Движок без MySQLсабж
Отправлено 28.06.2004, 23:22:15
Отправлено 29.06.2004, 00:44:22
С ним PHP-Nuke или sPaiZ-Nuke и т.д. будут работатьмогу порекомендовать http://freesql.org
Отправлено 30.06.2004, 09:04:50
Отправлено 30.06.2004, 19:21:00
Про Cmsimple я знаю, как раз сам использую.http://www.cmsimple.dk/ не подойдёт?
Вот хотел узнать есть ли другие движки без MySQL, покруче.
Отправлено 15.07.2004, 00:12:44
Отправлено 15.07.2004, 00:38:09
http://www.enuke.net/shad0wed/One of the only NON-MYSQL Portal released. A engine that has all the functions you've always wanted for your website. Easy to setup templates and versatile design editing. Easy to setup, and requires no scripting knoledge to run. Unique design editing system. Choose between blocks (unlimited and custumizable) or html or both. FLATFILE/News/Forums/Downloads/Documents/Links/Templates/More...
https://sourceforge.net/projects/lit/Script for creation of a site of portal type. Does not requires any SQL database (all data are stored in text files). Features - viewing and post news on categories, comments, skins (fast change of design), modules, addons for modules, clean (friendly)URLs without Apache's mod_rewrite. Programming language is PHP (Object Oriented style). Requires at least PHP 4.1 and disabled safe mode
Отправлено 15.07.2004, 00:41:22
No database needed to run this mini Portal wich allow you to build in few seconds a '3 cols-like' portal.
You will be able to add/modify and delete article with a powerfull WYSWSYG editor (Htmlarea v3.0) ; your data will be in XML.
Taste the new generation of portal 'Instant Publish'.
We produce now both version coded in UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1
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