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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Фин. калькуляторBA II PRО, HP 12c

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Финансовый калькулятор BA II PRО, HP 12c или другие.

Сообщение отредактировал Ronnie: 22.08.2009, 22:44:12

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Есть то, что вам нужно BAII Plus, сколько предлагаете?
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Есть калькулятор Texas Instrumentals BAII Plus - 12000 тенге (новый)
Есть калькулятор Texas Instrumentals BAII PRO (Advanced Financial Calculator) - 14,000 тенге (новый)
Оба калькулятора - CFA Approved!

Есть CASIO FC-100V - 6,000 тенге
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Драцена, предлагайте цены сами...
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    он же Role-Model

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BAII PRO (Advanced Financial Calculator) очень хорошая вещь если берёте финансовый калькулятор то лучше сразу этот, сам таким пользуюсь.


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DttDz, спасибо. Да, наверное, буду его искать. До этого поменял уже три калькулятора, но с каждым предметом нужен другой калькулятор. Надо было сразу заказать с США. К тому же, он сертифицирован для сдачи экзаменов.
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Все еще ищу...
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Все еще ищу...

ну зачем же искать если я Вам уже его предложил?
Есть калькулятор Texas Instrumentals BAII PRO (Advanced Financial Calculator) - 14,000 тенге (новый)
цена не устраивает? могу чуть чучть скинуть, как для ЦТшника :rotate:

Сообщение отредактировал 0xygen: 24.08.2009, 21:45:31

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0xygen, что-то дороговато для меня... в том числе и со "скидкой" в 1,000 ...)))
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nu ok)) togda nichem pomoch ne mogu...
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Калькулятор давно куплен за 9,000. Новый. Texas Instrumentals BAII Plus
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Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of hardship when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big starting capital.
Nowadays, I feel good, I started to get real money.
It gets down to choose a proper partner who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, and shares the income with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them:
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You may probably be very interested to know how one can manage to receive high yields on investments.
There is no initial capital needed.
You may commense to get income with a sum that usually goes
on daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one company's work for several years,
and I'll be glad to let you know my secrets at my blog.

Please visit my pages and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I earn 1000-2000 per daily now.

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  • 2 сообщений
You may probably be very curious to know how one can manage to receive high yields on investments.
There is no need to invest much at first.
You may commense earning with a sum that usually is spent
for daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one company's work for several years,
and I'm ready to share my secrets at my blog.

Please visit my pages and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I make 1000-2000 per day now.

  • 0


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  • 2 сообщений
You may probably be very interested to know how one can make real money on investments.
There is no need to invest much at first.
You may commense earning with a money that usually goes
for daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one company's work for several years,
and I'm ready to let you know my secrets at my blog.

Please visit my pages and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I make 1000-2000 per daily now.

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Hello everyone!
I would like to burn a theme at here. There is such a thing, called HYIP, or High Yield Investment Program. It reminds of ponzy-like structure, but in rare cases one may happen to meet a company that really pays up to 2% daily not on invested money, but from real profits.

For quite a long time, I earn money with the help of these programs.
I'm with no money problems now, but there are heights that must be conquered . I make 2G daily, and my first investment was 500 dollars only.
Right now, I managed to catch a guaranteed variant to make a sharp rise . Visit my web site to get additional info.

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You may probably be very curious to know how one can make real money on investments.
There is no need to invest much at first.
You may commense to get income with a money that usually goes
on daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one company's work for several years,
and I'll be glad to share my secrets at my blog.

Please visit blog and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I earn 1000-2000 per day now.

  • 0


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  • 1 сообщений
Hi there!
I would like to burn a theme at this forum. There is such a nicey, called HYIP, or High Yield Investment Program. It reminds of financial piramyde, but in rare cases one may happen to meet a company that really pays up to 2% daily not on invested money, but from real profits.

For several years , I earn money with the help of these programs.
I'm with no money problems now, but there are heights that must be conquered . I make 2G daily, and my first investment was 500 dollars only.
Right now, I managed to catch a guaranteed variant to make a sharp rise . Visit my blog to get additional info.

  • 0


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  • 1 сообщений
Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of troubles when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
I have never thought that there weren't any need in large starting capital.
Now, I'm happy and lucky , I begin take up real income.
It's all about how to select a proper companion who uses your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, parts and divides the income with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them:
  • 0


  • Случайный прохожий
  • 1 сообщений
You may probably be very interested to know how one can make real money on investments.
There is no need to invest much at first.
You may begin earning with a money that usually goes
on daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one project for several years,
and I'll be glad to share my secrets at my blog.

Please visit blog and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I make 1000-2000 per day now.

  • 0

Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1

пользователей: 0, неизвестных прохожих: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0

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