у.е.
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To T&T

А PSP случайно не чипуешь?
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    True Blue

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PSP не чипуэт её взламывают. UMD мне кажется ещё долго будет держаться
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Куплю игру Formula One 2005 (2006) для PS2
т. 8 300 607 05 05
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To Puff-Puff-Pass
Есть на PSP F1 GrandPrix. Но чесно говоря не играл в нее. Можем обменяться. Я бы поиграл бы в Prince of Persia, Pirates of Caribian, Miami Vice или что-нибудь свежанькое. Если есть интерес напиши...
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На ПСП уже есть ФОРМУЛА 1 06
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To ПетрМ

Ты можешь мне скинуть на e-mail: talanina@mail.ru или в ЛС какие у тебя есть игрульки для PSP(ISO), желательно свеженькие.
Заранее благодарствую.
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    Поставщик электронного счастья

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заходи на мой форум там все есть

заходи на мой форум там все есть
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To ПетрМ

Напиши мвои координаты... Чтобы с тобой связаться.
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Люди,надо чипануть SP2.Дайте адрес,сколько по цене???
За раннее большое спасибо!!!

Сообщение отредактировал Shimanov: 05.08.2006, 20:05:47

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Господа геймеры, извиняюсь за этот излишне длинное послание на английском языке. Но Вы просто обязаны знать об этой игре. Эта игра кажется собралась ломать множество табу в игровой индустрии, может слово революция громко сказано, но всё же предлагая с этой игрой всем ознакомиться.

Q&A with Zach Meston About the Controversy Surrounding Rule of Rose


GamePro sat down with Zach Meston Assistant Marketing and PR Manager for Atlus U.S.A. to get the lowdown on their latest controversial title Rule of Rose.

GamePro: Rule of Rose isn't a traditional survival horror game, is it? Can you briefly describe Rule of Rose for those who are not familiar to the title?


Zach Meston: Generally speaking, it seems like survival horror games, or action horror as we PR knuckleheads call it since survival horror seems to be a very Capcom term, are divided into two categories. The first category is the action stuff like Resident Evil and Dead Rising where you're blowing Zombies up. The second category is the psychologically based horror games that are slower pace and more disturbing and you can imply things instead of going for the gross out factor.

Rule of Rose is one of the later types where the horror is largely psychological. There are some nasty things you see during the course of the game and really nasty things that happen but it's largely psychological in nature. It's moody and has the same type of effects as Silent Hill with the grainy filter for the graphics. The stuff is dark, the music is moody, and it's definitely a messing with your head type of horror game oppose to the "Oh my god, there are a million zombies attacking me" type game. It's much more psychological. There is combat, but it's actually a much more Silent Hill style of combat as well where your character is not a commando but a regular person who is grabbing stuff from the environment to defend herself with.


The game is basically a really disturbing storyline that is told slightly out of chronological sequence. It's quite messed up, but by the time you finish the game you'll need a shower.

GP: Some of the early buzz about Rule of Rose was the comparisons the game has gotten with Capcom's Haunting Ground. But, it seems that the comparisons are a little inaccurate. Does Rule of Rose have anything in common with Haunting Ground other than the main character having a canine partner?

ZM: The games don't really have that much in common. The way the dog works is different. In Rule of Rose the dog is primarily used to find items. You can basically send the dog to locate a particular scent and locate items. Also the dog will defend you in the combat sequences by barking and try to bite the various Imp creatures that attack you.

I think what happened is that people saw the two games and they both have blonde chicks with dogs and assumed that they were the same, but both games have a very distinctive feel. Haunting Grounds, as I recall, only had a couple of creatures that were trying to find you. A lot of Haunting Grounds gameplay was a hide-and-seek style gameplay where you could crawl under beds and hide in closets while a huge deformed hunchback guy was trying to find you --almost a stealth type of gameplay.

Rule of Rose is nothing like that. It's exploration with combat mixed in with really "F-ed" up CG sequences and cut scenes. They're quite different games. Obviously they belong to the same overall genre but you're not going to play this and be reminded of Haunting Ground --both games have very different looks and feels.


Q&A with Zach Meston About the Controversy Surrounding Rule of Rose (page 2)



GP: Is it fair to say there's a lot of underlying sexuality presented in Rule of Rose in regards to the many scenes which are centered on prepubescent British girls? There's a lot of questionable imagery and innuendo in the game.

ZM: The director of Rule of Rose, Shuji Ishikawa, describes Rule of Rose as a friendship that turns into an obsession of sorts. If you've seen the movie Heavenly Creatures you'll see that both the film and Rule of Rose have the same theme. The movie is based on a real event that happened in New Zealand where a friendship becomes an unrequited love story but happens to be between two girls.

