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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


ПрограммистМеждународная компания

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Позиция открыта в Международной Производственной Компании. Предоставляется следующий социальный пакет: медицинская страховка на сотрудника и одного члена семьи, бесплатное питание, развозка, оплата сотовой связи. Компания постоянно проводит тренинги по совершенствованию английского языка и по повышению квалификации, как в Казахстане, так и зарубежом. Оклад обсуждается лично с кандидатом внутри компании, помимо оклада предусмотрена 13 заработная плата в размере месячного оклада.

PROJECT PLANNING: Participate in development of yearly IS project plan. Analyze the business reasons justifying the projects, perform studies of the project feasibility, document and present detailed requirements and design to business area management, and obtain agreement and approval.
PROJECT ORGANIZATION: Develop the project work breakdown structure, assign tasks to programmers/analysts and establish measurable time segments. Define the standards and conventions to be adhered to by a project team.
PROJECT EXECUTION AND CONTROL: Elaborate complete specifications to enable computer programmers to develop the required system. Write the computer programs for the most complex modules of the system. Closely monitor the project progress, track current costs against the approved budget, perform project issues management. Coordinate preparation of system documentation and execution of tests; perform systems integration, present final test results.
INFORMATION SECURITY: Ensure that implemented solutions are in-line with the Company standards, policies and business imperatives. Ensure that implemented business applications are adequately backed up and restored.
SUPPLIER RELATIONS: Work with external suppliers and vendors to ensure the best-practice and cost effective solutions are delivered to support the business.
USER SUPPORT: Perform efficient and quality day-to-day support to implemented business applications to ensure uninterrupted operations in respective functional areas.
LIAISON WITH IS HQ/AFFILIATES: Stay current with Regional IS plans and major initiatives and work closely with peers from other affiliates. Participate in the regional hardware/software standardization efforts and communicate all standard changes to project team members.
MONITOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS: Constantly monitor and study leading edge technologies and products emerging on the market and inform management regarding any opportunity to apply those.
MAJOR CHALLENGES: Maintain good knowledge of state-of-the-art technologies, concepts and computer hardware and software. Manage very complex and business critical systems. A failure of any system may happen any time and lead to business disruption with severe consequences.
COMPLIANCE: Ensure compliance of the quality of performed work / produced product with all applicable quality standards and norms of Company. Know and strictly follow all applicable company policies, procedures, instructions, rules and other requirements on Environmental Protection and Occupational Health and Safety. Know and strictly follow all relevant company policies and procedures along with all applicable legal and statutory requirements.

Образование - University Degree in IT or equivalent
Дополнительное обучение - Knowledge/Experience in Finance/Accounting, Logistics, Manufacturing is desirable
Специальные знания - Ms SQL Server, VS.NET, VB/VBA
Опыт работы в международной компании - will be a plus
Опыт работы со специальным оборудованием, системами - Knowledge of SAP and/or experience with support of other ERP Systems, . NET Compact Framework will be a plus.
Знание компьютера - Ms SQL Server, VS.NET, VB/VBA - programmer
Владение английским языком - English: upper-intermediate
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  • Завсегдатай
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можно з\п в личку
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  • Случайный прохожий
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а куда резюме то скидывать?
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  • Частый гость
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Вилку зарплаты скинте, пожалуйста.
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  • Гость
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И где ваша компания находится?
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Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1

пользователей: 0, неизвестных прохожих: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0

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