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В связи с тем, что 2 февраля 2016 года вступили в силу Правила осуществления электронной торговли, утверждённые Приказом и.о. Министра национальной экономики РК №720 от 25.11.2015, все цены на товары, работы и услуги должны быть установлены исключительно в национальной валюте — тенге.


Information Systems (IS) ManagerVacancy from foreign company

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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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Basic Purpose

To develop, maintain, and ensure the availability, security, performance and optimization (continuously improvement) of the existing information systems environment. To manage, coordinate, and ensure the proper planning, purchasing and usage of hardware and software equipment, including the organization of specific information systems trainings for local work force according to Regional Center Vienna (RCV) guidelines.

Duties and responsibilities

A) IS Organization

? Manages the interpretation and application of established corporate and regional Information & Communication Systems guidelines and policies.
? Serves as the necessary coordinator between the local employees and the regional IS headquarters.
? Organizes required IS courses for local employees, e.g. Windows, Outlook, Office Professional, Business Financial Report, Data Warehouse, Target Mkt. System, etc.
? Ensures that the existing IS facilities are used properly and that the Security Guidelines for Information and Communication systems (I+CS) are continuously observed.

B) Purchasing of hardware and software (PCs, printers, network equipment)

? Selects local hardware/software supplier (for HP a local HP reseller f.e.) which is competent and reliable.
? Purchases IS equipment and services, HW & SW after consultation and coordination with IS regional headquarters in Vienna.

C) Hardware and software support

? Ensures 1st level support for local questions and problems in connection with the proper usage of hardware and software.
? Performs SW updates and HW upgrades according to our standards and guidelines and due to installation instructions.
? Ensures data protection (patch applications) and data storage (backup) according to corporate Security Guideline (e.g. Virus Protection).
? Administrates user access rights and local IS environment such as LAN/WAN, Email, Intranet, Internet, Business Financial Report, Data warehouse & Target Mkt. System, etc.

D) IS Projects

? Plans, implements, and coordinates local and international IS projects (analysis, planning, definition, designing, implementing, supporting).

Organizational Relationships
This position reports directly to the finance or country manager and functionally to the Head of Information Systems department (FIO) at RCV. He/she directly supervises the data maintenance & security; and indirectly local HW, SW, and service suppliers. ?Interfaces? regularly with local management, IS department in Vienna and ? in urgent cases ? with Global Support Center (GSC).

Job Specifications
High School or Bachelor?s degree, preferably in computer science or equivalent plus one to three year?s related experience, including supervisory/managerial experience in a wide range of IS activities:
? LAN (local area network etc.) - implementing and supporting.
? Hardware: PCs/Notebooks, Server, Network Infrastructure.
? Software: MS Windows XP, MS Office XP Professional, MS Internet Explorer,
? E-mail: MS Exchange 5.5 and 2003, MS Outlook XP and 2003.
? WAN (wide area network) - basics: frame relay, VPN, X.28 remote access, Internet, TCP/IP, modems.
? Relational & multidimensional databases (eg. Oracle) - basics.
? ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) - basics in the field of business applications.

This job requires further:
? excellent English knowledge
? analytical thinking and problem solving
? good communication skills
? ability to understand human behavior
? ability to organize and coordinate projects, project teams, user courses and workshops
? mature judgment

Location: Almaty
Salary: USD 1500 - 2000

E-mail: ruslanmail@inbox.ru
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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what company?

New Repoffice in Almaty of World Wide Pharmaceutical Company
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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Korvin HR

Korvin HR
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