The sexuality and the undertones never get overt in Rule of Rose. If you saw the E3 trailer there are things in there that will make you go "Wow." Toward the beginning, there's a girl who's hiking her skirt up and she keeps hiking and hiking, and you're like you need to stop hiking your skirt up.


Nothing is shown. You'll never see girls making out, you'll never see any nudity, but it's those scenes where things are implied. I think it's really cool, not cool because it's lesbian, but because it's pretty rare for a videogame to have an emotional impact just on implication of things. Videogames so rarely work with just subtext and implication. Usually videogames are pretty shallow --what you see is what you get. There's no deeper meaning to it. There's no attempt at another level of emotional impact. I think Rule of Rose does pull it off and that's pretty rare to do that --to be able to impact the player without showing things.

Is it questionable? Yeah. Is it AO rated? No. It's nothing that is going to get people protesting. It's too subtle for that. Subtlety doesn't work on those protest groups. They get upset when they see Night Trap with Dana Plato in her night gown getting some blood sucking device attached to her neck or when they see Carl Johnson going to town with full clothes on. That freaks them out. But, fortunately, Rule of Rose is too smart for those people. It's too subtle so it's not going to freak them out. Yes, I just said the videogame is too smart for them and that is an insult.

All of it has meaning and all of it is intended to either forward the story or disturb the player. None of it is "Hey look girls kissing." It all has a purpose.


Q&A with Zach Meston About the Controversy Surrounding Rule of Rose (page 3)



GP: Considering Sony's decisions to not self publish this title in the U.S., what's behind Atlus' decision to bring over Rule of Rose from Japan? Do you guys know something that Sony doesn't?

ZM: I have never personally spoken to anyone over at SCEA about why they decided not to bring this game over here. The producer of the game had basically stated that to the best of his knowledge, SCEA felt that the game didn't match there corporate profile --which is really not weird for them because they pass on a lot of games. Sony America seems to want to focus on things that is or can be triple-A, which is why they decided to go with Siren because they felt that game matches their marketing approach better than Rule of Rose.

We see stuff that Sony passes on all the time. But this particular game, with its themes, got people particularly worked up. People figure right off the bat obviously Sony passed on this game because of the subject matter. Which I don't know if that's the case and I don't believe that's the case.

Regardless, we picked it up, and this is pure corporate truth here, because we needed another PS2 game for this year. So much of our lineup is handheld and we needed a release between Steambot and Metal Saga in the spring and Devil Summoner in October. We had this big gap that was just handheld, so we were on the hunt for a good PS2 game to fill in the gap there and fortunately this came along.

Also, we knew this would demo well at E3, which is kind of ironic --oh well, bye-bye E3. At least it served its purpose for us. So, we were looking for a game that would fill in the gap for us and also impress people more than all our handheld stuff would, and it was a good game. We evaluated it in-house and it got good scores. It was scoring a lot better than a lot of the stuff we were looking at and believe you me we look at a lot of stuff that we quickly realize we should not do. That's just how localization works.


It's so rare these days for a really good Japanese game not to come over here. It just does not happen now. It used to happen in the 8-bit and 16-bit days, but with the internet and everybody so savvy about what is out elsewhere it doesn't happen anymore.

If we hadn't picked this up, someone else would have. Usually that is the case with everything we localize. It's extremely rare that we're the only company bidding on something. The fact that we were willing to outbid other companies for this game tells you we thought it was a good game worth doing.

Also, it was a chance for us to dip into a new genre. We've been around fifteen years and we never delved into this genre before. We'll always service the RPG niche but we have to look outside that niche as well to grow.

Do we know something Sony doesn't? I don't know. I don't think so. I like to say we're now a very pro-lesbian company now. We're cool with the lesbian action.

GP: Are you going to put that on your business cards now?

ZM: Hey you know it's great, woman like lesbians and guys like lesbians. Just bring everyone in. Seriously, we don't know anything that Sony doesn't.

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Q&A with Zach Meston About the Controversy Surrounding Rule of Rose (page 4)



GP: There was some controversy regarding child zombies and child monsters during the original PlayStation era (the original Resident Evil 1.5 was rumored to have child zombies, and Silent Hill series had demonic babies with knives). However, unlike movies, such as Dawn of the Dead, the Omen, and Children of the Corn, videogames rarely feature children as evil creatures that are killable. While you don't actually combat the children in Rule of the Rose, the children are betrayed as evil and the child sized Imp monster do represent an evil youngster you have to stab or shoot to death. Do you guy's perceive any conflicts in showing violence towards kids?

ZM: This funny because everyone is getting worked up about the sexuality but not as many quite as many people are getting worked up about the child imagery.

GP: Yeah, the fact that you have to stab a child Imp with scissors in the first hour of the game.

ZM: Yeah. Were we concerned with that, yes we were. I can't get too much into that without spoiling the game unfortunately. But you do eventually find out, not to justify the violence but, it's not as totally awful as it might look.

