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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Professional MovementВакансии

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Добрый день.

В данный момент открыта вакансия.

SupplyPlanner/ DemandForecastingAnalystCIS (Специалист по планированию и прогнозированию поставок по странам СНГ)
· Generate supply plans with factories and sales to deliver stock to support sales forecasts.
· Liaise with Demand Planners to understand the forecasted requirements and manage supply to achieve and maintain high levels of customer service whilst meeting inventory targets.
· Identify key Supply / demand imbalance , evaluate options and propose solutions
· Participate in seasonal planning and campaigning with the factories.
· Optimise stock holding levels within the total supply chain through a detailed understanding of the key planning parameters and process (lead times, supply reliability, demand variability, service objectives etc) and in line with Working Capital targets.
· Assist in supporting factory production initiatives and improvements in ways of working.
· Control stock levels
· Liaise with central Consumer Supply Chain departments, Marketing, Regulatory etc. to ensure all requirements are coordinated for pack introductions/changes.
· Liaising with factories, (both company’s and third party suppliers), Brand managers and Demand planners as well as relevant customer service team members.
· Monthly reporting (database)
· Plan short and long term sales jointly with CIS management team
· Communication with managers on demand forecasting plans
· High education degree (economic, finance)
· Professional Background (1-1,5 years as a financial analyst, logistic specialist)
· Team player, communicative, stress resistant.
· Readiness to overtimes, business trips.
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