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Foreigners in KazakhstanInternational Zone

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Wha did ya say? I don't get it...
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I'm not a frigging foreigner that's how :super:

but you also can't be a hunderd percent sure that nobody will find it :hi:
it is possible that someone who knows about this topic can share info with foreign friend/colleague, etc


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I'm not a frigging foreigner that's how :super:

but you also can't be a hunderd percent sure that nobody will find it :D
it is possible that someone who knows about this topic can share info with foreign friend/colleague, etc

hunderd? what's that? :kiss: I never said that no one will find it, I asked how are the dumb foreigners supposed to find it if they don't know anything about ct.kz forum in the first place? And even if they do, how are they supposed to stumble upon this one single thread buried in haystack of zillions of other threads (thread, not topic!)? You are correct in pointing out that locals can refer to this thread their foreign colleagues, but that's like 0.001% of the potential audience. Bottom line: you need a way to direct attentions of the foreigners to this specific thread, and original poster doesn't suggest any (unlike you). :hi: So, without doing something this thread is doomed to an oblivion in this god-forsaken 'flame' subforum.

Сообщение отредактировал Fallon: 26.03.2010, 03:40:48

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Да какая разница ребята найдут иностры эту тему или нет. Эта их проблема. В казахстане плохие дороги, старые некрасивые здания, маленькие зарплаты. плохая экология, агрессивные люди, погода как настроение алматинских девушек, куча проблем, а вы еще одну нашли)))))
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Google and other searching systems usually redirects. I sure that some foreigners interested in Kazakhstan. Forum engine supports english language so they will be able to register and reply. This thread can be sticked to the top. And I aslo can spread information about this.
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Get over yourself, nobody's interested in Kazakhstan :laugh:
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Are you sure? I can show to everybody interesting videos. He was in Almaty. Lucky.
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hunderd? what's that? :eek: I never said that no one will find it, I asked how are the dumb foreigners supposed to find it if they don't know anything about ct.kz forum in the first place? And even if they do, how are they supposed to stumble upon this one single thread buried in haystack of zillions of other threads (thread, not topic!)? You are correct in pointing out that locals can refer to this thread their foreign colleagues, but that's like 0.001% of the potential audience. Bottom line: you need a way to direct attentions of the foreigners to this specific thread, and original poster doesn't suggest any (unlike you). :laugh: So, without doing something this thread is doomed to an oblivion in this god-forsaken 'flame' subforum.

тема = thread на английЦЦком? о. буду знать =)
all right. Fallon, you are pessimist :-) the amount of people who are interested in Kazakhstan is growing up. Unfourtunately, the reason of interest isn't tourist attractions, but anyway.

To say the truth, the main problem of this thread isn't a lack of foreigners' attention (probably it's better to say "a lack of attention in future" :D ) . To me the thread purpose is not clear. If i were a foreigner I would find it really boring to register just to say "hi, i am a foreigner and i am interested in KZ". Usually they are interested in renting appartments, entertainments, etc. And [the original poster] Armanrazor wants to discuss all things in one place and even on own language(!!!). just imagine arabic, chinese, korean, japanese, latin letters =))))))

and another thing is why are you [ Armanrazor, ] so kind to help to foreigners? usually спасение утопающих дело рук самих утопающих. And who is interested in help can create own topic thread. And they do that =P I tried to google some info about Kazakhstan for foreigners and found nice forum gokazakhstan dot com

p.s. thank you guys, i think one positive thing about this is i've a little bit extended my vocab :D even grammar is still awful :laugh:


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I don't think I'm pessimist, I'm a realist, and I know foreigners, americans in particular, very well. 99% of the latter don't know jack about Kazakhstan is, and of the 1% who do, mostly found out about it through popular culture: movies like "Air Force One" and "Borat". The rest would assume that Kazakhstan is some part of Pakistan or something. There are scholars, professionals and specialists who might be interested in Central Asia for one reason or another, they might differentiate between the five 'stans' but for them, Kazakhstan is of no particular interest, unless they are in oil business or something like that.

In any case, I agree wholeheartedly that this thread is pointless for any poor foreign soul who might happen to stumble upon it.

A little of the vocabulary:
topic - is the subject of the conversation in a forum thread
thread - is the actual conversation itself on a computerized bulletin board system (i.e., forum)

Сообщение отредактировал Fallon: 27.03.2010, 03:17:17

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  • никто
Ok, you're realist. me too. But we are talking about interest generally, without taking into account the reason (oil, gas or smth else) behind that. and as I mentioned before this interest is rising.

and smth about 'stans'. A few days ago I was asked whether all 'stan' people speak same language. o_O. And today two girls were shocked that [ideally] Kazakh is official language of our country (not Russian). I would be happy to share this link but I find it unreasonable. why? because there is no info. there is no subject.

In addition, I am sure usually there are special employees in international companies who are held responsible for any issues of foreign staff...In my opinion this foreigners won't ask for help on bb.ct...
this thread could be more or less useful for those who is going to come to Kazakhstan and sure that Kazakhstani live in yurts and use camels as a transport ....if they can find themselves:D

to sum up
1. too difficult to find => even on the Internet
2. no subject => not attractive
3. still no active foreigners :laugh:
4. anyway interest to Kazakhstan is increasing
5. great place for chatting in English xD


Сообщение отредактировал forget_me_not: 27.03.2010, 06:17:12


  • никто

Are you sure? I can show to everybody interesting videos. He was in Almaty. Lucky.

только сейчас просмотрела вскольз. что могу сказать... лучше бы этого не было


  • никто
продолжила смотреть
http://www.youtube.c.../_9uMjmljUZY]по душе, но уже о другом[/url]

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