By in large, the game is about children and that's how it derives its horror. I believe Ishikawa said one of the things that is creepy about kids is that they're really truthful and honest and they don't hide their emotions and you really get that vibe from the kids in this game. There's no hidden agenda with them in the game.

The in the beginning of the game the Imps do look more realistic and they do resemble more like children. As you proceed into the game they start becoming less realistic and they're forms become more fantastical, like later on there is a fish Imp.


Q&A with Zach Meston About the Controversy Surrounding Rule of Rose (page 4)
Aug 9, 2006 @ 11:59am


Full Text:

GP: There was some controversy regarding child zombies and child monsters during the original PlayStation era (the original Resident Evil 1.5 was rumored to have child zombies, and Silent Hill series had demonic babies with knives). However, unlike movies, such as Dawn of the Dead, the Omen, and Children of the Corn, videogames rarely feature children as evil creatures that are killable. While you don't actually combat the children in Rule of the Rose, the children are betrayed as evil and the child sized Imp monster do represent an evil youngster you have to stab or shoot to death. Do you guy's perceive any conflicts in showing violence towards kids?

ZM: This funny because everyone is getting worked up about the sexuality but not as many quite as many people are getting worked up about the child imagery.

GP: Yeah, the fact that you have to stab a child Imp with scissors in the first hour of the game.

ZM: Yeah. Were we concerned with that, yes we were. I can't get too much into that without spoiling the game unfortunately. But you do eventually find out, not to justify the violence but, it's not as totally awful as it might look.

By in large, the game is about children and that's how it derives its horror. I believe Ishikawa said one of the things that is creepy about kids is that they're really truthful and honest and they don't hide their emotions and you really get that vibe from the kids in this game. There's no hidden agenda with them in the game.

The in the beginning of the game the Imps do look more realistic and they do resemble more like children. As you proceed into the game they start becoming less realistic and they're forms become more fantastical, like later on there is a fish Imp.


That kind of imagery is sued in the beginning of the game to effect and shock the player. But as the game proceeds, the game inches away from that, possibly because the director realized they didn't want to go too heavy on that stuff because it may get too disturbing.

Sure we were concerned about it. We never thought the game was going to receive an AO rating. I doubt we'd pick it up if we felt that way. We didn't want to edit it or compromise the story of the game.

If you know everything about the story you'll find the justification of violence towards the child Imps somewhat less disturbing, which I know is a horrible justification for kid violence.

That's a tough one. It's easy to explain the sexual aspects of the story. In my mind the child aspects are the most disturbing elements of the game. When you finish the game you'll uncover the terrible plot.

Ishikawa used child like imagery because that is the theme of the game --how children behave and interact. You get a little Lord of the Flies thing going. So, it made sense to use child like imagery for the creatures that are attacking you the game. Well it does have shock value; it's not purely shock value. It's in keeping with the theme of the game. It makes more thematic sense to have children creatures than random pyramid head creatures attacking you in the game. So yeah, that's my justification.

GP: For more about Rule of Rose, you can view the official disturbing E3 trailer at Games.net.


PS: Жаль что игра вышла пока в Японии. Релиз американской версии отменила компания Atlus. Игра прославилась скандалом на почве сексуальных намёков(девочки лесбиянки и.т.д.), насилие(отрицательные персонажи дети, которых я так понял иногда приходится убивать) в отношении детей. Но как мне кажется игра что-то вроде мощной драмы с артхаусом, плюс ужасы.
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Источник. Игра получила очень жёсткий рейтинг Adults Only Изображение по версии ESRB.

Сообщение отредактировал Vaan: 11.08.2006, 07:19:42

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Название игры: Rule of Rose
Сайт игры: http://www.playstati...scej/title/ror/
Разработчики: Sony Computer Entertainment
Издатели: Sony Computer Entertainment
Статус: в продаже c 12.09.2006
Жанры: Action / Adventure
Доступные платформы: PS 2

Легкий испуг к игре

К Rule of Rose никто не испытывал особых симпатий: показанный перед японским релизом ролик не демонстрировал ничего существенного, не делал никаких обещаний и больше походил на трейлер фильма, чем на рекламу видеоигры. Лишь слегка шокировал разработчик, которым выступала внутренняя студия Sony, и удивляло отсутствие намеков на появление игры на Западе. Прошло полгода, новой информации о проекте не поступало, и вдруг на Е3 привезли подборку пугающих видеофрагментов неизвестной игры под знакомым названием.

Сотрудники издательства Atlus показывали на плакат над головами собравшихся ? мол, вот что такое Rule of Rose, господа. А после всем желающим демонстрировали первый ролик с игрой, способной уложить на обе лопатки не только Resident Evil, но и Silent Hill вместе с остальными фаворитами жанра вместе взятыми. Вслед за ним включали второй трейлер, где ожившие веревки делали с молоденькой девчушкой что-то невообразимое. Окружившая стенд издательства публика была в восторге.

