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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Уроки рисования для малышей на английском языке

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Хотим ходить на занятия по рисованию для малышей (от полутора года до четырех лет), но группа все никак не набирается. Внизу вся информация. Пожалуйста, пишите если тоже хотите присоединиться

Art programs help children with problem solving, self confidence, and more. Most important, KidsCreate classes are FUN!

The class for 18-48 months olds is in an exciting art program designed especially to give young children their first art experience investigating different materials weekly. With stories, music, and movement this class offers children a fun, hands on experience. Experience this time with your child, or have your caretaker share in the fun.

In the class for 5-12 year olds we will be exploring expressionism in a variety of ways. We will be painting, working in mixed media as we learn about and celebrate expressionism. We will draw on the works of artist such as van Gogh, Kandinsky, Pollock, and Munch with an emphasis on subjects and themes. We will learn different techniques, terminology, and concepts and have lots of fun creating expressive art. Music and stories add to the fun!

Kids Create emphasizes artistic inspiration and the power of the human imagination. This art program helps build children’s self-confidence, increase fine motor coordination and improve problem-solving skills. Leah Newman strives to nurture artistic growth in children through positive reinforcement and an infectious curiosity and love for creativity, kids, and art. Most important is that the kids have lots of fun!

Leah Newman has been involved in art education since 1981. As an educator, she has taught art in after school activities in many private and public schools in the metro Washington, DC area; taught graphic design to teenagers in the Arts, DC program; as well as developed and implemented art programs for children (and adults) while living in Ethiopia, Bulgaria, and Cambodia. In Baku, Azerbaijan, Leah has worked for American University, and taught art for two years at the Baku International School. Leah has also taught art at a private American School in Pretoria, South Africa. She has also home schooled many children in art as well as offered similar art programs for kids in many locales. Additionally, for many years, Leah has been holding classes for adults on creativity and painting.

Pre registration required. Price includes all supplies.



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Дд! Где будут проходить занятия и набралась ли группа? Нам 2 годика
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