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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Country Manager, KazakhstanAlmaty

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Country Manager, Kazakhstan

Mining company based in Oman is looking for a dynamic, committed Kazakh national to oversee the operations and fuel our growth.
The incumbent will be based in Almaty but will be required to travel extensively within the country.

responsibility for strategic and business planning
oversee day-to-day operations of the company
will be the custodian of company’s assets and resources
drive profitability, growth and long term sustainability
will be the legal representative in matters pertaining to company affairs
be responsible for compliance to rules and regulations ensuring corporate governance
develop the company as a model employer in the country providing a motivating and safe work culture
clean environment and meeting its social responsibilities.

Requirements: experience of over 15 years and will hold a degree in geology or mining engineering A post graduate degree in management will be an advantage, fluent English

Having spend a major part of his career in Mining Industry (particularly in base metal mining), he/ she is expected to have thorough knowledge of Mining/Minerals development and other related industries as well as the Contractors perspective including an up-to-date knowledge of political, social, economic and technological factors impacting the industry.

Please send your CV to sabinka1212@mail.ru
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