Японский колорит

Прежде чем этот проект попал в поле зрения западных издателей, он прошел жесткую внутреннюю цензуру Sony. Япония ? страна запретов, поэтому до своего появления на полках магазинов Rule of Rose не раз ложилась на операционный стол отдела контроля качества. И все-таки разработчики сумели отстоять часть уникальных черт, выделяющих их творение на фоне признанных лидеров. Они заново переосмыслили основы жанра, тщательно отобрали достойные заимствования элементы, внимательно изучили предлагаемые конкурентами решения и постарались максимально отдалиться от них. Последнее у них таки ж получилось ? Rule of Rose при всем желании нельзя сравнить с теми играми, что рождает ассоциативная память при упоминании слова "хоррор". Раз за разом просматривая рекламные ролики, пытаешься уловить ту невидимую ниточку, которая тянется к идеям, вдохновившим создателей, но она ускользает с потрясающей регулярностью.

История начинается с того, что молоденькая англичанка покидает неизвестно куда отправлявшийся автобус с целью найти сошедшего до нее мальчика. Само собой, водитель автобуса никого ждать не стал, и как только юная особа ступила на землю, укатил восвояси. Вполне возможно, что безвозвратно ? сельская местность появится в игре ровно один раз, все остальное время героиня будет вынуждена скитаться по старинному особняку и, ни за что не поверите, дирижаблю.

Лучше даже не пытаться искать во всем этом логическую связь: героиня периодически теряет сознание от страха, поэтому где она окажется в следующий раз ? зависит исключительно от желания сценаристов. Пока другие в отчаянии ищут страшные жизненные моменты, эти люди находят отвратительное в повседневности. Например, сцена с огромной жирной крысой и ее попытками поцеловать связанную девушку досрочно зачисляется в класс культовых. Уже после нее идут маленькие дети, избивающие палками завязанную в мешке собаку, и ненормальные девочки, заколотившие в гроб любопытную англичанку.

От страха не умирают

Судя по скриншотам, героиня этой безумной истории физически очень слаба. Да и психическое состояние ее после всего увиденного вряд ли можно назвать стабильным. Поэтому единственный способ избежать цепких рук глуповатого толстяка, преследующего малолетнюю жертву на протяжении всей игры, заключается в бегстве без оглядки. Прятаться, скрываться и маскироваться бесполезно ? "Большой Дебил" перевернет все вверх дном, но найдет игрока и продолжит преследование.

В этом ему будут помогать одичавшие дети и ожившие предметы вроде самых обычных веревок, с которыми связан один интригующий момент, задержавший американский релиз. Департамент качества США углядел в сцене с канатами явные намеки на педофилию, в поведении малышей ? чрезмерную агрессию, а в большом дяде ? насильника и извращенца. Опасаясь нападок со стороны цензуры, Sony Computer Entertainment отказалась издавать игру на территории Штатов самостоятельно. Тогда-то на помощь и пришла администрация Atlus ? независимому издательству подобные скандалы пойдут только на пользу.

Они знают все

При желании, конечно, можно обвинить создателей в том, что они просто умалчивают, откуда черпали идеи для своего детища. Например, "побеги" от монстров были придуманы задолго до Rule of Rose ? в малоизвестной европейцам Clock Tower, а одинокого преследователя так и хочется сравнить с персонажем из Haunting Ground, где он выполнял аналогичные функции. Однако, в отличие от "оригиналов", в Rule of Rose на первом месте стоит сюжет и атмосфера. Уже вокруг этих базовых параметров авторы вынуждены достраивать систему, по которой во все это хитросплетение было бы интересно играть. На сегодняшний день о проекте известно достаточно, чтобы слегка потеснить в личном списке предпочтений другие ожидаемые релизы ближайшего будущего. Каким же он окажется на самом деле и что сотворят с ним ножницы цензуры, выяснить удастся лишь после появления "Правила Розы" в продаже. Источник.



PS: Выше на английском языке было интервью.
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About Rule of Rose

Надеюсь вскоре после появления на ПС2 мы ее увидим и на ПСП! :D
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    Поставщик электронного счастья

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уже поиграл в японскую версию
игра красивая и страшная
атмосфера на уровне когда от детей нужно ждать гадости взрослой женщине от этого как то не по себе

хоррор майкеры как то не очень к псп относятся, вроде как очень сложно на эту малютку перенести атмосферу страха
посмотрим что у них со сайлент хилом выйдет

Сообщение отредактировал ПетрМ: 11.08.2006, 09:36:33

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To ПетрМ

У тебя не имеется еще "Godfather" на PSP? Как долго ее еще ждать? И когда появиться "Def Jam"?
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To ПетрМ

А когда Сайлент Хилл появится? Или уже появился?
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